[2024-04-27 11:49:37,967] chirp.logger - DEBUG: CHIRP next-20240427 on Win32 (Unknown 10.0:19045) (Python 3.10.8) [2024-04-27 11:49:38,014] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Using locale: pl_PL (610) [2024-04-27 11:49:38,014] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=True for CHIRP: pl_PL (de,el,en_US,es,fr,hu,it,ja_JP,nl,pl,pt_BR,ru,tr_TR,uk_UA,zh_CN) from O:\info\_radio_\Chirp - programowanie radia\chirp-next-20240427-win64\chirp\locale [2024-04-27 11:49:38,014] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=True for wxstd: pl_PL (af,an,ar,ca,ca@valencia,co,cs,da,de,el,es,eu,fa_IR,fi,fr,gl_ES,hi,hr,hu,id,it,ja,ka,ko_KR,lt,lv,ms,nb,ne,nl,pl,pt,pt_BR,ro,ru,sk,sl,sq,sv,ta,tr,uk,vi,zh_CN,zh_TW) [2024-04-27 11:49:38,237] main - INFO: Python/3.10.8 // Windows/Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 // CHIRP/next-20240427 // wx/4.2.0 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.2.0 [2024-04-27 11:49:38,268] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Removing stale legacy stock config DE Freenet Frequencies.csv [2024-04-27 11:49:38,268] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Removing stale legacy stock config EU LPD and PMR Channels.csv [2024-04-27 11:49:38,268] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Removing stale legacy stock config FR Marine VHF Channels.csv [2024-04-27 11:49:38,268] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Removing stale legacy stock config SE Jaktradio 155MHz.csv [2024-04-27 11:49:38,268] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Removing stale legacy stock config UK Business Radio Simple Light Frequencies.csv [2024-04-27 11:49:38,268] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Removing stale legacy stock config US 60 meter channels (Center).csv [2024-04-27 11:49:38,268] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Removing stale legacy stock config US 60 meter channels (Dial).csv [2024-04-27 11:49:38,268] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Removing stale legacy stock config US CA Railroad Channels.csv [2024-04-27 11:49:38,268] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Removing stale legacy stock config US Calling Frequencies.csv [2024-04-27 11:49:38,268] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Removing stale legacy stock config US FRS and GMRS Channels.csv [2024-04-27 11:49:38,268] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Removing stale legacy stock config US MURS Channels.csv [2024-04-27 11:49:38,268] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US Marine VHF Channels.csv because same name found in user dir: File is changed [2024-04-27 11:49:38,268] chirp.wxui.main - DEBUG: Recent is now ['O:\\info\\_paralotnie\\radio\\Yaesu VXA-700\\vxa700-ul.py', 'O:\\info\\_paralotnie\\radio\\Yaesu VXA-700\\Vertex Standard_VXA-700_20231121-test.img', 'C:\\Users\\cra3y\\Documents\\Vertex Standard_VXA-700_20240427-Chirp-legacy.img'] [2024-04-27 11:49:38,739] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Server reports next-20240427 is latest [2024-04-27 11:49:41,562] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Loaded metadata: {'vendor': 'Vertex Standard', 'model': 'VXA-700', 'chirp_version': 'legacy-20221217', 'rclass': 'DynamicRadioAlias', 'variant': ''} [2024-04-27 11:49:41,562] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Loaded metadata: {'vendor': 'Vertex Standard', 'model': 'VXA-700', 'chirp_version': 'legacy-20221217', 'rclass': 'DynamicRadioAlias', 'variant': ''} [2024-04-27 11:49:41,562] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Parsed version 'legacy-20221217' to (0,) [2024-04-27 11:49:41,562] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Parsed version 'next-20240427' to (0,) [2024-04-27 11:49:41,577] chirp.wxui.main - DEBUG: File exists in recent, moving to front [2024-04-27 11:49:41,577] chirp.wxui.main - DEBUG: Recent is now ['C:\\Users\\cra3y\\Documents\\Vertex Standard_VXA-700_20240427-Chirp-legacy.img', 'O:\\info\\_paralotnie\\radio\\Yaesu VXA-700\\vxa700-ul.py', 'O:\\info\\_paralotnie\\radio\\Yaesu VXA-700\\Vertex Standard_VXA-700_20231121-test.img'] [2024-04-27 11:49:46,927] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: All system ports: [{'device': 'COM2', 'name': 'COM2', 'description': 'Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM2)', 'hwid': 'USB VID:PID=067B:2303 SER= LOCATION=1-5.2', 'vid': 1659, 'pid': 8963, 'serial_number': '', 'location': '1-5.2', 'manufacturer': 'Prolific', 'product': None, 'interface': None}] [2024-04-27 11:49:50,307] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Opening serial 'COM2' after upload prompt [2024-04-27 11:49:50,492] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Serial opened: Serial(port='COM2', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=0.25, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False) (rts=True dtr=True) [2024-04-27 11:49:50,507] chirp.wxui.clone - ERROR: Failed to clone: Failed to communicate with the radio: argument for 's' must be a bytes object Traceback (most recent call last): File "chirp\drivers\vxa700.py", line 193, in sync_out File "chirp\drivers\vxa700.py", line 93, in _upload struct.error: argument for 's' must be a bytes object During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "chirp\wxui\clone.py", line 77, in run File "chirp\drivers\vxa700.py", line 197, in sync_out chirp.errors.RadioError: Failed to communicate with the radio: argument for 's' must be a bytes object [2024-04-27 11:50:06,319] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Opening serial 'COM2' after upload prompt [2024-04-27 11:50:06,503] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Serial opened: Serial(port='COM2', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=0.25, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False) (rts=True dtr=True) [2024-04-27 11:50:06,519] chirp.wxui.clone - ERROR: Failed to clone: Failed to communicate with the radio: argument for 's' must be a bytes object Traceback (most recent call last): File "chirp\drivers\vxa700.py", line 193, in sync_out File "chirp\drivers\vxa700.py", line 93, in _upload struct.error: argument for 's' must be a bytes object During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "chirp\wxui\clone.py", line 77, in run File "chirp\drivers\vxa700.py", line 197, in sync_out chirp.errors.RadioError: Failed to communicate with the radio: argument for 's' must be a bytes object [2024-04-27 11:51:50,690] chirp.wxui.clone - WARNING: Stopping clone thread [2024-04-27 11:52:59,937] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Selected bandplan: iaru_r1