


Bug #10873 ยป chirp_debug-deisaeac.txt

Doug Rehman, 09/28/2023 06:15 PM

[2023-09-28 21:02:26,953] chirp.logger - DEBUG: CHIRP next-20230924 on Win32 (Unknown 10.0:19045) (Python 3.10.8)
[2023-09-28 21:02:26,995] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Using locale: en_US (276)
[2023-09-28 21:02:26,999] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=True for CHIRP: en_US (de,el,en_US,es,fr,hu,it,nl,pl,pt_BR,ru,tr_TR,uk_UA,zh_CN) from C:\Program Files (x86)\CHIRP\chirp\locale
[2023-09-28 21:02:27,002] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=False for wxstd: en_US (af,an,ar,ca,ca@valencia,co,cs,da,de,el,es,eu,fa_IR,fi,fr,gl_ES,hi,hr,hu,id,it,ja,ka,ko_KR,lt,lv,ms,nb,ne,nl,pl,pt,pt_BR,ro,ru,sk,sl,sq,sv,ta,tr,uk,vi,zh_CN,zh_TW)
[2023-09-28 21:02:27,198] main - INFO: Python/3.10.8 // Windows/Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 // CHIRP/next-20230924 // wx/4.2.0 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.2.0
[2023-09-28 21:02:27,589] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Server reports next-20230928 is latest
[2023-09-28 21:02:52,173] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Using port 'COM3'
[2023-09-28 21:02:52,173] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Selected <class 'chirp.drivers.h777.H777Radio'>
[2023-09-28 21:02:52,209] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Serial opened: Serial<id=0x2ed51f162c0, open=True>(port='COM3', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=0.25, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False) (rts=True dtr=True)
[2023-09-28 21:02:52,209] chirp.drivers.h777 - DEBUG: download
[2023-09-28 21:02:52,835] chirp.wxui.clone - ERROR: Failed to clone: No response from radio
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirp\wxui\", line 69, in run
File "chirp\drivers\", line 356, in sync_in
File "chirp\drivers\", line 202, in do_download
File "chirp\drivers\", line 117, in _h777_enter_programming_mode
chirp.errors.RadioError: No response from radio
[2023-09-28 21:03:03,793] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Using port 'COM3'
[2023-09-28 21:03:03,793] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Selected <class 'chirp.drivers.h777.H777Radio'>
[2023-09-28 21:03:03,831] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Serial opened: Serial<id=0x2ed51f49e40, open=True>(port='COM3', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=0.25, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False) (rts=True dtr=True)
[2023-09-28 21:03:03,831] chirp.drivers.h777 - DEBUG: download
[2023-09-28 21:03:04,459] chirp.wxui.clone - ERROR: Failed to clone: No response from radio
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirp\wxui\", line 69, in run
File "chirp\drivers\", line 356, in sync_in
File "chirp\drivers\", line 202, in do_download
File "chirp\drivers\", line 117, in _h777_enter_programming_mode
chirp.errors.RadioError: No response from radio
[2023-09-28 21:03:12,453] chirp.wxui.clone - WARNING: Stopping clone thread
[2023-09-28 21:03:53,434] chirp.wxui.common - ERROR: <function ChirpMain._menu_debug_loc at 0x000002ED51C1F130> raised unexpected exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirp\wxui\", line 573, in run_safe
File "chirp\wxui\", line 1706, in _menu_debug_loc
File "chirp\wxui\", line 606, in reveal_location
FileNotFoundError: Path C:\Users\DDR\AppData\Local\Temp\chirp_debug-6wk28ydg.txt does not exist
[2023-09-28 21:04:09,887] chirp.wxui.common - ERROR: <function ChirpMain._menu_debug_loc at 0x000002ED51C1F130> raised unexpected exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirp\wxui\", line 573, in run_safe
File "chirp\wxui\", line 1706, in _menu_debug_loc
File "chirp\wxui\", line 606, in reveal_location
FileNotFoundError: Path C:\Users\DDR\AppData\Local\Temp\chirp_debug-houwer_a.txt does not exist