chirp-legacy open 75% 1544 issues (1161 closed — 383 open) Related issues Bug #169: VX-7 doesn't recognize memory groups until one is set on the radio's keypad Actions Bug #209: need py27-suds for osx Actions Bug #334: TYT TH-UV3R :: chirp program seems to access radio but writes empty .img file Actions Bug #409: vx-8dr, banks not working Actions Bug #695: UV-5RA Backlights are gone. Actions Bug #711: Repeaterbook query in DC does not work Actions Bug #921: Incomplete CSV data Actions Bug #929: Alinco DR-235TMKIII not programming NFM Actions Bug #955: Icom IC-91AD banks missing Actions Bug #963: Yaesu VX-7R fail to communicate Actions Bug #1053: Baojie BJ-UV99 Actions Bug #1081: wrong repeater offset in Icom ID-51 Actions Bug #1089: stock_configs file not opening properly in Windows 8 Actions Bug #1113: IC-2100H Actions Bug #1189: Anytone AT-5888UV Read Error Actions Bug #1227: TYT TH-UV3R :: radio does not upload memories to CHIRP Actions Bug #1241: locales not included in Linux builds Actions Bug #1355: Chirp dooes not populate the frequencies Actions Bug #1373: Error when downloading from VX-8DR on Mac Actions Bug #1419: FT-60R loss of skip feature during upload and download Actions Bug #1437: tpe exports Actions Bug #1491: AnyTone AT-5888UV tone squelch programming problem Actions Bug #1511: VX-8R Failure to Communicate with the Radio: Received Incomplete Image from Radio Actions Bug #1513: Re: Actions Bug #1571: Baofeng UV-82L Actions Bug #1593: No me arranca el programa (Program doesn't start) Actions Bug #1615: Yaesu VX-8DR - Cannot be imported because mode NFM not supported Actions Bug #1619: Yaesu FT-8800 Banks no programming on RH side Actions Bug #1665: Kenwood TM-D700 will only allow freq change, not pl or others Actions Bug #1735: Yaesu VX-8DR - Frequencies programmed with chirp have frequency offset in TX/TR Actions Bug #1775: Puxing PX-777 Actions Bug #1797: Misleading Message "An ERROR has Occurred" Actions Bug #1803: Wouxun KG-833 programming Actions Bug #1805: Rename/Delete and Shift memory clears bank membership Actions Bug #1859: Wouxun KG-UV2D Radio not responding Actions Bug #1891: Unable to copy/paste memories on FT-8800R Actions Bug #1897: Baofeng UV-5R - I cannot save a duplex / split frequency Actions Bug #1911: .img file with matching Firmware still causes CHIRP to crash and radios to not work Actions Bug #1937: DR-06 programming issue Actions Bug #1957: baofeng programming Actions Bug #1965: Yaesu FT-8800R Right Side Memory Banks Not Programming Actions Bug #2003: Channel Skip Not working on BAOfeng UF-5R Actions Bug #2019: I can download but can't upload to any of my FT-60's Actions Bug #2041: Squelch Actions Bug #2067: GT3 MarkII Not Responding Actions Bug #2075: error programming Actions Bug #2079: Uploading on IC-V82 hangs at 50% Actions Bug #2097: UV-82 Unsupported Firmware US2S25 Actions Bug #2105: 12/10 daily build won't install Actions Bug #2131: New Baofeng UV-B5 - Radio did Not Ack ... - OEM soft-Ok Actions Bug #2145: Wouxun KG-UV8D Mode and Power Actions Bug #2207: FT-8800R Upload Programming Issue Actions Bug #2237: BAOFENG BF-F9V2+ Actions Bug #2239: Baofeng BF-F9V2+ - Chirp crashes when uploading settings Actions Bug #2289: Windows 8.1 Actions Bug #2301: OS X Freezes between walkie swaps Actions Bug #2303: Yaesu FT-2800M can't read header. Actions Bug #2333: got a nv-5 that will not accept CHIRP Actions Bug #2413: px-2r download fail Actions Bug #2417: Name set in chirp not set in a radio Actions Bug #2451: Intek KT-980HP radio download error Actions Bug #2477: Error when reading Yaesu FT-2800M Actions Bug #2479: Unable to Disable Transmit to Create Receive-only Channels Actions Bug #2561: ft60 / prolific serial cable - will read from radio but won't write Actions Bug #2605: IC-T70A does not work with FTDI cable at all Actions Bug #2681: Baofeng UV-5RCHP not working Actions Bug #2695: Connecting with Yaesu FT-7900R Actions Bug #2739: Yaesu FT1DE name field size overrun Actions Bug #2741: Yaesu FT1DE units problem Actions Bug #2749: Bf-F9V2+ Not responding Actions Bug #2773: Yaesu FT-60 upload Actions Bug #2803: Error Actions Bug #2817: CHIRP does not upload only specified, but all, memories in new bank to VX6R Actions Bug #2879: Chirp does not readout radio correctly Actions Bug #2887: Th-uvf8d settings issue Actions Bug #2897: Settings blank Baofeng BF-888 Actions Bug #2901: Windows 10 Change language issue CHIRP daily-20150814 & 20151005 Actions Bug #2971: 2900 error Actions Bug #2987: BF-F8HP Actions Bug #2997: Application Crashes when adjusting viewable memory range / exporting Anytone UV5888.img file Actions Bug #3005: Doesn't load the Chirp with Puxing-777 Actions Bug #3025: FT-1802 Fails to upload Actions Bug #3049: UV 5R + program issue Actions Bug #3061: Baofeng UV-5RV2+ does not transmit Actions Bug #3073: Upload Vx-6r error Mac OS X Actions Bug #3075: Luiton LT-898UV settings Actions Bug #3087: UV-82 on Mac, will upload to chirp once, then will not download to radio Actions Bug #3097: Software does not change the language. Actions Bug #3111: TYT TH9000D Actions Bug #3115: Baofeng UV82HP not recognized but no error message Actions Bug #3117: BF-F8HP "Radio did not respond" Actions Bug #3143: Yaesu Ft-1900 Failed to read header Actions Bug #3155: Chirp will not import RepeaterBook Actions Bug #3157: Wouxun UV-3D programming issue Actions Bug #3159: IC 2200H only showing channel names of 8 of 40 programmed channels. Actions Bug #3163: Yaesu FT-1900/FT-2900/FT-8800 problem Actions Bug #3173: Baofeng 997-S - CHIRP - No Response Issue Actions Bug #3181: chirp won't startup in windows 10 Actions Bug #3255: uv-5rtp Actions Bug #3267: Retevis RT5RV (Baofeng UV5R variant) programming issue Actions Bug #3301: Failed to communicate with radio: Radio not responding Actions Bug #3303: UVB5 Programming issue Actions Bug #3335: Yaesu FT-2800 can't read header Actions Bug #3345: Radio refused to send second block 0x1fc0 Actions Bug #3347: Chirp won't open in Windows 10 Actions Bug #3359: error 3 Actions Bug #3361: BF-8HP Actions Bug #3397: Baofeng UV-5R Actions Bug #3415: Hungarian language not activated Actions Bug #3449: Unblock frequencies on Baofeng UV-5R Actions Bug #3469: please help with this... Actions Bug #3479: TYT-9800 & BF-9v2+ Actions Bug #3513: Baofeng BF-A58 Actions Bug #3551: Yaesu FT-8800 Memory Banks - Ubuntu V15.10 Actions Bug #3553: Download doesn't work Actions Bug #3567: FT1900 Failed to read header Actions Bug #3573: Yaesu ft2900r programming issue Actions Bug #3579: UV-5R_frequency_limits Actions Bug #3581: Baofeng UV-5R frequency limits Actions Bug #3585: Connecting PowerWerx DB-750X to Mac and CHIRP Actions Bug #3593: FT-7900R Download, but no upload. Actions Bug #3603: C'ant connect BAOFENG UV-5RE to CHIRP error 995 Actions Bug #3607: Chirp daily not working after Ubuntu update Actions Bug #3623: An Error has occured Actions Bug #3631: Error on Yaesu FT-1900r Actions Bug #3637: BTECH UV-2501+220 - error The extra ID is short, aborting. Actions Bug #3673: UV-5RTP wont communicate even in BF-F8HP mode Actions Bug #3685: Yaesu VX-170 downloads but won't upload Actions Bug #3687: KG-UVD1P not responding Actions Bug #3717: Freezes upload on Icom ID-880H Actions Bug #3737: TH-9800 Won't communicate with most recent build Actions Bug #3763: Icom IC-T70E bad frequency problem Actions Bug #3789: PX-777 won't download from radio Actions Bug #3813: Kenwood TK-860G frequency range adjustment Actions Bug #3847: IC92AD - Errors Actions Bug #3867: BFB297 Baofeng UV -5R does not send the Relay . Actions Bug #3883: Inability to Change Radio Image With File Actions Bug #3903: Chirp Does Not Respond after trying to download or upload to radio Actions Bug #3909: Yaesu FT-2800M can't read header Actions Bug #3919: Yaesu FT-2800M can't read header Actions Bug #3927: UV 5R Actions Bug #3961: GT3 Will not enter clone Actions Bug #3969: HobbyPCB RS-UV3 Live Mode Errors in CSV Import Actions Bug #4001: BUG IN BAOFENG UV-6R - MENU SETTINGS IN WHITE Actions Bug #4055: Error Message "Failed to communicate with radio: local variable 'response' referenced before assignment" Actions Bug #4111: New out of the box QYT KT-8900 Actions Bug #4135: I cannot get CHIRP to work on my newer Windows Laptop Actions Bug #4211: UV5-X3 220 MHZ defaults to NBFM Actions Bug #4237: Yaesu VX-3R. No download from radio. Actions Bug #4273: "Download from the radio" - FT7800 Actions Bug #4293: error reporting is enable Actions Bug #4295: Yaesu VX-8DE: unable to program broadcast AM and FM frequencies Actions Bug #4307: BF-F8HP radio model no longer working with UV-5RTP Actions Bug #4323: gt3 tp & gt5 tp Actions Bug #4339: Yaesu FT-8900 repeater offset Actions Bug #4347: Retevis RT1 - VOX Inhibit On Receive Actions Bug #4391: Baofeng GT-3TP giving incorrect model Actions Bug #4417: BaoFeng BF-F9V2+ Actions Bug #4433: Baofeng GT-3WP Restarting during clone process Actions Bug #4443: Error Puxing PX-777 Actions Bug #4459: Original Yaesu FT-817 Actions Bug #4473: Puxing PX-2R Names Actions Bug #4481: UV-3R mark II Actions Bug #4527: Can't program 1200mhz frequencies into memory on D710 Actions Bug #4529: Luthor TL-50 (= Juentai JT-UV9DR) TX frequency range Actions Bug #4537: Yaesu VX-6R Actions Bug #4545: ICOM ID-51A Plus 2 Actions Bug #4563: TYT TH-9800+ (PLUS version) - Failed to communicate with the radio: Radio sent a short block. Actions Bug #4567: wouxon kg-uvdp1 Actions Bug #4569: Baofeng GT-5TP Actions Bug #4577: WLN KD-C1: previous .img files are not recongnized. Download from radio reports Retevis RT-22. Actions Bug #4611: Chirp wont finish clone Actions Bug #4623: Randomly failed import CSV into Kenwood TM-V7 Actions Bug #4627: VX-7r "Clone Errror" on radio Actions Bug #4629: Baofeng GT-3 TP "Radio did not respond" - Mac OSX Actions Bug #4647: Radio not talking to Chirp Actions Bug #4683: Offset written to TYT TH9800 radio is incorrect Actions Bug #4701: Baofeng GT-5TP not recognized Actions Bug #4717: How do I get the Mac version to actually acknowledge my FT-817ND that is connected to the USB Port??? Actions Bug #4719: Wouxun KG-UV8D PL/DPL Decode Actions Bug #4721: Luiton Model: LT-898UV Failed to download from radio. Radio refused program mode Actions Bug #4725: Yaesu VX-3R MAC OS X can't upload to radio? Actions Bug #4753: Only odd channels are uploaded, nothing on Ch 1-9 Actions Bug #4775: BTech UV-5x3 Actions Bug #4785: impossible to connect to BF888S Actions Bug #4801: Suds library required for Actions Bug #4827: Bluetooth Serial Communications Actions Bug #4833: Problems cloning Baofeng UV-82 Actions Bug #4837: Bluetooth Serial Communications Actions Bug #4841: Yaesu VX 8DR Actions Bug #4843: Wouxun KG-UV8D connection problem Actions Bug #4891: UV-2501 Settings error Actions Bug #4893: Yaesu Ft-60 Still not uploading to radio Actions Bug #4911: Offset written to TYT TH9800 radio is incorrect Actions Bug #4925: Chirp & Mac OS 10.12 (Sierra ... a no go?) Actions Bug #4943: Repeat of #4007 - Error reads `GtkCellRendererText' does not have property `has-entry' Actions Bug #4945: Yaesu FT-8900 Failed to read header Actions Bug #4949: Baofeng BF-888S "radio failed to enter programing mode" Actions Bug #4953: Baofeng UV-5R+ Actions Bug #4955: ICom ID-880h CL ERR Actions Bug #4957: UV-5R not showing settings tab Actions Bug #4963: UNABLE TO ACCESS RADIO REFERNCE.COM Server raised fault: 'Invalid Username or Password' Actions Bug #4971: CHIRP DAILY 2017-06-27 works on my WIN 10 but do not start on WIN XP on PC and ASUS EEE Actions Bug #4981: Numerous errors trying to send stuff to my radio Actions Bug #4991: UV-B5 no longer option Duplex off in CHIRP daily-20170706. Actions Bug #4999: Ubuntu 17.04 problem Actions Bug #5007: ID-51a PLUS - "Failed to communicate with the radio: Out of sync with radio." Actions Bug #5011: BF-F8HP Actions Bug #5017: Leixen VV-898E read/write error Actions Bug #5019: VV-898E channel reading Actions Bug #5021: Yaesu VX-3R hangs up on upload; Mac OSX. Actions Bug #5039: Radio refused to accept block 0x0510 Actions Bug #5045: bf888 s error conect Actions Bug #5047: BF888S 'Radio Refesued to Enter Programming mode' Error + Chinese Language + Long beep Tone Actions Bug #5057: BF UV5R issues with Mac OS Sierra 10.12 Actions Bug #5059: Firmware 1 Actions Bug #5061: Yaesu FT-2800M, can't put into clone mode Actions Bug #5065: Chirp doesn´t open or save any image Actions Bug #5067: Chirp Doesn't Export Power Mode Of Channel Actions Bug #5073: UV-3R Offset and Step incorrect Actions Bug #5075: Desktop Entry File (Linux) Actions Bug #5099: Code Cleanup patch Actions Bug #5103: DTMF & ANI code changing for QYT KT-8900 Actions Bug #5111: UV5R offset precision not right. Actions Bug #5119: Jetstream JT270MH in weird state after failed upload Actions Bug #5127: BF-F9V2+ Unable to download Radio - Radio did not respond Actions Bug #5139: Issues with new FT1D/FT1XD Firmware Actions Bug #5141: Yaesu V-7 Issue - Chirp Presents ONLY first 110 rows of Memory Banks and Freezes Actions Bug #5147: Issues with MAC OS X Actions Bug #5149: Attempting to clone a Kenwood TK-272G Actions Bug #5155: Chirp on Mac os Actions Bug #5167: Yaesu FT2DR memory banks problem Actions Bug #5169: Cannot program Yaesu FT-2900R from Mac running OS X Sierra (10.12.5) Actions Bug #5171: UV-5R Radio Did Not Respond (no cable issue) Actions Bug #5181: UV-82 reading problems with chirp-daily-20170714 Actions Bug #5195: radio not supported Actions Bug #5205: Baofeng UV-3R+ decimal in wrong place Actions Bug #5215: I recently downloaded chirp program and it worked for one day Actions Bug #5223: Uploading TH-D72(Clone) shows "Error" on memories with -7.6MHz shift Actions Bug #5229: Baofeng GT-3 Mark II # CHIPR Actions Bug #5241: Incorrect model Baofeng GT-5TP Actions Bug #5243: ft-2900 Rtsystem usb-29f ubuntu failed to read header Actions Bug #5245: debug notepad Actions Bug #5257: Cannot load in Mac Sierra Actions Bug #5263: UV-5RV2+ radio not connecting to Chirp Actions Bug #5267: CHIRP Resets some changes Actions Bug #5269: Programming Rugged Radio RM-25R. Radio is similar to QYT8900, Waccom mini 8900. Actions Bug #5275: Improper treatment of unknown fields for Alinco DJ-G7 Actions Bug #5281: Export to CSV bug - incorrectly populated fields Actions Bug #5289: Several Empty Channels when trying to download Actions Bug #5293: KG-UV8D Bug: When uploading to the radio, the R-CTC is set to some non-OFF value, silencing all channels Actions Bug #5315: Copy and paste function Do not work with Excel 2016!!! Actions Bug #5317: Chirp Cannot read Excel 2016 .cvs files Actions Bug #5319: Chrip cannot read Excel 2016 .xml Files Actions Bug #5323: icom ic t70e Actions Bug #5327: ft2900 header error Actions Bug #5335: BTECH UV-5X3, Unable to download from radio Actions Bug #5337: MAC DRIVER FOR OS X Yosemite Arduinos with CH340 Actions Bug #5341: Baofeng UV-6R unable to detect model Actions Bug #5345: Clone failed: Radio did not respond Actions Bug #5349: Write Error Icom IC-T70A w/ MacOS High Sierra Actions Bug #5351: QYT KT8900 - I cannot change from wide to narrow in Chrirp Actions Bug #5355: column order setting parsing is calling split on None. Actions Bug #5357: Many cases where an exception is caughted and printed w/o any context Actions Bug #5361: Query data sources from not loading Actions Bug #5363: Baofeng BF-888s "Radio Refused to enter programming mode" Actions Bug #5369: WOUXUN KG-UV8D(PLUS) Actions Bug #5385: Chirp does not properly read or set split tone setti mg Actions Bug #5401: Leixen VV-898 v.107 program / offset issue Actions Bug #5411: Icom IC-7100 Actions Bug #5417: Chirp Windows installer 11-26-17 failed to install Actions Bug #5419: vv-898 FMN FMW issue Actions Bug #5425: Repeater Offsets not imported correctly from Repeater Book Actions Bug #5427: CHIRP START-UP Actions Bug #5431: Chirp won't star in Windows 10(1703), Laptop (Thinkpad T420) Actions Bug #5445: IC-E7 (P7) fails upload data on Mac Actions Bug #5457: instructions Actions Bug #5459: frequency is out of supported range Actions Bug #5465: QYT KT-7900D settings missing Actions Bug #5467: Yeasu FT-1900R fails programming at 75% Actions Bug #5469: TH-9000 220 - Radio did not accept block at 0100 Actions Bug #5473: Alinco DR-06T Split TSQL And Tone Frequencies Actions Bug #5477: Baofeng GT-3TP not transmitting Actions Bug #5479: Baofeng GT-5TP - Incorrect Model Selected Actions Bug #5495: Icom ID-51 - offset in alpha channels incorrect Actions Bug #5503: Cannot read/write radio memory: Wouxun KG-UVD1P Actions Bug #5529: Radio switches back to Chinese language after programming and will not keep names on frequencies Actions Bug #5535: Yaesu FT-8800 -- Right Memory Bank is not working at all Actions Bug #5543: Error when Uploading to VX-6 on macOS 10.13.3 Actions Bug #5553: Wouxun KG-UV8D Plus - settings blank Actions Bug #5557: Baofeng UV-5R Actions Bug #5565: Programation du baofeng UV-9R Actions Bug #5567: Connecting radio to computer Actions Bug #5575: Baofeng UV-5R - CHIRP does not display Apple FTDI driver in Comm port Actions Bug #5589: Icom IC-208H Unexpected Response From Radio Actions Bug #5591: IC-91A Unable to communicate Actions Bug #5601: Cloning to radio stops in middle (Baofeng UV-5R) Actions Bug #5611: not sure if bug... but need help Actions Bug #5613: WOUXUN KG-UV3D Radio not in list, MAC OS10.13.3. High Sierra Actions Bug #5615: UV-6 cannot download settings Actions Bug #5627: CHIRP and Baofeng UV-3+ Actions Bug #5633: Non-matching Firmware Message 2 for sequential s/n F8HP Actions Bug #5641: Yaesu FT-50R Non Standard Tx Offset Error Actions Bug #5643: FT-70DR uploads slightly corrupt Actions Bug #5645: Baofeng BF-F8HP (UV-5R 3rd Gen) won't program Actions Bug #5667: Yaesu FT-2800 CHIRP Problems Actions Bug #5685: No response from radios Actions Bug #5693: Yaesu vx-6 clone download issue Actions Bug #5723: Change language Actions Bug #5727: chirp-daily-20180412 EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) on OSX high sierra Actions Bug #5729: Yaesu FT-897 not downloading channel names Actions Bug #5735: Chirp not starting Actions Bug #5739: Cannot get chirp to run Actions Bug #5745: UV-82 DX Compatiblity Actions Bug #5749: Kenwood Tm-V71 - Lower case name characters display as blanks Actions Bug #5755: Problem Connection Baofeng UV-82HX Actions Bug #5783: Crash when attempting to download from DB750X Actions Bug #5803: Baofeng UV-6R Actions Bug #5817: Please can you add baofeng uv-8d on chirp. Actions Bug #5835: Today's build errors Actions Bug #5837: Radio Did Not Respond Error. Actions Bug #5851: Cannot download from Baojie BJ-218 in my Mac Actions Bug #5863: Yaesu VX-7R checksum failed Actions Bug #5907: Radioddity DB25 Actions Bug #5917: Baojie UV99 Actions Bug #5933: Icom IC-208, IC-208H offset frequency not always correct Actions Bug #5953: Chirp Expands vhf and uhf transmit frequencies Actions Bug #5955: Kenwood TK-7102, Radio refused program mode Actions Bug #5963: Baofeng UV-82 showing "Incorrect Model" when reading Actions Bug #5969: Baofeng UV-5R: names not changing Actions Bug #5979: split plus cross tone yields error on PX-777 Actions Bug #5981: Baofeng Mark III Actions Bug #5983: QYT 7900D/Radioddity QB25 Actions Bug #5993: Tone 88.5 Actions Bug #5999: KT-8900D TMR Setting Actions Bug #6013: Baofeng UV-5R - Tone Mode column values set to TSQL after table refresh if the value is set to Cross. Actions Bug #6019: Retevis RT-21: No Response from Radio Actions Bug #6033: "Failed to communicate with radio: Unable to read block 00 expected 4 got 0" FT-817ND (US) Actions Bug #6037: QYT KT-8900D failed to identify radio Actions Bug #6041: WLN Actions Bug #6043: Can't write: C:\Program Files (x86) CHIRP\_hashlib.pyd Actions Bug #6045: Btech MURS-V1 Radio Read Error Actions Bug #6057: Won't Open COM Port Actions Bug #6061: Baofeng UV-82C, UV-5HP cannot be programmed manually after Chirp use on them Actions Bug #6069: baofeng gt3tp-mark3 Firmware bfp3-3 Code 150121n after backup radio not respond Actions Bug #6071: FTDI software disabled - Mac OS (High Sierra 10.13.6) Actions Bug #6083: Wiki missing description for TSQL-R Actions Bug #6089: FTM-3200 Checksum Failed [064A-06C8 (@06C9)] Actions Bug #6097: Programming '-' offset Actions Bug #6099: downloads Actions Bug #6105: KT-8900D Actions Bug #6109: Leixen 898. can't download from radio Actions Bug #6115: Radio did not enter clone mode Actions Bug #6135: Baofeng UV-B5 not uploading to radio on Mac OS version. Actions Bug #6137: Upload to IC-T70A freezes Actions Bug #6145: Cannot read/write radio memory: Wouxun KG-UVD1P Actions Bug #6155: Yaesu VX-6E/R shift issue Actions Bug #6157: Yaesu FT-8900R Settings Tab Missing & Bands Tab Issues Actions Bug #6163: QYT KT-8900D not loading up Actions Bug #6171: Baofeng UV-82HP won't connect Actions Bug #6181: Baofeng GT-5TP Actions Bug #6187: Baofeng UV-5R UHF/VHF problem Actions Bug #6207: Icom 2300H - CHIRP hangs during upload to radio at about 50% complete Actions Bug #6215: Mackbook Issue Actions Bug #6217: Radioddity GA-2S: setting the side button not possible within CHIRP Actions Bug #6233: Yaesu Ft7900 "Radio did not ack block at 72" Radio did not ack block at 0 Actions Bug #6249: KT8900D won't enter clone mode Actions Bug #6251: Radio Fails to connect Actions Bug #6255: Out of sync Issue for ID-51A Actions Bug #6261: UV-82HP Advanced Settings not transferring Actions Bug #6267: CRT-279UV clone QYT KT7900D does not enter clone mode Actions Bug #6271: UV-5R receive backlight not timing out Actions Bug #6275: Data Import from Radio Reference Actions Bug #6277: rpttool: import error Actions Bug #6279: chirpc: syntax error Actions Bug #6287: I need help installng Actions Bug #6293: Special channels button clears all memories / Yaesu FT-8900 Actions Bug #6299: 20181214 wont install on Win10 Can't write files Actions Bug #6309: Retevis RT22 will not clone to radio Actions Bug #6311: BF-F8HP - Radio did not respond Actions Bug #6315: "Radio Identification Failed" || Luiton LT-316 Actions Bug #6319: Unable to complete upload to VX-6R Actions Bug #6337: help Actions Bug #6339: BF-F8+ Actions Bug #6341: This has probably been asked a million times but, I can't find a forum to search Actions Bug #6343: Failed to communicate, unexpected response - Icom ID-880H Actions Bug #6361: chirp-daily-20190104 Mac fails to launch Actions Bug #6371: All text rendered as squares in chirp-daily-20190112 (macOS) Actions Bug #6383: Settings Tab empty after setting PTT-ID (5-Tone) Actions Bug #6389: Puxing PX-2R errors reading/writing memories, fails miserably. Actions Bug #6401: Slow Read Error on AnyTone AT-5888UV Actions Bug #6411: Installer will not execute on Win10 Actions Bug #6415: invalid CHIRP Version string Actions Bug #6431: BTech UV-50x3 programming Actions Bug #6435: Linux startup error Actions Bug #6437: UV-50x3 programming Actions Bug #6439: Will not link to GT-5TP Actions Bug #6471: Baofeng BF-F8HP - Error setting memory when changing an entry after downloading from radio Actions Bug #6475: Cannot import Excel files with 1.25 meter band frequencies Actions Bug #6477: Cannot install software Actions Bug #6483: Can't upload, menu item grayed out Actions Bug #6513: Baoefeng UVB6 and BF-T1 Actions Bug #6515: Chirps not saving Frequency Splits Actions Bug #6523: Fix Leixen valid tuning steps Actions Bug #6535: GT-3TP: no programming option Actions Bug #6539: BF-F8HP- Firmware version N5R340B Actions Bug #6541: Fix BTech UV-50X3 valid tuning steps Actions Bug #6543: Fix Baofeng UV-B5 valid tuning steps Actions Bug #6547: Fix TDXONE TDQ8A valid tuning steps Actions Bug #6549: Fix Retevis RT1 valid tuning steps Actions Bug #6551: Fix Retevis RT21 valid tuning steps Actions Bug #6553: Fix Retevis RT22 valid tuning steps Actions Bug #6555: Fix Retevis RT23 valid tuning steps Actions Bug #6557: Fix Retevis RT26 valid tuning steps Actions Bug #6559: Fix KYD NC-630A valid tuning steps Actions Bug #6561: Fix anytone_ht valid tuning steps Actions Bug #6567: Error reading Baofeng UV-6 Actions Bug #6573: lacks a progress bar Actions Bug #6577: ft-65 offset scale factor should be 50000, not 25000 Actions Bug #6581: cannot import from repeaterbook Actions Bug #6585: "Incorrect 'Model' selected." for Btech GMRS-v1 Actions Bug #6601: FT-4 write to radio leads to error message Actions Bug #6605: FT4X name tags should allow characters + - / @ and * Actions Bug #6611: FT4/FT-65 VFO name order is scrambled Actions Bug #6621: TYT TH-9000D UHF Support Actions Bug #6631: Baofeng BF-T1 exception while reading attribute 'split' Actions Bug #6641: Yaesu FT 7100 Actions Bug #6647: Baofeng UV-9R Actions Bug #6653: Yaesu FT-7100M connection problem Actions Bug #6671: Yaesu : Will CHIRP brick these radios? Actions Bug #6673: Traceback while trying to clone Icom ID-800H Actions Bug #6681: Baofeng UV-5R refused to send second block 0x1f00 Actions Bug #6689: "Open" file selector window is blank Actions Bug #6703: BF-8FHP unavailable? Actions Bug #6705: mac 'The application "" can't be opened' Actions Bug #6717: New WLN KD C-1 // unknown identification string Actions Bug #6719: UV-5R and UV-5RX3 get VFO offsets wrong (entering 999.999 results in 99.99 when saved/uploaded) Actions Bug #6725: UV-5XP Actions Bug #6729: Rugged RH5R-V2 Actions Bug #6733: Driver Cleanup: Actions Bug #6735: Fix Baojie BJ-218 valid tuning steps Actions Bug #6747: Retevis RT22 New firmware "Radio Identification Failed" Actions Bug #6749: traducir Actions Bug #6751: Chirp not seeing USB port. Actions Bug #6753: BF-F8HP Actions Bug #6757: problem reading data from WLN KD-C1 - Radio identification failed - (white model) Actions Bug #6763: KG-UV8D Plus does not parse DCS entries Actions Bug #6765: keypad/menu changes will not take after programming with PC/Chirp. Baofeng UV-5RTP and BF-F9V2+ affected. Actions Bug #6789: BAOFENG UV5R Actions Bug #6791: Error code when importing Actions Bug #6793: Frequency step issue with Radioddity R2 (related to 6745) Actions Bug #6795: BF-888 - try the file called that is on the CD with the Prolific Cable Actions Bug #6797: BF-888 - try the file called that is on the CD with the Prolific Cable Actions Bug #6803: WLN KD-C1 radio identification failed Actions Bug #6821: Problem selecting per-channel power levels in BTech GMRS-50X1 Actions Bug #6825: RT23 Actions Bug #6829: Tuning step not supported for Leixen VV-898s Actions Bug #6833: UV5R Problem Actions Bug #6837: Windows 10 1903 :Communication ports not displayed Actions Bug #6849: Baofeng UV-5XP settings don't show Actions Bug #6857: Baofeng uv-5r Radio refused to send second block 0x1f00 Actions Bug #6861: Memory location number issue Kenwood TH-D7AG Actions Bug #6863: Can't program Tone Actions Bug #6865: Leixen VV898S show channel names not frequency Actions Bug #6869: Yaesu FT-65 Oddities Actions Bug #6871: The repository ' disco Release' does not have a Release file Actions Bug #6873: Yaesu FT-4XR out of range frequency issues Actions Bug #6875: New to CHIRP - Having issues Actions Bug #6877: Chirp launcher Actions Bug #6883: could not open port com4: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified. Actions Bug #6889: Settings Tab empty after downloading from Puxing PX888k Actions Bug #6897: USB no Connection Actions Bug #6905: 7.12.19 Mac version stopped working Actions Bug #6909: TYT UV8000E stepping Actions Bug #6919: Unable to upload file Actions Bug #6925: Yaesu FT-4XR Skip Function is Inverted Actions Bug #6931: Chirp Daily 20190718 fails to open on macOS Actions Bug #6937: version 20190718 will not open in Windows 10 computer Actions Bug #6939: KT-7900D says "radio identification failed: Actions Bug #6943: Stalled upload with ICOM ID-800H Actions Bug #6947: could not open COM3 error. Actions Bug #6955: New SW Ver. Partialy working for me. Actions Bug #6963: Looking for image for Wouxun KG-UV6D Actions Bug #6969: GA-2S Partially Broken Actions Bug #6971: BTech GMRS V1 " not the amount of data we want" Actions Bug #6973: BTech GMRS V1 " not the amount of data we want" Actions Bug #6975: Upload error to Baofeng uv5R, radio refused to accept black 0x0000 Actions Bug #6981: baofeng bf-888s Actions Bug #6983: Newest build Actions Bug #6989: Radio Identification failed error Actions Bug #6995: Wouxun KG-UV9D-Plus Actions Bug #7003: Not able to provision some radios. Actions Bug #7009: Baofeng GT-3TP: offset doesn't download Actions Bug #7015: tyt th9800/chirp Actions Bug #7019: CHIRP out of date, or is it? Actions Bug #7029: Yaesu FT-8800 Banks no programming on RH side Actions Bug #7031: IC-2730A occasional bank index errors Actions Bug #7053: Cannot import splinter frequencies (12.5KHz) on Kenwood TM-D700 Actions Bug #7055: Baofeng UV-5R 8W mod - does not set power Actions Bug #7067: Baofeng 888s - Read, cannot write channels on Windows 10 Actions Bug #7075: Icom download function is not testing checksum Actions Bug #7083: Won't Communicate Actions Bug #7085: Radio Download Actions Bug #7091: Luiton LT316 3W will no longer program Actions Bug #7099: Chirp wont run in Ubuntu Actions Bug #7103: [BAOFENG UV-9R] Programming channel names only allows 6 characters, should be 7 Actions Bug #7107: QYT KT-7900D Settings Page Fails to Load Actions Bug #7111: QYT KT-7900D Actions Bug #7113: Zastone X6 Actions Bug #7115: Baofeng UV-5R "Radio refused to send block 0x0000" Actions Bug #7117: Baofeng UV-5RTP chirp is loading and reading data but settings are blank. Actions Bug #7119: BF-888 "Refused to enter programming mode." Actions Bug #7121: Invalid ID for QYT KT-7900D Actions Bug #7129: Yaesu FT-7100M upload error. Actions Bug #7131: CHIRP Install Actions Bug #7133: No download from Yaesu FT-90 Actions Bug #7139: Error downloading from Baofeng UV-6 Actions Bug #7159: Baofeng UV-6R and Squelch (SQL) Actions Bug #7165: Step Error issues Actions Bug #7171: Yaesu FT-4x not in radio list now Actions Bug #7173: Baofeng UV-6R settings won't load if image countains out of boundaries value Actions Bug #7189: 6.25 step not available on Yaesu FT-4XE Actions Bug #7195: Boafeng GT 3TP Actions Bug #7199: Frequency Entry Error Checking Bug Actions Bug #7201: IO Catalina Actions Bug #7203: WLN KD-C1 gives error and fails when reading memories in daily 20191029 Actions Bug #7205: YAESU VX-8 NOT CLONING Actions Bug #7217: Incorrect detection of UV-82 series CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) files Actions Bug #7221: 12.5 KHz tuning step not supported bug Actions Bug #7225: Not downloading from repeater book directory Actions Bug #7227: Not downloading from repeater book directory Actions Bug #7267: Baofeng UV-9R Driver Actions Bug #7279: Settings tab blank, and error "Tuning step 6.25 not supported" "Frequency requires 6.25kHz" Actions Bug #7295: [UV-82HP] Firmware Version Not Detected Actions Bug #7299: TM-V7 Not Reading or Writing UHF frequencies. VHF Ok Actions Bug #7315: QYT KT7900D Actions Bug #7343: UV-82HP Actions Bug #7349: Error setting memory: Tuning step 12.5 not supported Actions Bug #7383: Baofeng UV-82 not recognized Actions Bug #7385: Baofeng UV-5R - CHIRP fails to connect using Ubuntu 18 LTS & Prolific USB cable Actions Bug #7389: Baofeng UV-82??? Actions Bug #7409: File->New is broken Actions Bug #7417: Yaesu FT-65R "Frequency out of supported range" error Actions Bug #7445: Leixen 898 >1.07 firmware - Also JetStream and other re-brands Actions Bug #7449: 12.5 KHz tuning step not supported bug on newer type "TK-370G" radio and variations Actions Bug #7451: TS-480 Auto-Baud Detection Actions Bug #7453: Kenwood Live: TMD710G Fixes Actions Bug #7455: Baofeng UV-5R radio not responding Actions Bug #7459: Baofeng UV-5R Export not correct Actions Bug #7463: Baofeng UV-5R Daily-20191206 Img not compatible with Daily-20191029 Actions Bug #7477: [QYT KT-7900D] Add Support for a New MCU-Version Actions Bug #7485: IC-2720H : Clone failed: Failed to communicate with the radio: Did not get clone result from radio Actions Bug #7491: WLN KD-C1 does not work at all Actions Bug #7493: Kenwood TS-590SG Actions Bug #7497: Baofeng BF-UVF10 no response Actions Bug #7499: [UV-9R] Add support for Baofeng UV-9R Actions Bug #7505: Issue with run_all_test.bat Actions Bug #7527: Baofeng UV9R Plus - failed programming Actions Bug #7535: Please support Baofeng UV-5XP Actions Bug #7541: Error when trying to upload to Arcshell AR6 Actions Bug #7545: Leixen VV-898S Jetstream JT-270MH mismatch Actions Bug #7551: Wouxon upload issue Actions Bug #7557: qty kt8900 -clone mode Actions Bug #7561: Cannot Read Radio or Radio Memory .dat Files Created with FT-3DR Actions Bug #7565: driver prolific Actions Bug #7601: [Yaesu FT-4, FT-65, FT-25] Sometimes channel names are not displayed correctly Actions Bug #7603: [Yaesu FT-4, FT-65, FT-25] After CSV import, channels are always low power Actions Bug #7605: [Yaesu FT-4, FT-65, FT-25] Automatic duplex value selection not working Actions Bug #7607: *buntu 20.04 Actions Bug #7609: BF-888 - mostly unstable - returned unknown identification string Actions Bug #7611: Zastone Z-218 (Baojie BJ-218) - problem for modifying ANI_ID (individual code) Actions Bug #7617: Radio QYT KT7900D - Firmware Actions Bug #7619: BAOFENG GT-3WP UNKNOWN RESPONSE FROM THE RADIO Actions Bug #7625: Yaesu FT-857D An error has occurred Actions Bug #7633: Cloning from computer to radio Icom IC-2730a Actions Bug #7643: Chirp nor executing from MX-19.1 Actions Bug #7645: Query and Import form RepeaterBook not working Actions Bug #7647: MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 - Cannot Access Local Directories That Are Also In iCloud Actions Bug #7649: CentOS 8 install via yum Actions Bug #7651: Baofeng UV-6R: Settings not loaded if bands not within spec Actions Bug #7653: Return of Not Seeing/Writing Setting Data for Newer Baofeng Model BF-888S Actions Bug #7655: unable to clone new radio Actions Bug #7657: Write to Radio problems Actions Bug #7659: [bj9900] Tuning Steps need updating Actions Bug #7661: Installer Program Failure Actions Bug #7667: Wouxun KG-UV9K tryed witch wouxun KG-UV9K PLUS setting this is the result a error at the end of reading it started well! Actions Bug #7671: CRT279U Actions Bug #7681: UV-5R Not accepting setting changes Actions Bug #7685: New software will not install Actions Bug #7691: Problem programming Baofeng UV82C Actions Bug #7699: PowerWerx DB-750X tuning steps (patch attached) Actions Bug #7703: UV-82HP Actions Bug #7705: UV-5R - A frequency NOT Programed Actions Bug #7717: Error communicating with Retevis RT23 on upload Actions Bug #7721: Yaesu FT-1900 invalid header Actions Bug #7723: Won't Upload data file to IC-2730 using MacOS Actions Bug #7725: Won't Upload data file to IC-2730 using MacOS Actions Bug #7727: Cannot get repeater book query to work Actions Bug #7729: Import from data source / Repeater book Actions Bug #7731: CHIRP is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the trash - Error Actions Bug #7739: help please Actions Bug #7741: New software will not install Actions Bug #7749: Baofeng UV-6R Actions Bug #7751: Baofeng UV-6R Actions Bug #7753: UV-8HP memory channel not work on/off Actions Bug #7755: Icom IC-208H Programming Actions Bug #7761: BTECH GMRS50X1 Settings Actions Bug #7765: upload fail on Yaesu VX-8R Actions Bug #7771: FT1900 Again Actions Bug #7779: KT-8900 will not enter clone Actions Bug #7785: Cannot save download Actions Bug #7787: Unable to download data from Icom IC-92AD on Linux - see also #6655 Actions Bug #7793: Unable to open Actions Bug #7797: VX-8GE can't download from ht, nor upload. Actions Bug #7799: TYT-9800 Plus Quad Band No Settings Options. Only a blank area Actions Bug #7803: FT-1900E Invalid header Actions Bug #7807: Baofeng UV-82 MP programming model selection Actions Bug #7809: Embedded Message on WLN KD-C1 (Variant of Retevis RT22) Actions Bug #7811: Fix for Windows Installer Actions Bug #7813: Error setting memory tuning step 12.50 is not supported(UV5R) Actions Bug #7821: Issues After Updating Actions Bug #7827: Radio identification failed Actions Bug #7833: Baofeng BF-888s programing Actions Bug #7835: Error setting memory: Frequency requires 12.50kHz step Actions Bug #7837: No way to install CHIRP on Ubuntu 20.04 Actions Bug #7839: Yaesu FT-450D Actions Bug #7843: yaesu ft-2600m Actions Bug #7845: Unable to locate package, Ubuntu PPA Actions Bug #7849: CHIRP daily-20200430 can't insert 12.5 tuning step memory Actions Bug #7851: cross mode reverts to tsql or dtcs when refreshed or saved Actions Bug #7857: Radio sent incomplete block 0x0f00 Actions Bug #7859: Python2 EOL prevents installation/running Chirp Actions Bug #7863: Failed to communicate with radio: Radio did not ack block 0 [FT-818 w/ Bluetooth] Actions Bug #7867: Chirp crash when moving rows Actions Bug #7869: Ubuntu 18.04x64, Chirpw don't run Actions Bug #7871: using flatpak on Ubuntu 20.04 Actions Bug #7881: Baofeng BF-UVF10 Actions Bug #7885: Cannot install chirp on Ubuntu 20.04 Actions Bug #7893: step not supported Actions Bug #7901: could not open port 2: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified Actions Bug #7905: Issue with ICOM radios in general Actions Bug #7913: Fix Yaesu VX-6 valid tuning steps Actions Bug #7915: Radioddity QB25 failure to identify radio Actions Bug #7919: Yaesu FT-3DR Actions Bug #7921: Yaesu FT-7100M upload error. Actions Bug #7931: FT-817/8 Freq Step issue Actions Bug #7957: Chirp can't communicate with any of my radios Actions Bug #7959: Wouxun KG-UV6D E Actions Bug #7961: Radioddity QB25 Radio identification failed Actions Bug #7991: fix for Icom IC-T8E Actions Bug #8011: ID80H - OUT OF SYNC Actions Bug #8025: Unable to find Chirp-daily via termiunal or install once downloaded on LinuxMint 20 Actions Bug #8027: Problemas al grabar Frecuencias Actions Bug #8031: TYT TH-UVF1 6.25kHz stepping not allowed Actions Bug #8039: Radioddity QB25 not going into clone mode when downloading from the radio Actions Bug #8045: Yaesu FT-65R scan skip setting switched Actions Bug #8051: Unable to find Chirp-daily via termiunal or install once downloaded on LinuxMint 20 (Duplicate of 7993) Actions Bug #8059: Yaesu FTM-7250D Frequency Range Error Actions Bug #8063: The "" driver does not fully support radio models with 3 bands Actions Bug #8091: DSL code for baofeng not in chirp Actions Bug #8093: Alinco DR-235T: Unexpected response from radio Actions Bug #8119: FTM-7250 BUG - AM MODE Actions Bug #8145: QB25 - Radio Not Identified Actions Bug #8147: CTRL-UP is modifying the records when selecting multiple lines Actions Bug #8153: CHIRP won't open the IMG or CSV files if there is accent character in the file path Actions Bug #8159: ICOM IC-2730A DTMF # and * characters are reversed Actions Bug #8161: Canadian Zip Code problem Actions Bug #8169: BF-888s with fake PL2303 cable gets error "Radio returned unknown identification string" Actions Bug #8183: Yaesu FT-450D APO Off (0 hours) settings error Actions Bug #8189: FT-60R Actions Bug #8197: H-777 (as BF-888) failed to send to radio during upload (partial - stops at various locations) - downloads fine Actions Bug #8199: Radioddity QB25 Actions Bug #8203: Baofeng GT-3WP Channel Name Limited to 6 Characters Actions Bug #8207: Baofeng UV-5R+plus DUPLEX channels Actions Bug #8217: IC-2300h Tx inhibit function Actions Bug #8223: Error reading data from radio: not the amount of data we want. UV-82 III Actions Bug #8233: Icom IC-2730 Tone modes Actions Bug #8237: Computer readout gets set but writing it to Baofeng corrupts the Duplex of - or + Actions Bug #8245: Kenwood TK-862 (NOT G) "Error setting memory: Frequency requires 12.50kHz step" Actions Bug #8277: Baofeng CH-6DMR Not Supported Actions Bug #8283: FT-8800 Bricked after programming by CHIRP (latest version) Actions Bug #8287: FT-4XR beep menu options are reversed Actions Bug #8297: kenwood TS-480HX/SAT Writing to memory causes memory channels to be stored in SPLIT mode Actions Bug #8321: Incorrect tone values for ANI/PTT-ID Actions Bug #8325: Nothing in the ports list Chromebook Linux Actions Bug #8335: Errors in icw32e Actions Bug #8337: BF UVF10 still doesn't work Actions Bug #8339: TH-UV8000D/E Actions Bug #8349: Wouxun KG-UV7D ham radio Actions Bug #8357: Can't program UV-9R Actions Bug #8363: Baojie BJ-218 Bug: Data mangled by CHIRP r20201014 Actions Bug #8369: Chirp changes the 6+Power-On Message 1 Actions Bug #8383: Baofeng UV-9R ERA Error reading data from radio: not the amount of data we want. Actions Bug #8391: Typo in Anytone AT-778UV Driver BAND_LIMITS Actions Bug #8393: Access Actions Bug #8407: Add remaining channel attributes and valid tuning steps to AnyTone 5888UV Actions Bug #8413: Anytone 5888 & CHIRP Crashing Every Single Time Its Done Reading The Radio Actions Bug #8451: [H777] Add alias for Retevis H777 Actions Bug #8461: Typo in LIST_COLOR7 and LIST_COLOR8 Variable Names Actions Bug #8463: Structure for "spmute" in driver module is incorrect. Actions Bug #8473: Incorrect model selected UV-5R Actions Bug #8479: TYT UV88 ver 20201121 Actions Bug #8487: Ubuntu 20.10 install Actions Bug #8505: WLN KD-C1 Mac OS - download failed Actions Bug #8511: Cannot erase or edit 6+power on lines on UV-82 Actions Bug #8513: QYT KT8r Actions Bug #8533: Retevis H-777 won't upload image Actions Bug #8539: Baofeng_BF-F8HP does not display anything in settings Actions Bug #8555: old .img file can not be opened Actions Bug #8561: Kenwood TM-281 Actions Bug #8567: Chirp daily build for MAC OS Sierra 10.12.6 Actions Bug #8579: Canadian RadioReference search county name bug Actions Bug #8587: Server raised fault: 'Invalid County ID' Actions Bug #8599: Programming QB25 Radio Actions Bug #8601: Icom IC-V86 tone code issue. Actions Bug #8605: All freqs not uploading Actions Bug #8609: Cannot disable RESET menu in BTECH UV-5X3 Actions Bug #8611: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #8613: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #8615: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #8617: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #8619: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #8621: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #8623: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #8625: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #8627: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #8629: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #8631: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #8633: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #8683: Settings tab blank on Canadian model UV88 Actions Bug #8691: Baofeng S5 Plus Actions Bug #8693: Mac 10.12 Crashing and wont open. Actions Bug #8699: Chirp Crashes - Contacting as per Baofeng tech support Actions Bug #8701: Chirp Crashes - Contacting as per Baofeng tech support Actions Bug #8745: Icom IC-9x driver throws exception when a memory does not have a bank attribute Actions Bug #8765: Kenwood TK 860G 12.5 KHz Not supported Actions Bug #8771: Add further instructions for Icom IC-7100 Actions Bug #8789: FT-65R 6.25kHz Step Missing Actions Bug #8795: Baofeng UV-82-III (UV82x3) Actions Bug #8819: Cloning Issue with February Update Actions Bug #8845: Error in exception handling stops OSX version to start if there is an error with loading the GTK libs. Actions Bug #8847: Error resolving _g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID when starting up chirp Actions Bug #8861: Kenwood TS-590 SPLIT mode Actions Bug #8867: anytone 778uv Actions Bug #8869: Add OTG Radio V1 alias Actions Bug #8877: TS-480 67 Htz PL Tone Download Actions Bug #8905: CHIRP 4.1.1 (2020-04-06) - Windows download virus detections Actions Bug #8923: Boafeng BF-888s squelch problem Actions Bug #8929: Chirp download Actions Bug #8945: Incomplete CSV data Actions Bug #8963: bf-888 get no power after programming, Actions Bug #8979: [LT-725UV] Wrong range specified for the Initial Chan: setting. Actions Bug #8991: New untitled csv files are slow to load. Actions Bug #8993: Kenwood TS-480 Live Mode channel change errors Actions Bug #8995: "rf.valid_dtcs_codes" setting missing from "Radio Features" Actions Bug #9005: BTECH GMRS-V1 original version Actions Bug #9007: "Failed to read header" when reading from Yaesu FT-2900 with MARS mod Actions Bug #9025: Icomciv base code mem.duplex Actions Bug #9031: UV-82 Not Displaying Settings Actions Bug #9033: CHIRP terminates abnormally when launched -- details below) Actions Bug #9035: Can't program Retevis RB26 Actions Bug #9051: Settings tab empty for QYT KT-8R Actions Bug #9055: Problem Importing Radio Data Actions Bug #9081: AR-F8 (Wouxun KG-UV8D) digital tone error Actions Bug #9085: QYT kt-8900 new version Actions Bug #9089: Not able to insert new line // Application hangs on exit after recent update Actions Bug #9099: Bug on Connecting to TYT TH-UVF1 With Clone PL2303 Cable Actions Bug #9101: VX-8DR Blank Menu Actions Bug #9111: Abbree AR-F8, some settings missing Actions Bug #9139: QYT KT-8900D Actions Bug #9141: Radio version not in allowed list for AnyTone-778UV Actions Bug #9155: chirp does not work on mac m1 Actions Bug #9179: Chirp Stuck on TYT TH-UV88 Clone Process Actions Bug #9187: Unable to download from Baofeng UV-5X radio Actions Bug #9209: Serial Port needed using software down load Actions Bug #9213: Wouxun kg-uv3d, 186.0 not supported -- chirp hangs Actions Bug #9215: MacBook Air OS 11.4 Big Sur - Chirp Crashes without launching (Last two builds, never - worked) Actions Bug #9219: Repeaterbook access outside the US Actions Bug #9221: repeaterbook Actions Bug #9223: repeaterbook Actions Bug #9225: BAOFENG UV-10R Actions Bug #9231: Cannot Set Duplex to "off" for Baofeng P10-UV (Radioddity GA-510) Actions Bug #9247: FT-65E: "5 Beep" is not configured correctly Actions Bug #9249: FT-65E: Configuring TX power level not possible Actions Bug #9255: Illegal offset programming possible, and apparently not fixable in Chirp Actions Bug #9259: TD H6 Tone problem Actions Bug #9271: TYT TH-9800D+ upload problem Actions Bug #9293: ERROR: Clone failed: Incorrect model ID, got P3107, it not contains P0260 Actions Bug #9305: Retevis RT22S Programming Error Actions Bug #9307: 8/25 Daily Release will not start up after successful install Actions Bug #9315: Update not working Actions Bug #9323: QYT KT-8900D Actions Bug #9329: New version will not load .chirp files Actions Bug #9331: yaesu 8800 Actions Bug #9333: Issue building from source on Pi3A+ Actions Bug #9347: Chirp Not Communicating/No USB Drop Down Actions Bug #9353: RT98 chirp issue, two versions of radio? Actions Bug #9357: qyt08900 Actions Bug #9419: ICOM IC-7300 Actions Bug #9439: Cannot open COM port, access denied Actions Bug #9447: "Name" information won't transfer to the radio correctly. Actions Bug #9459: New QYT kt-8900 "radio identification failed" Actions Bug #9461: KENWOOD TK732G Actions Bug #9463: QYT KT8900 Actions Bug #9465: error opening file for writing Actions Bug #9469: Incorrect implementation of validate_memory() in driver. Actions Bug #9471: Yaesu FT-70D checksum error Actions Bug #9473: Checksum error Actions Bug #9475: YAESU FT-50R Memories With Split Frecuencies Not Shown Actions Bug #9477: Update release info in Winget Actions Bug #9483: BF-A58S has a six character limit, but capable of seven characters. Actions Bug #9487: usb-serial driver Actions Bug #9497: Baofeng 888S-Squelch level Actions Bug #9515: [BTech UV-5X3] Six VFO's are present in radio but not in Chirp. Actions Bug #9525: estandir rango en Baofen UV-5R (expand range on Baofeng UV-5R) Actions Bug #9539: Baofeng 888S-Squelch level Actions Bug #9541: Cannot Download from TYT TH-7800: local variable 'ack' referenced before assignment Actions Bug #9595: Can't access Memory Properties editor: Luiton LT-580 (all bands) and Retevis RT9000D (all bands) Actions Bug #9603: "Repeater STE delay" is incorrect for BTECH UV-25X2 (and similar) Actions Bug #9617: Unable to See Settings Actions Bug #9619: BTECH GMRS-50X1 DTCS code programming Actions Bug #9625: Baofeng BF-T8 doesn't include all 11 Weather Radio Frequencies Actions Bug #9627: Baofeng BF-T8 can't preset broadcast FM frequencies. Actions Bug #9651: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #9671: Support for Apple Silicone/ M1 Processor Actions Bug #9681: Radioddity QB25 Actions Bug #9687: Radioddity QB25 Error Actions Bug #9689: Radioddity QB25 Error Actions Bug #9693: ICOM IC-2820H clone Upload fail macOS Big Sur Actions Bug #9701: Current daily lacks support for my particular DB25-G Actions Bug #9703: CRT Micron Alias RETEVIS-95 Actions Bug #9732: BTECH UV-5X3 Restarting during initial download from radio Actions Bug #9748: Export does not work on Retevis RB 27 Actions Bug #9749: Connection Problem to Yaesu VX-8GE Actions Bug #9757: Chirp Updates can not be installed Smartscreen filter of Windows Defender Actions Bug #9763: Chirp crashes on Apple M1 Max Actions Bug #9764: AnyTone AT-778UV Vox model not available in Mac OSX daily version. Actions Bug #9775: TYT TH-9800: bug in 'isValidDate' helper Actions Bug #9787: Python 2.7 is no longer available in macOS 12.3. CHIRP needs to update Python to 3.0 or macOS will not work. Actions Bug #9788: TK-372G Not Downloading Actions Bug #9799: Unable to run program Actions Bug #9810: Can't enter e.g. 149.7625 MHz in TYT TH-350 Actions Bug #9818: Driver Maintenance: - Uploads are very, very slow compared to downloads. Actions Bug #9832: Latest daily crashing on Mac Actions Bug #9845: Driver Maintenance: - Improve driver for downloading and uploading. Actions Bug #9851: TYT TH-350 uploading sets all channels to reverse mode by default Actions Bug #9858: GMRS-V1: check limit for PTT-LT setting is incorrect. Actions Bug #9859: MURS-V1: check limit for PTT-LT setting is incorrect. Actions Bug #9870: TIDRADIO TD-UV5R TriPower doesn't support Med power level Actions Bug #9890: Driver Maintenance: - Correct typo Actions Bug #9891: Chirp will not open on Mac running Sierra or Yosemite Actions Bug #9896: Btech GMRS-V1 error Actions Bug #9904: Radioddity QB25 Radio Identification Failed Actions Bug #9911: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #9912: Import From Data Source Functions is buggy Actions Bug #9913: Import From Data Source Functions is buggy Actions Bug #9919: Mac Book Air Monterey chirp Issues launching Actions Bug #9920: Mac Book Air Monterey chirp Issues launching Actions Bug #9933: BTECH GMRS-V2 "Service Settings" Squelch settings won't save to radio Actions Bug #9938: Mac OSX 12 (Monterey) screen windows show gibberish Actions Bug #9957: UV82 - unable to set frequency 453.04875 in Chirp. Unable to calculate the required tuning step Actions Bug #9963: BTECH 20V2 Fails To Read Actions Bug #9967: Unable to Modify Settings on UV-9R Actions Bug #9974: Anysecu WP-9900 and others: Display setting in Work Mode Setting tab is incorrect. Actions Bug #9982: Retevis RB26 Tone Error Actions Bug #9987: lost settings info Actions Bug #9989: Kenwood TM-733A Actions Bug #9995: [RT29] Transmit Power Levels Not Set Correctly Actions Bug #9996: [RT76] Doesn't Support Scanning Actions Bug #10001: python3 multiple errors and warnings Actions Bug #10005: chirp-daily-20220823-installer.exe CORRUPT FILE! Actions Bug #10006: chirp-daily-20220823-installer.exe CORRUPT FILE! Actions Bug #10011: Polarity issue Actions Bug #10014: TYT UV-88 Settings tab blank Actions Bug #10019: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #10020: Driver Maintenance: Actions Bug #10034: IC-80AD Actions Bug #10041: How do I print Actions Bug #10042: firmware version ERROR Actions Bug #10046: Yaesu VX-8DR - memories from 1 to 58 not displayed Actions Bug #10064: "An integer is required" error Actions Bug #10068: RepeaterBook download 70cm Actions Bug #10070: [UV-82] Older "images" can cause scanning and/or transmit to be disabled. Actions Bug #10072: [RT76P] Driver doesn't support "special characters " in channel names. Actions Bug #10074: [RT76P] Stray Code in Driver Actions Bug #10080: RT622: Unable to import or export after first export Actions Bug #10085: Support for alternate 'identification string' on some Abbree AR-63 devices Actions Bug #10094: Retevis RB26 Radio Identification Failed Actions Bug #10116: No Response from radio Actions Bug #10120: Error reading radio on M1 Mac Actions Bug #10129: Explorer QRP-1 Settings menu is now showing blank Actions Bug #10131: error in daily-20221120 Actions Bug #10145: Chirp Icons not working Actions Bug #10146: LinuxLite OS-32bit. CHIRP updated to 20221128 won't launch Actions Bug #10147: ft-60r PTT delay Actions Bug #10148: Unable to pull any channels from RepeaterBook Actions Bug #10158: ANI-ID Actions Bug #10159: New offset for EU LPD and PMR? Actions Bug #10171: "'NoneType' object is not iterable" on settings tab with a Yaesu VX-6 Actions Bug #10188: Error que me tira el sistema Linux Actions Bug #10197: Chirp program Actions Bug #10203: CHIRP for Mac OS 13 Actions Feature #170: VX-7 - allow to reorganize channels in memory groups Actions Feature #371: Export/Import should include Power level Actions Feature #437: Setting in kg-uv2d Actions Feature #651: VX-8 Support programmable (band limit) memory scan (PMS) and skip channels Actions Feature #681: Support regional band plans Actions Feature #1907: Settings tab Actions Feature #2007: Find duplicate channels function suggestion Actions Feature #2167: Modify limits VHF FT-1D Actions Feature #2287: Wouxun KG-UV8D priority channel Actions Feature #3035: Please make (tag) a new release Actions Feature #3107: PLMR frequencies Actions Feature #3205: Leixen VV-898 Frequency range Actions Feature #3291: Jetstream JT-370M - individual ID setting Actions Feature #3407: Spanish Language (ES) (SPA) Actions Feature #3565: Kenwood TM-D710GA: show message explaining where to plug in data cable Actions Feature #3973: BTECH UV-5001 Actions Feature #4547: Allow to change Icom IC-7100 CI-V address Actions Feature #4771: IC-P7: high speed (38400bps) cloning Actions Feature #4773: IC-208: cannot disable high-speed cloning Actions Feature #4799: Implement split MODE (e.g. RX in SSB, TX in CW) when radio supports it (e.g. Yaesu FT-857) Actions Feature #4903: Baofeng UV-5R Extra Hidden Features (with information) Actions Feature #5077: Add scalable SVG icon Actions Feature #5081: Chirp launches but menu bar is all-grey on OS X Actions Feature #5165: BF888s not letting me input out of range frequencies Actions Feature #5187: Yaesu VX5 add scan edge programming Actions Feature #5227: Baofeng UV-82 extended charset support Actions Feature #5429: Are there: CHIRP Recommended Memory Storage Actions Feature #5499: HOW CAN I ADD A NEW COLUMNS MEMORY PROERTIES - Actions Feature #5509: SSB Satelites Actions Feature #5569: Accessing Yaesu VX-6 Pre-programmed Short-Wave & VHF Marine Channels Actions Feature #5579: Yaesu FT-2D Chirp *.dat file open error Actions Feature #5585: Can we get chirp to match the menu terms of the radio we are programming? Actions Feature #5587: Can chirp be printed, or exported to Excel so it can be printed there? Actions Feature #5731: QYT KT-8900, How to change frequency range? Actions Feature #5819: Baofeng BF-F8HP frequency range extension Actions Feature #6059: Skip Flags on hyper memories Actions Feature #6091: Support for USB based devices (without USB to serial converter inside the cable or even the radio) Actions Feature #6307: CRT-279UV clone QYT KT7900D Actions Feature #6357: Yaesu FT-8900: hyper memories, home channels and settings to Chirp Actions Feature #6391: yi-889g / et-889 / ZT-889 Actions Feature #6409: Baofeng GT-3WP on CHIRP on macOS Actions Feature #6443: Make CHIRP on Macintosh self contained Actions Feature #6445: Scanning Speed Actions Feature #6615: A driver should be allowed to force a channel to be receive-only Actions Feature #6761: FT-4XR, 4/29/2019 version of CHIRP Actions Feature #6799: Baofeng UV-82HP - Channel name on top line with correct frequency on bottom line. Actions Feature #6881: Is there a way to not include some channels (weather, police) in the scan chain? Actions Feature #6911: TYT TH-UV3R settings tab Actions Feature #7017: Work mode settings Actions Feature #7061: Yaesu VX-6R alpha vs frequency display Actions Feature #7063: Print feature Actions Feature #7105: BF-F+ power on + 6 message not updating Actions Feature #7149: new radio model Actions Feature #7467: Make Kenwood TM-D710G clone mode version Actions Feature #7469: Kenwood TM-D710G clone mode version; cleanup Actions Feature #7471: Kenwood TS-590 Radio Class name change Actions Feature #7533: Downloading from SD Card Actions Feature #7615: [Yaesu FT-4, FT-65, FT-25] proposal for some reorg Actions Feature #7621: IOS version of Chirp Actions Feature #7701: Baofeng UV-3R Plus - edit channel names Actions Feature #7979: Allow CH-specific TX blocking via zero-result TX offset ("-" duplex with <baseband> offset) Actions Feature #8007: Tooltips for knowing which item is referenced Actions Feature #8021: Requesting from for a location outside of USA, ie the dreaded invalid county Id Actions Feature #8085: Assume ic910 23cm unit is present when no serial connection Actions Feature #8185: Tenway UV-5R Pro power levels Actions Feature #8205: Leixen vv 898 - 898S setting squelch step Actions Feature #8235: upload radio Actions Feature #8259: Window size is constrained by toolbar Actions Feature #8271: Layouts do not follow the Gnome human interface guidelines. Actions Feature #8319: Wouxun KG-UV9DPlus: use Chirp to adjust frequency limits and screen colors Actions Feature #8345: Yaesu FTM-7250D C4FM Actions Feature #8447: AnyTone AT-778UV Actions Feature #8503: Naming convention cleanup Actions Feature #8569: Missing support for AnyTone AT-778 UV family in 20201221 Actions Feature #8583: Remove "-" from Retevis RT-5R and RT-5RV Model Names Actions Feature #8649: Yaesu FT-897: download instructions need to be improved Actions Feature #8675: Chirp control of start-directory and last-directory Actions Feature #8841: Create a new issue for the language and include the language code. Here is a helpful list. Actions Feature #8983: Linux version missing Anytone 778uv Actions Feature #8987: Add Settings to ICOM IC-7300 live-mode Actions Feature #8989: Add Kenwood TM-D710G live-mode Settings Actions Feature #9029: Kenwood TS-480 Add Settings to Live Mode Actions Feature #9043: Busy Channel Lockout feature added for Retevis RT22FRS Actions Feature #9257: It is not possible to use integer settings in mem.extra Actions Feature #9265: Retevis RT76P all memory Actions Feature #9455: QYT 980PLUS Actions Feature #9561: Anytone driver: Additional Option Settings Actions Feature #9581: [TH-UV88] Add settings for TYT TH-UV88 Actions Feature #9699: Feature request: Add build metadata (name, version) to windows build .exe file Actions Feature #9705: wouxon kg-uv9D ( NO PLUS ) Actions Feature #9709: The "new" Retevis RT1 has an additional Tx Tone setting Actions Feature #9740: Yaesu FT 65 windows-Linux Actions Feature #9762: Chirp Language Make The Turkish Actions Feature #9822: how to program Actions Feature #9852: Windows 11 Actions Feature #9860: GMRS-V1: add the ability to edit the ANI Code Actions Feature #9861: MURS-V1: add the ability to edit the ANI Code Actions Feature #9939: Unable to adjust settings on the Quansheng TG UV2 Actions Feature #9940: Add additional features for the Retevis RB17A Actions Feature #9966: GMRS-20V2: Support Customizable Channel Locations Actions Feature #9997: Driver Maintenance: Actions Feature #9998: Driver Maintenance: Actions Feature #10021: CHIRP Doesn't Support BTech TMR-TX Menu Actions Feature #10025: [UV-5R] Expand VHF Frequency Range to Support 130.000 - 176.000 MHz Actions Feature #10071: [RB17P] Firmware Updaet (v1.30) Adds New Features Actions New Model #177: Quansheng TG-UV2 Actions New Model #218: Yaesu FT-10R, FT40R Actions New Model #449: TAIT 2020 Series EM-PMR Actions New Model #555: HYS UV-55 Actions New Model #567: Icom IC-910 Actions New Model #627: HYS TC-UV55 Actions New Model #811: ADI AT-600 Actions New Model #899: Wouxoun KG-UV920R Actions New Model #903: Icom IC-GM1500E Actions New Model #941: Duet DT-UVD1P Actions New Model #999: Suicom UV-King Actions New Model #1049: Kirisun radios (unspecified) Actions New Model #1067: Icom IC-M710 Actions New Model #1121: Yaesu FT-8000R Actions New Model #1225: Baofeng UV-8, UV-8D Actions New Model #1229: Yaesu FT-8100 Actions New Model #1237: Puxing PX-UV973 - dual-band cross-band repeat radio Actions New Model #1253: Yaesu FT-2600m Actions New Model #1285: Blackbox plus radios? Actions New Model #1339: baofeng uv-8d Actions New Model #1351: Wouxun KG-UV5D Actions New Model #1393: Yaesu FT-2600M Actions New Model #1423: Bao-hui or Baohui BH-620 Actions New Model #1439: Quansheng TG-K4AT(UV) Actions New Model #1453: Iradio UV-F9 Actions New Model #1467: Yaesu FT-8100R Actions New Model #1469: Yaesu FTM-400DR and FTM-400DE Actions New Model #1481: Icom IC-V8000 Actions New Model #1597: Yawes A-338Plus Actions New Model #1601: YAESU FTM400DR Actions New Model #1633: Kenwood TM-D700 Actions New Model #1635: add puxing px-uv973 Actions New Model #1639: AnyTone AT-3318UV-A Actions New Model #1657: Puxing UV-973 Actions New Model #1721: Yaesu FT1DR Actions New Model #1745: Alinco DJ-V57T Actions New Model #1783: CRT 270M Actions New Model #1793: Polmar Work Actions New Model #1819: Wouxon KG-UV920P Actions New Model #1845: Alinco DR-635 Actions New Model #1865: Alinco DJ-V5 Actions New Model #1879: Tonfa TF-Q5 Actions New Model #1893: SFE S850UV Actions New Model #1951: Icom F10 / F20, F1000 Actions New Model #1953: Icom F10 / F20 Actions New Model #2049: Midland HM477 Actions New Model #2061: Anytone AT-3318UV Support Actions New Model #2063: Hytera TC-446S and TC-320 Actions New Model #2181: at5555 (RP-80 aquario pt-br) Actions New Model #2253: Icom IC-E7 Actions New Model #2257: Wouxun KG-UVA1 Actions New Model #2295: Kenwood TH-22E Actions New Model #2353: Icom V80E Actions New Model #2379: Yaesu FT-2400 Actions New Model #2403: Kenwood TK-3302-1 Actions New Model #2435: Wouxun KG-UV899 Actions New Model #2443: Baofeng UV-9R+HP Actions New Model #2491: Alinco DR-605 Actions New Model #2493: Alinco DJ-296 Actions New Model #2531: Yaesu FT-991 Actions New Model #2555: AnyTone AT-3208 Actions New Model #2573: Tera TR-590 Actions New Model #2589: TYT TH-9000D Actions New Model #2599: ANYTONE NSTIG-8R Actions New Model #2611: Puxing PX-2R PLUS (VHF) Actions New Model #2671: Wouxun KG-UV9D Actions New Model #2705: Intek KT-930EE Actions New Model #2771: Anytone 3318-UV-A Actions New Model #2775: Tera TR-590 Actions New Model #2799: Baofeng UV-5RM HP Actions New Model #2853: Baofeng UV-5X Actions New Model #2921: Pofung UV-TEN4 Actions New Model #2975: Yaesu FT-40 Actions New Model #3083: TYT TH-900 Actions New Model #3135: Vertex VX-2200e Actions New Model #3177: Wouxun KG-UV920 Actions New Model #3199: Icom ID-5100 Actions New Model #3225: QYT TK6188 Actions New Model #3233: ZASTONE MP-600 (UHF & VHF Models) Actions New Model #3289: TYT TH-7800, TH-8000D Actions New Model #3315: Vertex VX-2200 Actions New Model #3317: Yaesu HX370 Actions New Model #3451: Baofeng A308 Actions New Model #3477: TYT TH-7800 vhf/uhf dual band Actions New Model #3501: ICOM IC-FC310 Actions New Model #3535: Wouxun KG-UV8D Plus Actions New Model #3583: HYS TC-P10W Actions New Model #3611: TYT TH-9000D Actions New Model #3707: Baofeng BF-9700 Actions New Model #3751: Leixen Note Actions New Model #3839: TYT TH-UVF8 Actions New Model #3873: Icom IC-F6061D Actions New Model #3877: Baofeng BF-E51 Actions New Model #3879: Kenwood TK-2307 Actions New Model #3905: HQT TH-2890 Actions New Model #3915: Olympia P324 Actions New Model #3931: Add support for the BTech UV-5X3 Actions New Model #3941: AnyTone 5888UV III Actions New Model #3955: Alinco DR-B185HT Actions New Model #4011: Klein electronics Blackbox+ series Actions New Model #4013: Icom IC-7300 Actions New Model #4043: Kenwood TK760G-1 and Kenwood TK-7160E are suppurted?? they i think the EU-Models?? Actions New Model #4075: Puxing PX-UV9R Actions New Model #4103: Zastone ZT-D9000 Actions New Model #4129: Kenwood TH-D74A Actions New Model #4207: Baofeng DM-5R Plus Actions New Model #4227: Zastone MP-600 Actions New Model #4263: VGC VR-6600PRO and BTech UV-50X3 the same radio Actions New Model #4291: TYT DP-290 DPMR Actions New Model #4299: Crony CN810 Actions New Model #4327: Yeasu FT-2600M Support Actions New Model #4399: Baofeng UV-5RTP, incorrect model Actions New Model #4445: When using the BF-F8HP driver for Baofeng GT-3TP Mk III, I get 'Incorrect 'Model' selected' Actions New Model #4505: Baofeng Mini One, UV-6D Actions New Model #4511: Baofeng UV-9R Actions New Model #4515: Yaesu FT1XD Actions New Model #4517: Yaesu FTM-3100R Actions New Model #4523: Baofeng uv-9 Actions New Model #4533: Baofeng/Pofung DM-5R Plus Actions New Model #4603: TYT DM UVF10 Actions New Model #4605: Icom V8000 Actions New Model #4615: Ahuago AW-470 Actions New Model #4669: Wouxun KG-819, KG-829 Actions New Model #4691: Zastone ZT-D9000 Actions New Model #4693: TDXone TD-Q3 Actions New Model #4723: Baofeng GT-5TP Actions New Model #4761: Baofeng BF-D55 Actions New Model #4767: Kenwood TK-3101 Actions New Model #4805: Icom IC V8000 Radio Actions New Model #4813: Alinco DJ-G7T Actions New Model #4831: Luiton LT-925UV Actions New Model #4835: Baofeng BF-888S Plus Actions New Model #4853: Puxing PX-888 Actions New Model #4867: Baofeng 239 or D-55 Actions New Model #4869: Baojie BJ-218 Actions New Model #4897: Icom IC-R6 Actions New Model #4899: Baofeng GT-5TP Actions New Model #4901: Anytone At-778UV Actions New Model #4907: Anysecu DM-960 Actions New Model #4929: Kenwood TK-350 & TK-250 Actions New Model #4947: Alinco DJ-500T Actions New Model #4997: Anytone At-778UV Actions New Model #5041: Hesenate HX-UV88 Actions New Model #5053: Support for MML (aka Veasu or Higrade) UV-8DR Actions New Model #5055: Yaesu FT-891 Actions New Model #5069: Wouxun KG-UV9D Actions New Model #5083: Radioddity GD-77 Actions New Model #5091: Zastone ZT-A18 Actions New Model #5109: Radioddity R1 (minor change) Actions New Model #5113: TDXone TD-6P Actions New Model #5123: Wouxun KG-UV8D Plus Actions New Model #5125: Zastone Mini9 ! Actions New Model #5129: Yaesu FTM-3100R Actions New Model #5135: Radioddity QB25 Actions New Model #5143: QYT KT-980 Plus Actions New Model #5161: Zastone UV-8DR (Veasu UV-8DR, Higrade UV-8DR, MML UV-8DR) Actions New Model #5163: Veasu / Zastone / MML / Higrade UV-8DR Actions New Model #5173: Kenwood TK-2312-1 Actions New Model #5179: Yaesu FT-8500 Actions New Model #5185: Yaesu FT-100D Actions New Model #5197: Xiegu CS108G+ Actions New Model #5203: Zastone ZT-V9+ (aka: Nanofone NF-669) Actions New Model #5225: Olywiz radios (unspecified) Actions New Model #5231: QYT KT-7900D ID and MCU Actions New Model #5253: Baofeng BF-999S all black version Actions New Model #5259: ANYTONE AT-778UV Actions New Model #5283: Radioddity GD-77 DMR Actions New Model #5287: TYT Tytera MD-380 MD-390 DMR Actions New Model #5295: Icom IC-9100 Actions New Model #5297: ICOM IC-M802 Actions New Model #5301: IC-T81A Actions New Model #5303: Alinco DJ-V27 Actions New Model #5305: Kenwood TK-250/350 Actions New Model #5329: Yaesu FT-70DR Actions New Model #5331: Baofeng R760 Actions New Model #5347: Anytone AT-778UV Actions New Model #5365: Rugged Radio RM25R (related to QYT KT-8900, Waccom Mini-8900) Actions New Model #5377: Retevis RT82 Actions New Model #5397: BAOFENG GT3-DMR MARK IV Actions New Model #5403: Baofeng UV-8D Actions New Model #5421: Icom IC-F1010 Actions New Model #5433: Baofeng UV-8D Actions New Model #5435: ID-51A Plus (Anniversary edition) Actions New Model #5443: LEIXEN VV-898S 25W V1.08 Actions New Model #5449: Luiton LT-590 Actions New Model #5451: Yaesu FT-2980R Actions New Model #5453: Bendix King Radios Request Actions New Model #5507: Anytone AT-588 V2 Actions New Model #5511: QYT KT780+ Actions New Model #5531: ID-51A plus2 Actions New Model #5539: Baofeng UV-5S Actions New Model #5547: Bailingtong BLT-92N Actions New Model #5549: Bouhui 880 (?) and Baofeng BF-888S Actions New Model #5551: Wouxun KG-UV66 Actions New Model #5559: Icom IC-910H Actions New Model #5561: Midland G18 Actions New Model #5571: Sainsonic GT-3TP Actions New Model #5573: Yaesu FT2 Actions New Model #5599: Radio Shack PRO-649 Scanner Actions New Model #5605: Baofeng UVB2 Actions New Model #5609: Anytone 778UV Actions New Model #5649: Helida T-M2D Actions New Model #5659: midland Actions New Model #5675: Hysera HYS TC-MAUV11 Actions New Model #5677: QYT 780plus Actions New Model #5681: Zastone V10 HT Actions New Model #5687: Baofeng BF-230 pro Actions New Model #5705: Icom IC-207H Actions New Model #5711: Baofeng BF-999s Plus (KS-317) Actions New Model #5737: TIDRADIO TD-M8 Actions New Model #5741: ICOM IC-R10 Actions New Model #5747: Yaesu FT818ND - programming memories using Chirp Actions New Model #5765: Zastone V77 Actions New Model #5767: Tytera TYT MD-380 Actions New Model #5789: Yaesu 818 Actions New Model #5795: E-Tech Iris IP60 Actions New Model #5807: KG-UV6D - 4m / 2m Actions New Model #5815: Lseng T-328 Actions New Model #5823: Belfone BF-TD503 / BFDX BF-TD503 / Luiton DG-TD503 Actions New Model #5827: FJX FZ-V5 Actions New Model #5843: Seniton (Hesenate) ST-260 Actions New Model #5885: Baofeng uv-8d Actions New Model #5899: Baofeng A-52 II Actions New Model #5903: Zastone Mini 8 Actions New Model #5911: REQ PROGRAMMING ASSISTANCE ON NEW MODELS Actions New Model #5923: Quansheng UV-R50 Actions New Model #5931: Quansheng UV-R50 Actions New Model #6003: Retevis RT95 aka Anytone AT778UV Actions New Model #6049: Baofeng UV-7R Actions New Model #6051: RCA Br250u Actions New Model #6077: BaoFeng uv5r3band Actions New Model #6113: Baofeng BF-UV8D Actions New Model #6119: Yaesu FTM-3207D Actions New Model #6121: Baofeng BF-88E (same programming as for the BF-888S) Actions New Model #6153: Yaesu FT-4XR Actions New Model #6179: Alinco DJ-MD5 Actions New Model #6193: Retevis RT24 support (as Radioddity R2 variant) Actions New Model #6209: Icom IC-V90 Actions New Model #6211: CRT-279UV (clone of QYT KT7900D) Actions New Model #6229: Add support for Kenwood TS-850 Actions New Model #6235: Baojie BJ-318 Actions New Model #6243: Baojie BJ-318 Actions New Model #6253: Support for Radioditty GD-77 Actions New Model #6257: Baofeng BF-R5 Mini Actions New Model #6263: Baofeng BF-658 Actions New Model #6269: Retevis 9000D 220 Mobile Radio Actions New Model #6273: BaoFeng U-8S Actions New Model #6281: TYT TH-UV8200 Actions New Model #6291: Kenwood NX-320 Actions New Model #6297: Yaesu FTM-100DE Actions New Model #6305: TYT MD-380 Actions New Model #6317: Anytone AT-5888UV III TriBand Actions New Model #6321: Dynascan P-72 Actions New Model #6323: Icom IC-A25NE Actions New Model #6335: Helida T-M2D Actions New Model #6349: Zastone ZT-889G Actions New Model #6353: Jingtong JT-5988 (HP) Actions New Model #6367: Connect Systems CS-800D Actions New Model #6373: Jaimpai / Zastone / Veasu UV-8DR Actions New Model #6375: PLEASE ADD SUPPORT FOR KENWOOD NX-320 Actions New Model #6395: Zastone D9000 ? Actions New Model #6407: Uniden BC75XLT Actions New Model #6413: programing for icom ic-v80 handheld Actions New Model #6425: Retevis RT95 Actions New Model #6429: Quansheng UV-R50 2nd Gen Actions New Model #6441: Baofeng Radio UV-5R MK5 8W 2019 Mirkit Edition Actions New Model #6447: Zastone ZT-889G and uv-6 Actions New Model #6491: Baofeng UV-5RTP Actions New Model #6493: Add QYT KT-5800 as a variant of QYT KT-8900D (dual band) Actions New Model #6495: Baofeng DM-1701 DMR Actions New Model #6505: Icom IC-F621-2 Actions New Model #6507: KSUN X-UV68D MAX Actions New Model #6511: Yaesu FTM-100D Actions New Model #6521: Alinco DJ-V446 Actions New Model #6525: Yaesu FTM-7250 Actions New Model #6527: Yanton T-650UV (Zastone ZT-A10) Actions New Model #6569: Zastone UV-8DR Actions New Model #6571: Baofeng BF-R5 Mini Actions New Model #6589: Yaesu FTM-7250DE Actions New Model #6645: Kenwood TK-F8 Actions New Model #6659: Hesenate HT-UV8R Actions New Model #6665: Alinco DJ-500 support Actions New Model #6669: Baofeng UV-7R Actions New Model #6685: Support for Yaesu FT-991A Actions New Model #6699: TYT MD2017 (Same as Retevis RT82) Actions New Model #6701: TYT MD-9600 (= Retevis RT90) Actions New Model #6707: Icom IC-E90 Actions New Model #6709: Wouxun KG-699E Actions New Model #6713: Kenwood TK-7360 Actions New Model #6715: AnyTone AT-778UV Actions New Model #6721: Icom IC-T90A Actions New Model #6739: Zastone Z-218 Actions New Model #6769: Retevis RT87 Actions New Model #6775: offer of radio for chirp support Actions New Model #6781: Add support for BTech GMRS-50X1 mobile radio Actions New Model #6787: Midland DBR2500 Actions New Model #6801: Alinco DJ-G7T Actions New Model #6819: Retevis RT3s Actions New Model #6823: Vero Telecom VR-F90 Actions New Model #6827: UV-82 Mirkit Actions New Model #6839: Icom IC-T2A VHF Actions New Model #6841: Icom IC-T2A Actions New Model #6843: QYT KT-8R Actions New Model #6847: Baofeng UV-S9 144/220/440 tri-band Actions New Model #6855: Retevis RT-15 UHF Actions New Model #6899: Sainsonic AP510 Actions New Model #6901: Abbree AR-889G Actions New Model #6903: Zastone A28 Actions New Model #6915: zastone d9000 Actions New Model #6923: Kenwood TK840 Actions New Model #6929: Tera TR-590 Actions New Model #6935: Zastone ZT-99 Actions New Model #6941: Baofeng BF-UVS9+ Actions New Model #6961: Baofeng DM-1701 Actions New Model #6977: Support Tenway TW-325 and UV-5R Pro Actions New Model #6985: QYT KT-8R Actions New Model #6993: Yaesu FT-250R Actions New Model #7007: Tera TR-505 Actions New Model #7033: QYT KT-7900D - new firmware version VC4264 Actions New Model #7035: Yaesu FTM 7250 DE/DR Actions New Model #7043: Retevis RT-47 Actions New Model #7049: Please ADD BAOJIE BJ-318 Actions New Model #7065: ABBREE AR-F8 Actions New Model #7077: Need driver for Kenwood TS-590 HF Rig Actions New Model #7079: Need driver for Kenwood TS-480 HF Rig Actions New Model #7089: Abbree AR-889G Actions New Model #7109: Iradio I-9DUH Actions New Model #7127: Baofeng DM-1801 DMR Actions New Model #7143: Yaesu FT3DR Actions New Model #7151: TYT TH8600 Actions New Model #7155: Luthor TLM-909 (TYT TH-9800 clone with slightly different ID sequence) Actions New Model #7163: [BF-A58S] Add Support for Baofeng UV-82III Actions New Model #7175: Baofeng DM-1701 Actions New Model #7177: Wouxun KG-UV9D (Plus) Actions New Model #7179: Retevis RT22S Actions New Model #7197: motorola radios Actions New Model #7209: ABBREE AR-F8 Actions New Model #7223: Wouxun KG-UV980P Actions New Model #7231: Icom IC-V86 Actions New Model #7259: Adding Yaesu FT4x IMAGE for use Actions New Model #7265: Woyxun KG-UV9K Actions New Model #7281: Kenwood TK-3201 Pro Talk Actions New Model #7291: Baojie BJ-318 Actions New Model #7327: Alinco DX-SR8T Actions New Model #7387: Yaesu FT-4VR Actions New Model #7437: Yaesu FTM-3207D Actions New Model #7447: Ksun X-30TFSI Actions New Model #7483: Vertex Standard EVX-534 Actions New Model #7501: Baofeng BF-UVF10 Actions New Model #7507: Add Asian version of Yaesu FT-65R please Actions New Model #7509: Baofeng BF-UVF10 Actions New Model #7511: Add Support TYT TH UV8200 Actions New Model #7513: Anytone 778UV Dual Band Actions New Model #7519: Kydera KD-200UV Actions New Model #7521: Anytone AT-D578UVIII Pro Actions New Model #7523: Puxing PX-UV973 Actions New Model #7531: WLN KD-C1 Plus Actions New Model #7543: Yaesu FT-25R Actions New Model #7555: Cannot clone FT-450 (NON-D model) Actions New Model #7559: Yaesu FTM-400 Actions New Model #7567: Puxing model R9 Actions New Model #7573: Programation du Baofeng BF-R3 Actions New Model #7575: Baofeng UV-9X PLUS Actions New Model #7577: Bendix King EMV 499 0A Actions New Model #7579: Bendix King EMH 599 2X Actions New Model #7581: Bendix King EPU 499 1A Actions New Model #7583: Bendix King MPH 514 2A Actions New Model #7587: Bendix King LPI Actions New Model #7589: Abbree AR-F8 Actions New Model #7591: Programation du Baofeng BF-R3 Actions New Model #7593: Programation du Baofeng BF-R3 Actions New Model #7599: Vertex & Vertex-Standard, e.g. FTL-1011, FTL-2011, FTL-7011 Actions New Model #7613: QYT KT-8R Actions New Model #7623: Baofeng BF-V9 Actions New Model #7665: Wouxun KG-UV9K Actions New Model #7669: dynascan db-9900m Actions New Model #7675: TYT TH-UVF8 Actions New Model #7677: Anytone AT-878UV Plus Actions New Model #7679: Please add support for DM-5R Actions New Model #7687: TYT MD-UV380 Actions New Model #7689: Baofeng BF-T12 Actions New Model #7711: QYT KT-8R not in CHIRP Actions New Model #7713: Alinco DX-SR8 Actions New Model #7715: Retevis RT19 Actions New Model #7757: Wouxun KG-UV980P Actions New Model #7763: Icom ID-51E Plus2 Actions New Model #7781: Wouxun KG-805 Actions New Model #7791: Radioddity GA-510 (BF-H6?) Actions New Model #7817: TYT TH-UV88 Actions New Model #7831: Wouxun KG-UVA1 Actions New Model #7855: Olywiz UV6S Actions New Model #7879: Baofeng/Pofung DM-5R Plus Actions New Model #7887: CRT Micron UV Actions New Model #7889: CRT Apollo 2000H Actions New Model #7971: Icom IC-F31GT-1 Actions New Model #7981: HAZEM-HOSNY Actions New Model #7985: Quansheng TG-93A Actions New Model #7987: Yaesu FT-991A Actions New Model #8033: ICOM IC-70DS Actions New Model #8041: ASIMOTON AS-9900 - Radio did not enter clone mode Actions New Model #8073: Baojie BJ-318 Actions New Model #8087: Retevis RT27 Actions New Model #8105: Kenwood TK-859 Actions New Model #8115: Baofeng UV-62 Actions New Model #8123: Retevis RT68 / RT668 support Actions New Model #8129: Yaesu FTM-300DR Actions New Model #8135: Kydera DR-360 Actions New Model #8137: Leixen UV-25D Actions New Model #8143: Rugged Radio RH5R-V3 Actions New Model #8173: Rugged Radios RH5R-V3 Actions New Model #8187: New Model TechSide TI-F8+ Actions New Model #8213: Rugged Radios RH16C-U (Rebadged TYT X1U) Actions New Model #8239: Leixen UV-25D Actions New Model #8263: Baofeng BF-U9 Actions New Model #8267: SFE S820, SFE S890+ Actions New Model #8279: Baofeng CH-6DMR Actions New Model #8309: TCA AN/PRC-152 (Harris AN/PRC-152 clone) Actions New Model #8313: Baofeng BF-H7 Actions New Model #8317: QYT KT-9800+ Actions New Model #8329: Yaesu FT-847 Actions New Model #8333: TechSide TS-T2 Actions New Model #8379: Wouxun KG-833 Actions New Model #8397: Anytone AT-6666 Actions New Model #8427: Kenwood TK-2000 Actions New Model #8431: ICOM IC-705 Actions New Model #8489: Yaesu FTM-300D Actions New Model #8491: Baofeng BF-T12 Actions New Model #8497: TYT TH UV88 Actions New Model #8507: Icom IC-V85 Actions New Model #8531: Retevis RB-15 / RB-615 Actions New Model #8551: Baofeng BF-1901 Actions New Model #8553: Anytone AT-D878UV+ Actions New Model #8565: [H777] Add Support for Retevis H777/H777 Plus (FRS/PMR) Models Actions New Model #8575: Retevis RT85 Actions New Model #8581: Retevis RT29 Actions New Model #8591: Quansheng TG-UV2 Plus Actions New Model #8651: Olywiz UV6S Actions New Model #8661: Retevis RB26 Actions New Model #8681: Retevis RT76P Actions New Model #8719: Yaesu FTM-100D Actions New Model #8783: Kenwood TK-3402U Actions New Model #8839: Baofeng BF-X9 Actions New Model #8859: Anytone 778UV (VOX) 3.00 version Actions New Model #8883: Kenwood TK-3180E Actions New Model #8885: Alinco DR-735T Actions New Model #8889: Wouxun kg-uv9d MATE Actions New Model #8927: Yaesu FT-2600 Actions New Model #8941: Zastone UV-8DR Actions New Model #8957: Retevis RB17A Actions New Model #8959: Retevis RT76 Actions New Model #9017: Yaesu FTM-400XDR/DE Actions New Model #9073: Yaesu FT-991A Actions New Model #9077: Add Baofeng GT-5R Actions New Model #9091: Midland CT890 Actions New Model #9129: Rugged RM25R Actions New Model #9171: TYT TH-8600 Actions New Model #9181: Add Retevis RT98 Single Band Mini Mobile Radio Actions New Model #9185: CRT Micron UV V2 Actions New Model #9217: Retevis RB618 Actions New Model #9235: Baofeng UV-5G Actions New Model #9241: Radioddity DB20-G Actions New Model #9245: TYT MD380 Programming in CHIRP Actions New Model #9261: Alinco DJ-500T/500TB support request Actions New Model #9263: Retevis RB75 Actions New Model #9287: KST K6900 clone of another radio? Actions New Model #9325: Ailunce HD1 support Actions New Model #9363: Support for Wouxun KG-UV920P-A and KG-UV980P Actions New Model #9383: Yaesu FT991 Actions New Model #9407: Radioddity DB25-G Actions New Model #9411: Retevis RB-85 Actions New Model #9413: Baofeng BF-M2 Actions New Model #9453: TechSide TS-T9+ Actions New Model #9489: Wouxun KG-935G Actions New Model #9521: ZASTONE D900 Actions New Model #9529: Baofeng UV-XR Actions New Model #9551: Retevis RB-27B Actions New Model #9559: Retevis RB18 Actions New Model #9577: Please include the Baofeng UV9G in the Chirp software Actions New Model #9579: Retevis RT21V Actions New Model #9607: Retevis RB-27 GMRS Actions New Model #9629: Retevis RT619 Actions New Model #9635: Retevis RB27V Actions New Model #9637: Retevis RB627B Actions New Model #9639: Kenwood TK 2406 M Actions New Model #9645: Retevis RB17 Actions New Model #9647: Retevis RB17V Actions New Model #9649: Retevis RB617 Actions New Model #9661: Retevis RA685 Actions New Model #9675: Vertex & Vertex-Standard, e.g. FTL-1011, FTL-2011, FTL-7011 Actions New Model #9695: QYT KT-8900RE will not enter clone mode Actions New Model #9697: QYT KT-8900RE will not enter clone mode Actions New Model #9734: Add support for the BTECH FRS-B1 Actions New Model #9735: Alinco DJ-VX50 Actions New Model #9738: ABBREE AR-518 Actions New Model #9750: Icom IC-F320s and IC-F420s Actions New Model #9751: Willing to lend Kenwood radio Actions New Model #9752: Add support for the Retevis RB17P Actions New Model #9766: Abbree AR-F5 Actions New Model #9778: Retevis RA85 Actions New Model #9782: Simoco SRM9000 Series Actions New Model #9794: Retevis RB19 Actions New Model #9804: Retevis RB618 Actions New Model #9816: New KT-8900R fingerprint Actions New Model #9827: QYT KT-WP12 / Anysecu WP-9900 Actions New Model #9828: icom ic f33gt Actions New Model #9829: Wanhua WH118 Actions New Model #9830: Kenwood TK-830 Actions New Model #9833: Baofeng UV-16 Actions New Model #9843: RADTEL 490, Socotran 8629, JC8629 , Jiampai 8800 Actions New Model #9844: TechSide TS-T1 Actions New Model #9850: Wanneton Mini Actions New Model #9863: Add support for the BTECH GMRS-V2 Actions New Model #9864: DB25-D support Actions New Model #9867: Baofeng BF-T11 Actions New Model #9880: Add support for Baofeng T17 please Actions New Model #9887: Add support for the BTECH GMRS-20V2 Actions New Model #9894: CRT FP00 Actions New Model #9897: Retevis RT20 Actions New Model #9903: "G63" TXQ-G63 / Talinfone-G63 / Jianpai-MDLG63 / Wurui-G63 / Abbree-AR63 - Mini UHF 16 Channel Radio Actions New Model #9910: Baofeng UV-82 Plus Upper/Lower Case Not Available. Actions New Model #9914: SFE SD300K Actions New Model #9924: eSYNiC UV-5R Actions New Model #9934: Icom ID-5100a Actions New Model #9935: Hongxun HX-370s Actions New Model #9943: Add support for the BTECH FRS-A1 Actions New Model #9958: Retevis RT40B Actions New Model #9991: CRT Electro UV aka Retevis RA25(?) aka AnyTone AT779UV(?) aka Radioddity DB20G(?) Actions New Model #10023: QRZ-1 Actions New Model #10031: Carrborg CV5Pro Actions New Model #10035: Retevis RB23 Actions New Model #10049: Yaesu FT 1807M Actions New Model #10050: Yaesu FT 1807M Actions New Model #10091: Add support for the Baofeng BF-V8A Actions New Model #10110: App not starting Actions New Model #10119: How to join a developer Actions New Model #10125: How to make a channel read-only Actions New Model #10126: Add support for the BTECH UV-50X2 (Gen2) Actions
chirp-py3 open CHIRP from the py3 branch 94% 348 issues (329 closed — 19 open) Related issues Bug #4221: Kenwood TH-D7G driver shows incorrect memory range Actions Bug #4591: Yaesu FT-7100M Fails to upload. Win7 or Linux Mint. Actions Bug #6637: Icom V82 problem Actions Bug #7923: python3 support Actions Bug #7989: Support for Python 3 Actions Bug #8475: Python3 Syntax errors Actions Bug #8545: Python 3 Syntax Errors in Driver Files Actions Bug #8547: Drivers Depend on Missing Module: wouxun_common Actions Bug #8549: string.uppercase no longer exists in Python 3 Actions Bug #8947: Chirp is not populating the Settings tab on Wouxun KG-UV9P Actions Bug #9299: Py3: syntax error Actions Bug #9371: Add "Open Recent" menu to "File" menu in PY3 branch Actions Bug #9395: Replace deprecated use of Append to AppendSubMenu Actions Bug #9449: Replace deprecated GetLabel with wxPython GetItemLabelText Actions Bug #9555: python 3 branch syntax errors Actions Bug #9673: chirp python3 version Actions Bug #9917: few issues with TYT TH-UVF8D Actions Bug #9972: Chirp doesn't work with Retevis RT24 Actions Bug #10066: Chirp Stops, Not responding when signing into RadioReffernce to Querry Radio Refference Actions Bug #10157: Aliased radios fail to clone because prompts cannot be loaded Actions Bug #10161: Cancel leaves radiothread running Actions Bug #10164: Requirements installation fails on MacOS Actions Bug #10165: Memories panel is miniscule until window is resized (py3) Actions Bug #10170: Debug commands raise when no debug.log exists Actions Bug #10172: The wxUI "Banks" tab is sluggish Actions Bug #10173: Download and Upload dialogs are wonky (High DPI issue?) Actions Bug #10174: Tab close should also have yes/no/cancel Actions Bug #10179: Browser values do not update after channel or settings change Actions Bug #10180: Errors are not raised to UI Actions Bug #10183: Selecting split duplex gives an error in wxUI Actions Bug #10184: Duplex "off" should hide offset in wxUI Actions Bug #10193: MacOS Catalina cannot save to Desktop Actions Bug #10199: User selecting tmode=cross should be prompted Actions Bug #10204: TH-D74 Clone mode UHF frequencies do not transmit Actions Bug #10206: RepeaterBook - NO log in username / password entry windows - No Response from RepeaterBook Actions Bug #10207: Query Sources dialog needs padding on the bottom on msw Actions Bug #10208: Error communicating with radio (Unicode) Wouxun drivers Actions Bug #10209: FT897 Errors Actions Bug #10210: Chirp Next- Bajoie 318 Settings Panel Actions Bug #10216: wxUI should remember screen position in addition to size Actions Bug #10225: Printing Error when running under Windows Actions Bug #10229: wxUI should disable editing fields that are immutable Actions Bug #10233: Update driver for CHIRP-next Actions Bug #10236: Print Preview menu item breaks startup Actions Bug #10239: After using Query Source, and navigating to Browse tab locks up CHRIP Actions Bug #10240: Today's chirp-next wheel includes duplicate drivers Actions Bug #10243: The Browser settings of CHIRP-next running under Windows cannot be edited Actions Bug #10244: Radios without ctone hide the tone value in wxUI Actions Bug #10245: Python 3.11 drops universal newline mode Actions Bug #10246: CHIRP-next crashing at start MacOS Actions Bug #10248: Kenwood TS2000 Actions Bug #10250: Traceback upon completing upload Actions Bug #10253: CSV does not properly import of DCS/CTCSS split channels Actions Bug #10255: Save and SaveAs do not work properly on tabs other than index 1 Actions Bug #10256: Insert Row Above actually erases row Actions Bug #10257: Baofeng UV-3R Actions Bug #10259: Bank editor weirdly allows multi-select rows Actions Bug #10260: Two Delete and Shift functions do not work on an empty row Actions Bug #10262: Kenwood TS-2000 problems deleting memories Actions Bug #10263: chirpc fails to set tone options Actions Bug #10267: Memory properties dialog does not honor immutable flag Actions Bug #10271: FTM-350: New channels not visible on radio unless directly dialled Actions Bug #10274: Yaesu FT-2900 Actions Bug #10275: FT-4X driver: TypeError: argument should be integer or bytes-like object, not 'str' Actions Bug #10276: Corrupt Radio Reference Importing Due to Not Properly Sanitizing Data Actions Bug #10277: SetFitMode() missing on wxPython 4.0.7 Actions Bug #10282: Exported CSV file will not load back into CHIRP Actions Bug #10289: FT-817/857/897 errors on some special channels due to comment Actions Bug #10290: MURS frequncy table in driver has wrong frequency Actions Bug #10291: Yaesu VX-6R Cross Mode Not Supported Actions Bug #10293: Unable to open radio image after saving it Actions Bug #10294: DTCS codes are not validated Actions Bug #10295: Kenwood D710 fails to set memory with 159.8 tone Actions Bug #10297: Icom ID-5100 cross modes show in tone modes list Actions Bug #10302: Linux fails bank editor with older wxpython Actions Bug #10304: Icom E90 not working in new ChirpX Actions Bug #10309: syntax errors and no longer needed code Actions Bug #10312: Error reading radio with utf-8 characters in memory name. Actions Bug #10314: RadioReference Canada no longer working Actions Bug #10316: Radios with negative-index specials are not editable Actions Bug #10317: Icom IC-E90 does not properly handle set_memory() of specials Actions Bug #10318: FM Radio UV-9R Pro Actions Bug #10322: Icom ID-80H Bank index assignment Actions Bug #10326: Icom ID-880 Tone modes wrong Actions Bug #10329: Chirp errors out when trying to add frequencies that are supported by the IC-80AD Actions Bug #10333: Wouxun KG-935G ANI-EDIT and Call Codes not updating on radio after a value change Actions Bug #10335: Right-click stopped working on Linux Actions Bug #10340: TYT TH-UVF8D "download from radio" does not work in Chirp Next Actions Bug #10350: BTech GMRS-V2: update/streamline driver Actions Bug #10351: UV6R Memories->Name Field Width Actions Bug #10353: Error when Querying RepeaterBook Amateur Service Actions Bug #10356: Some translations not loaded Actions Bug #10367: relocate validate_memory() Actions Bug #10370: relocate validate_memory() Actions Bug #10371: relocate validate_memory() Actions Bug #10383: Retevis RT85: Can't modify channels 192-194 Actions Bug #10386: Yaesu FT-90 error Actions Bug #10388: Baofeng GMRS-9R Actions Bug #10396: BJ-318 incorrect valid band edges Actions Bug #10398: Quasnsheng TG-UV2+ needs fixing for -next Actions Bug #10403: GT-3WP Settings Page does not work Actions Bug #10404: BF-A58S Actions Bug #10406: UV-5R FM freq Actions Bug #10408: BTech GMRS-50V2 "Error applying settings" Actions Bug #10414: Alinco DR 06/135/235/435 communication Actions Bug #10419: Retevis RT85 and TYT TH-UV88 - Scan Type possibly in wrong order Actions Bug #10420: CHIRP NEXT - Btech GMRS-50V2 Can't Change Settings Actions Bug #10427: Tidradio H6 Frequency Range Actions Bug #10432: Yaesu FT-60: Will not upload, from computer to radio. Radio to computer works fine. Actions Bug #10433: python exception after cloning TM-D710G Actions Bug #10434: Driver prompt strings not included for translation Actions Bug #10437: error when exporting radio image to CSV: Field name is not mutable on this memory Actions Bug #10439: Yaesu FT90 problem UK Actions Bug #10444: CHIRP-next and Radioddity UV-5G img Actions Bug #10445: Unable to enter the "Settings" tab Actions Bug #10446: Puxing PX-888K fails to open Actions Bug #10454: Retevis H777S Unable to Modify Frequency Values Actions Bug #10455: 1st row does not populate when cloning from radio Actions Bug #10461: Wouxun KG-UV9PX - Chirp not showing channel added to memory via radio keypad Actions Bug #10477: Yaesu VX170 unable to edit memory before radio is loaded Actions Bug #10479: BTECH UV25X4 & Radioditty QB25 Actions Bug #10482: KG-UV9D Mate channel state field interpretation Actions Bug #10487: Memory properties does not initialize with proper power level Actions Bug #10489: RepeaterBook Query for Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador is not working Actions Bug #10495: Icom ID51Plus2 upload problem Actions Bug #10503: ICOM IC-V80 Will not put in Tone Actions Bug #10510: CHIRP Next Serial port flow control Actions Bug #10513: Radtel RT-470 TX Power Indicator, TimeOutTimer, Top Button Actions Bug #10515: Unable to communicate with radio starting with version 20230411 Actions Bug #10528: power forced changed to high on PMR Actions Bug #10532: KG-UV9PX New Channels not showing up on Radio Actions Bug #10548: Various Radtel RT-470 Driver Bugs Actions Bug #10554: VX-6R: "ghost" channels after switching to CHIRP-next Actions Bug #10566: Radtel RT-470/RT-470L: Issue with Programmable Function Keys Actions Bug #10569: UV50X3 download memory data corruption Actions Bug #10572: Radtel RT-470 cant read Radio - FW1.22 Actions Bug #10575: Right-click stopped working on Linux Actions Bug #10578: Baofeng UV-5R image - Channel Properties Extra tab does not remember Busy Channel Lock setting Actions Bug #10585: TYT 7800 communication error Actions Bug #10599: CHIRP fails to copy and paste DV memory from CSV to downloaded radio page Actions Bug #10614: Row height in memory spreadsheet with large fonts. Actions Bug #10616: Cannot get Yaesu FT-2800M to send its file to PC Actions Bug #10617: FT-450D Actions Bug #10627: Bank Grid: Inappropriate Action w/Click in Freq or Memory Loc columns Actions Bug #10641: Fix live driver loading row label mismatch Actions Bug #10645: IC-92AD read errors when downloading from radio Actions Bug #10654: Retevis RT29: Some DTCS Codes Not Available Actions Bug #10663: Retevis RB75 Bug Actions Bug #10664: [errno 2] could not open port Help me. ... Actions Bug #10666: Yaesu FT-450D Checksum base may reset Actions Bug #10670: Retevis RB627B errore entrando in "settings" Actions Bug #10675: Port names need to be truncated Actions Bug #10677: RadioReference error on zipcode query. 'subcat' object has no attribute 'scName' Actions Bug #10679: Ruyage UV58Plus - Radtel Rt 980 - iradio UV-5118plus OEM Software read error after write with CHIRP-NEXT Actions Bug #10683: Overhaul Kenwood TH-D7 and TM-D700 drivers Actions Bug #10689: Copy and Paste between specials is broken in multiple ways Actions Bug #10690: Baofeng UV-6R "Radio refused to send block 0x1ec0" error on download from radio Actions Bug #10698: Quansheng UV-K5 Modded firmware AM out of range memory allocation Actions Bug #10701: chirp doesn't recognize BOM in UTF-8 files Actions Bug #10702: Quanshen UV-K5 - cannot disable TX on a channel - no OFF selection under Duplex Actions Bug #10704: Query dialog needs to disable buttons during fetch Actions Bug #10705: Unable to right-click if select-all includes errors Actions Bug #10714: Icom IC-V86 not reading properly, "list index out of range" errors Actions Bug #10724: Export to CSV with DSTAR Channel Fails Actions Bug #10726: Retevis RA685 Actions Bug #10744: Yaesu FT-4XR does not complete clone and read errors Actions Bug #10748: Kenwood_TH-D7 Settings tab won't open "0, is not valid for this setting" Actions Bug #10749: Kenwood_TH-D7 and TH-D7G live mode holds serial port open Actions Bug #10760: Kenwood TH-D74 will not accept "DV" (D-Star) from Repeater Actions Bug #10770: FT818 fails if scan mode set to PMS Actions Bug #10775: TM-D710_clonemode errors out at the end of the download Actions Bug #10787: Retevis RB15/RB615 use all 99 Memory Slots and use 400 to 480 mhz / Update Actions Bug #10790: Retevis RB15/RB615 not possible to create new channels without CTS/DTCS Actions Bug #10795: TONES + TONES_EXTRA is being applied to most, if not all, radios. Actions Bug #10800: CHIRP is not listing extra tones for some radios. Actions Bug #10826: ICOM ID-800H lacks ability to edit power settings on memory Actions Bug #10833: RETEVIS RT98 Error Actions Bug #10845: `FM broadcast frequency on BTECH FRS-A1 Actions Bug #10855: Unable to export remote source data to csv Actions Bug #10860: Talkpod A36Plus not compatible since Firmware 1.22 Actions Bug #10866: Talkpod A36Plus - Cant save custom channel names. Actions Bug #10883: Import Export mapping from BTech GMRS-50V2 Actions Bug #10904: Yaesu FT-8100R gets Unicode Strings not supported error downloading from radio Actions Bug #10907: FT-8100 support does not handle odd split Actions Bug #10942: TYT TH-UV8000 Raw Memory Error Actions Bug #10960: FTM-350 Tuple Index Out Of Range for Broadcast FM Actions Bug #10969: Error setting Yaesu FT-1D settings on a Python3 system Actions Bug #10979: Support for Baofeng UV-6R is broken Actions Bug #10993: Chirp Next won't allow duplex to be set to off Actions Bug #10997: UV17 channels should start at 1 Actions Bug #10998: UV17 bank names should be hidden when not supported Actions Bug #10999: Empty tx frequencies are not detected, resulting in a wrong split frequency for Baofeng radios Actions Bug #11017: V71 Lowercase chars are not supported Actions Bug #11031: Banknames on the UV-17Pro GPS show with trailing spaces Actions Bug #11079: mem.extra type RadioSettingValueInteger is not supported by 'Show extra fields' Actions Bug #11090: deleting memory from the menu item Edit / Delete doesn't set the modified flag Actions Bug #11118: Add support for UV-K5 egzumer firmware Actions Bug #11140: Bitwise allows duplicate names in a single scope Actions Bug #11157: px888k Fails to load with "too many values to unpack" error Actions Bug #11165: Unable to program the Quansheng UV-5R Plus using UV-K5 Model in Chirp Actions Bug #11170: Hiroyasu HI-8811 - Add Identification String Actions Bug #11175: chirp-next-20240216 missing translations Actions Bug #11185: Baofeng 5RM needs special AM handling from UV17ProGPS Actions Bug #11191: Talkpod A36Plus 8W; Failed to Clone Actions Bug #11199: Unable to upload back to radio Actions Bug #11226: Tidradio H3 Settings menu Actions Bug #11236: Kenwood live tones out of order Actions Bug #11258: Radtel RT-470 10W NEW PCB / V2.00 Firmware ERROR: Failed to clone: Radio returned unknown identification string Actions Bug #11297: Retevis RT24 Fails to Clone Actions Bug #11299: Failed: 'subcat' object has no attribute 'scName' - Zip Code 25070 Actions Bug #11303: UTF-8 Import Problems (Mac OS -> Generated from Excel) Actions Bug #11351: Baofeng BF-T20 unable to download from radio Actions Bug #11353: Baofeng BF-1909 error when attempting to read radio, "Radio returned unknown identification string" Actions Bug #11357: cannot read qyt kt-8900d Actions Bug #11363: Radtel RT-730 Actions Bug #11372: Retevis RA87 doesn't retain scan mode changes Actions Bug #11443: Radioddity QB25 "Radio identification failed" Actions Bug #11467: - writes invalild DTCS (aka DCS) codes for many radio models Actions Feature #249: Print the spreadsheet Actions Feature #723: Note column? Actions Feature #1047: Chirp won't run in a Python virtualenv Actions Feature #3661: Power level memory column Actions Feature #3881: Ability to copy/paste in cells Actions Feature #4967: Feature Request: Error alerting and Help menu option Actions Feature #5291: Greek translation Actions Feature #5437: Read / write to SD card... Actions Feature #5621: Add C4FM to mode list Actions Feature #6325: Developer tools warning Actions Feature #7039: Expose per-channel columns in "Other" properties for Baofeng models Actions Feature #7431: Python3-friendly UI based on wxPython Actions Feature #7789: Fields when importing from Repeaterbook Actions Feature #8465: Brazilian Portuguese Translation Actions Feature #9379: Make "Open" in "File" menu work with last_dir in chirp.config PY3 Actions Feature #9403: Add "Open Stock Config" submenu to "File" menu PY3 Actions Feature #9836: Add new languages. Actions Feature #9941: Yaesu FT-60 doesn't support DCS/PL Split Actions Feature #9965: Update polish languages Actions Feature #10139: Include "Repeater Notes" and the ability to exclude DMR, YSF, DStar and p25 repeaters Actions Feature #10150: Bank support in the wxUI Actions Feature #10151: Implement RadioReference query in the wxUI Actions Feature #10152: Integrate locale translation in the wxUI Actions Feature #10153: Consistent debug logging in wxUI Actions Feature #10154: Expose debug log in wxUI Actions Feature #10166: Implement RadioReference for the USA query in the wxUI Actions Feature #10169: Set up radioreference import to handle provincewide systems Actions Feature #10177: wxUI needs bank name editing Actions Feature #10185: wxUI should prompt to overwrite when pasting Actions Feature #10200: FIle "Open recent" should contain also name wich was last saved Actions Feature #10213: Add search field to repeaterbook query Actions Feature #10228: Allow for font type selection Actions Feature #10237: Query RepeaterBook by band filter Actions Feature #10242: Add Yaesu System Fusion C4FM Repeater Import Function, Actions Feature #10258: Allow driver to upload all ranges under certain conditions Actions Feature #10268: RepeaterBook GMRS support Actions Feature #10272: Add RepeaterBook queries for the non-NA countries Actions Feature #10280: Comment field for img files Actions Feature #10283: Free-form power level entry for CSV Actions Feature #10288: Make use of immutable for several radio drivers Actions Feature #10296: Support restoring tabs from previous session Actions Feature #10298: VX-6 driver cross mode support Actions Feature #10307: Add MURS channels to bandplan_na Actions Feature #10338: Have more descriptive names for the Tone settings in the Edit details menu Actions Feature #10347: Rename GMRS_FRSONLY in Actions Feature #10357: Add PMR446 frequencies to bandplan_iaru_r1 Actions Feature #10429: add a way of changing UI language Actions Feature #10430: Sort (reorder) memories by field Actions Feature #10506: Add move up/down edit functions back to chirp-next Actions Feature #10512: Ruyage UV58Plus - Radtel Rt 980 - AM Mode Program Actions Feature #10612: FT-450D PY3 Cleanup Actions Feature #10634: Allow multiple windows Actions Feature #10650: Extra memory field cannot display/set integer. Actions Feature #10665: Yaesu FT-450D Upgrades Actions Feature #10686: Using Retevis RB627B not only for PMR Actions Feature #10688: Allow overriding the stock_configs location Actions Feature #10694: Save backups of images after download Actions Feature #10695: Allow risky settings to warn the user Actions Feature #10700: Add support for - SP repeaters database Actions Feature #10719: Disabling TX on UV-K5 with modded firmware. Actions Feature #10731: RT-470 Update support for Firmware V1.23A Actions Feature #10734: Retain settings when drag-drop or copy-pasted Actions Feature #10905: Add "Start Chirp" to last step of installer Actions Feature #10929: TYT UV8000D Add Menu Number to Settings and improve descriptions Actions Feature #10943: Seek Warnings and Prompt Cleanup Actions Feature #11021: Put COM number before device description in port combobox when choosing radio to communicate with Actions Feature #11127: Allow lightweight setting subgroups Actions Feature #11129: Expose backups directory in the help menu Actions Feature #11138: More robust handling of out-of-range settings Actions Feature #11245: ICOM IC-208H Actions New Model #1489: Wouxun KG-UV950P Quad Band Actions New Model #2157: Icom 746 Pro Actions New Model #6895: Wouxun KG-UV9K Actions New Model #7135: Yaesu FT-450 (not FT-450D) Actions New Model #7215: Baofeng BF-M4 Actions New Model #7997: Radioddity gs-5b Actions New Model #8573: Unrecognized model variation (03). No memory map for it - Wouxun KG-UV9D Plus (Upgrade Version) Actions New Model #8803: Wouxun KG-UV8H Actions New Model #9511: Retevis RB18 Actions New Model #9537: Yaesu FTL-2001, 2007, 7002, 7007 Actions New Model #9557: Kingru SC-111 Actions New Model #9665: Radtel RT-490 Actions New Model #9719: Yaesu FTM-6000 Actions New Model #9760: Baofeng BF-1909 Actions New Model #9784: Baofeng BF-V8 (UHF CB) Actions New Model #9821: BF-T20 Baofeng Actions New Model #9840: Kenwood TK-2140 Actions New Model #10194: Add Retevis RB29 Actions New Model #10195: Add Retevis RB629 Actions New Model #10205: Retevis RA25 Actions New Model #10323: Kenwood TK-7160/8160 Actions New Model #10324: Retevis RB28B Actions New Model #10325: Retevis RB628B Actions New Model #10334: Ruyage UV58Plus Actions New Model #10339: Kenwood TK-2140/3140 Actions