Yaesu FTM-400D
Comparison of memory dumps to SD card, CLN (assumed to be full memory dump),
MEM (memory/channel settings) and SYS (system settings).
Johan Adler, 2014-03-10 (March 10, 2014)
# xxd -g1 CLNFTM400D.dat cln.xxd
# cut -d ' ' -f 2- cln.xxd >cln.raw
## compared CLN, SYS and MEM in Meld diff viewer
0x0000 to 0x007f: Unknown, identical in all dumps
0x0080 to 0x017f: Settings
0x0180 to 0x01ff: Present in both settings (same address) and memories (at 0x0080 to 0x00ff).
0x0200 to 0x027f: Memories (0x0100 to 0x017f)
0x0280 to 0x02ff: Settings (0x0200 to 0x027f)
0x0300 to 0x03ff: Unknown, 0xff in my dump.
0x0400 to 0x047f: Contains data, APRS-related settings?
0x0480 to 0x04ff: Memories (0x0180 to 0x01ff)
0x0500 to 0x057f: Settings (0x0280 to 0x02ff)
0x0580 to 0x05ff: Unknown, 0xca and 0xff in my dump.
0x0600 to 0x067f: Contains data, likely APRS-related.
0x0680 to 0x07ff: Unknown, 0xca in my dump.
0x0800 to 0x69ff: Memories (0x0200 to 0x63ff), I guess the two main banks.
0x7800 to 0x780f: Unknown, 'ALL' padded with ASCII space in my dump. APRS-related?
0x7c00 to 0x7dff: Unknown, looks like data, maybe settings.
0x8000 to 0x????: APRS reports/contacts, full messages received, 0x80 bytes each.
0xe400 to 0x????: APRS contacts, 0x20 bytes each.
0x0080 to 0x017f (0x0100 bytes)
0x0180 to 0x01ff (0x0080 bytes) Not sure if settings or memory
0x0280 to 0x02ff (0x0080 bytes)
0x0500 to 0x057f (0x0080 bytes)
0x0180 to 0x01ff (0x0080 bytes) Not sure if settings or memory
0x0200 to 0x027f (0x0080 bytes)
0x0480 to 0x04ff (0x0080 bytes)
0x0800 to 0x69ff (0x6200 bytes)
Comparing an older cln.xxd with a newer, where I know the frequencies and channel names helps.
Total memory dump size: 0x12c00 bytes
0x0180: My guess is current VFO settings, shared by memory and settings dumps.
0x0200: My guess is Home channels for bank A and B.
0x0480: Likely channel names for Home channels
0x0800: Memory bank A, 0x10 bytes each, Should be memory 1-500 and
nine pairs of scan ranges, lower and upper
0x2860: Memory bank B, 0x10 bytes each, Should be memory 1-500 and
nine pairs of scan ranges, lower and upper
0x48c0: Channel names, bank A, 0x8 bytes each
0x58f0: Channel names, bank B, 0x8 bytes each
0x7e00: APRS beacon message text #1
0x8000: Received and interpreted APRS beacons, seem to be 0x80 bytes each,
could be all 0x3200 bytes up to 0xb1ff giving room for 100 beacons.
0xb200: Sent and received interpreted APRS messages, also 0x80 bytes each,
likely 0x3200 bytes up to 0xe3ff with space for 100 messages.
0xe400: Received raw APRS beacons, 0x20 bytes each, 0xc80 bytes up to 0xf07f
0xf080: Sent and received APRS messages, raw, 0x20 bytes each, should be
0xc80 bytes here to up to 0xfcff