# Copyright 2010 Dan Smith <dsmith@danplanet.com>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import threading
import os
import sys
import time
import logging
from chirp import chirp_common, errors, directory, util
from chirp.settings import RadioSetting, RadioSettingGroup, \
RadioSettingValueInteger, RadioSettingValueBoolean, \
RadioSettingValueString, RadioSettingValueList, RadioSettings
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NOCACHE = "CHIRP_NOCACHE" in os.environ
DUPLEX = {0: "", 1: "+", 2: "-"}
MODES = {0: "FM", 1: "AM"}
STEPS = list(chirp_common.TUNING_STEPS)
THF6_MODES = ["FM", "WFM", "AM", "LSB", "USB", "CW"]
LOCK = threading.Lock()
LAST_BAUD = 9600
LAST_DELIMITER = ("\r", " ")
# The Kenwood TS-2000 uses ";" as a CAT command message delimiter, and all
# others use "\n". Also, TS-2000 doesn't space delimite the command fields,
# but others do.
def command(ser, cmd, *args):
"""Send @cmd to radio via @ser"""
start = time.time()
if args:
cmd += LAST_DELIMITER[1] + LAST_DELIMITER[1].join(args)
LOG.debug("PC->RADIO: %s" % cmd.strip())
result = ""
while not result.endswith(LAST_DELIMITER[0]):
result += ser.read(COMMAND_RESP_BUFSIZE)
if (time.time() - start) > 0.5:
LOG.error("Timeout waiting for data")
if result.endswith(LAST_DELIMITER[0]):
LOG.debug("RADIO->PC: %s" % result.strip())
result = result[:-1]
LOG.error("Giving up")
return result.strip()
def get_id(ser):
"""Get the ID of the radio attached to @ser"""
global LAST_BAUD
bauds = [9600, 19200, 38400, 57600]
bauds.insert(0, LAST_BAUD)
command_delimiters = [("\r"," "), (";","")]
for i in bauds:
curj = 0
for j in command_delimiters:
curj += 1
LOG.info("Trying ID at baud %i with delimiter check #%i" % (i, curj))
resp = command(ser, "ID")
# most kenwood radios
if " " in resp:
return resp.split(" ")[1]
# TS-2000
if "ID019" == resp:
return "TS-2000"
raise errors.RadioError("No response from radio")
def get_tmode(tone, ctcss, dcs):
"""Get the tone mode based on the values of the tone, ctcss, dcs"""
if dcs and int(dcs) == 1:
return "DTCS"
elif int(ctcss):
return "TSQL"
elif int(tone):
return "Tone"
return ""
def iserr(result):
"""Returns True if the @result from a radio is an error"""
return result in ["N", "?"]
class KenwoodLiveRadio(chirp_common.LiveRadio):
"""Base class for all live-mode kenwood radios"""
BAUD_RATE = 9600
VENDOR = "Kenwood"
MODEL = ""
_vfo = 0
_upper = 200
_kenwood_split = False
_kenwood_valid_tones = list(chirp_common.TONES)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
chirp_common.LiveRadio.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._memcache = {}
if self.pipe:
radio_id = get_id(self.pipe)
if radio_id != self.MODEL.split(" ")[0]:
raise Exception("Radio reports %s (not %s)" % (radio_id,
command(self.pipe, "AI", "0")
def _cmd_get_memory(self, number):
return "MR", "%i,0,%03i" % (self._vfo, number)
def _cmd_get_memory_name(self, number):
return "MNA", "%i,%03i" % (self._vfo, number)
def _cmd_get_split(self, number):
return "MR", "%i,1,%03i" % (self._vfo, number)
def _cmd_set_memory(self, number, spec):
if spec:
spec = "," + spec
return "MW", "%i,0,%03i%s" % (self._vfo, number, spec)
def _cmd_set_memory_name(self, number, name):
return "MNA", "%i,%03i,%s" % (self._vfo, number, name)
def _cmd_set_split(self, number, spec):
return "MW", "%i,1,%03i,%s" % (self._vfo, number, spec)
def get_raw_memory(self, number):
return command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_get_memory(number))
def get_memory(self, number):
if number < 0 or number > self._upper:
raise errors.InvalidMemoryLocation(
"Number must be between 0 and %i" % self._upper)
if number in self._memcache and not NOCACHE:
return self._memcache[number]
result = command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_get_memory(number))
if result == "N" or result == "E":
mem = chirp_common.Memory()
mem.number = number
mem.empty = True
self._memcache[mem.number] = mem
return mem
elif " " not in result:
LOG.error("Not sure what to do with this: `%s'" % result)
raise errors.RadioError("Unexpected result returned from radio")
value = result.split(" ")[1]
spec = value.split(",")
mem = self._parse_mem_spec(spec)
self._memcache[mem.number] = mem
result = command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_get_memory_name(number))
if " " in result:
value = result.split(" ", 1)[1]
if value.count(",") == 2:
_zero, _loc, mem.name = value.split(",")
_loc, mem.name = value.split(",")
if mem.duplex == "" and self._kenwood_split:
result = command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_get_split(number))
if " " in result:
value = result.split(" ", 1)[1]
self._parse_split_spec(mem, value.split(","))
return mem
def _make_mem_spec(self, mem):
def _parse_mem_spec(self, spec):
def _parse_split_spec(self, mem, spec):
mem.duplex = "split"
mem.offset = int(spec[2])
def _make_split_spec(self, mem):
return ("%011i" % mem.offset, "0")
def set_memory(self, memory):
if memory.number < 0 or memory.number > self._upper:
raise errors.InvalidMemoryLocation(
"Number must be between 0 and %i" % self._upper)
spec = self._make_mem_spec(memory)
spec = ",".join(spec)
r1 = command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_set_memory(memory.number, spec))
if not iserr(r1):
r2 = command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_set_memory_name(memory.number,
if not iserr(r2):
memory.name = memory.name.rstrip()
self._memcache[memory.number] = memory
raise errors.InvalidDataError("Radio refused name %i: %s" %
raise errors.InvalidDataError("Radio refused %i" % memory.number)
if memory.duplex == "split" and self._kenwood_split:
spec = ",".join(self._make_split_spec(memory))
result = command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_set_split(memory.number,
if iserr(result):
raise errors.InvalidDataError("Radio refused %i" %
def erase_memory(self, number):
if number not in self._memcache:
resp = command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_set_memory(number, ""))
if iserr(resp):
raise errors.RadioError("Radio refused delete of %i" % number)
del self._memcache[number]
def _kenwood_get(self, cmd):
resp = command(self.pipe, cmd)
if " " in resp:
return resp.split(" ", 1)
if resp == cmd:
return [resp, ""]
raise errors.RadioError("Radio refused to return %s" % cmd)
def _kenwood_set(self, cmd, value):
resp = command(self.pipe, cmd, value)
if resp[:len(cmd)] == cmd:
raise errors.RadioError("Radio refused to set %s" % cmd)
def _kenwood_get_bool(self, cmd):
_cmd, result = self._kenwood_get(cmd)
return result == "1"
def _kenwood_set_bool(self, cmd, value):
return self._kenwood_set(cmd, str(int(value)))
def _kenwood_get_int(self, cmd):
_cmd, result = self._kenwood_get(cmd)
return int(result)
def _kenwood_set_int(self, cmd, value, digits=1):
return self._kenwood_set(cmd, ("%%0%ii" % digits) % value)
def set_settings(self, settings):
for element in settings:
if not isinstance(element, RadioSetting):
if not element.changed():
if isinstance(element.value, RadioSettingValueBoolean):
self._kenwood_set_bool(element.get_name(), element.value)
elif isinstance(element.value, RadioSettingValueList):
options = self._SETTINGS_OPTIONS[element.get_name()]
elif isinstance(element.value, RadioSettingValueInteger):
if element.value.get_max() > 9:
digits = 2
digits = 1
element.value, digits)
elif isinstance(element.value, RadioSettingValueString):
self._kenwood_set(element.get_name(), str(element.value))
LOG.error("Unknown type %s" % element.value)
class KenwoodOldLiveRadio(KenwoodLiveRadio):
_kenwood_valid_tones = list(chirp_common.OLD_TONES)
def set_memory(self, memory):
supported_tones = list(chirp_common.OLD_TONES)
if memory.rtone not in supported_tones:
raise errors.UnsupportedToneError("This radio does not support " +
"tone %.1fHz" % memory.rtone)
if memory.ctone not in supported_tones:
raise errors.UnsupportedToneError("This radio does not support " +
"tone %.1fHz" % memory.ctone)
return KenwoodLiveRadio.set_memory(self, memory)
class THD7Radio(KenwoodOldLiveRadio):
"""Kenwood TH-D7"""
_kenwood_split = True
"BAL": ["4:0", "3:1", "2:2", "1:3", "0:4"],
"BEP": ["Off", "Key", "Key+Data", "All"],
"BEPT": ["Off", "Mine", "All New"], # D700 has fourth "All"
"DS": ["Data Band", "Both Bands"],
"DTB": ["A", "B"],
"DTBA": ["A", "B", "A:TX/B:RX"], # D700 has fourth A:RX/B:TX
"DTX": ["Manual", "PTT", "Auto"],
"ICO": ["Kenwood", "Runner", "House", "Tent", "Boat", "SSTV",
"Plane", "Speedboat", "Car", "Bicycle"],
"MNF": ["Name", "Frequency"],
"PKSA": ["1200", "9600"],
"POSC": ["Off Duty", "Enroute", "In Service", "Returning",
"Committed", "Special", "Priority", "Emergency"],
"PT": ["100ms", "200ms", "500ms", "750ms",
"1000ms", "1500ms", "2000ms"],
"SCR": ["Time", "Carrier", "Seek"],
"SV": ["Off", "0.2s", "0.4s", "0.6s", "0.8s", "1.0s",
"2s", "3s", "4s", "5s"],
"TEMP": ["F", "C"],
"TXI": ["30sec", "1min", "2min", "3min", "4min", "5min",
"10min", "20min", "30min"],
"UNIT": ["English", "Metric"],
"WAY": ["Off", "6 digit NMEA", "7 digit NMEA", "8 digit NMEA",
"9 digit NMEA", "6 digit Magellan", "DGPS"],
def get_features(self):
rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
rf.has_settings = True
rf.has_dtcs = False
rf.has_dtcs_polarity = False
rf.has_bank = False
rf.has_mode = True
rf.has_tuning_step = False
rf.can_odd_split = True
rf.valid_duplexes = ["", "-", "+", "split"]
rf.valid_modes = MODES.values()
rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL"]
rf.valid_characters = \
chirp_common.CHARSET_ALPHANUMERIC + "/.-+*)('&%$#! ~}|{"
rf.valid_name_length = 7
rf.memory_bounds = (1, self._upper)
return rf
def _make_mem_spec(self, mem):
if mem.duplex in " -+":
duplex = util.get_dict_rev(DUPLEX, mem.duplex)
offset = mem.offset
duplex = 0
offset = 0
spec = (
"%011i" % mem.freq,
"%X" % STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step),
"%i" % duplex,
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "Tone"),
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "TSQL"),
"", # DCS Flag
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.rtone) + 1),
"", # DCS Code
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.ctone) + 1),
"%09i" % offset,
"%i" % util.get_dict_rev(MODES, mem.mode),
"%i" % ((mem.skip == "S") and 1 or 0))
return spec
def _parse_mem_spec(self, spec):
mem = chirp_common.Memory()
mem.number = int(spec[2])
mem.freq = int(spec[3], 10)
mem.tuning_step = STEPS[int(spec[4], 16)]
mem.duplex = DUPLEX[int(spec[5])]
mem.tmode = get_tmode(spec[7], spec[8], spec[9])
mem.rtone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[10]) - 1]
mem.ctone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[12]) - 1]
if spec[11] and spec[11].isdigit():
mem.dtcs = chirp_common.DTCS_CODES[int(spec[11][:-1]) - 1]
LOG.warn("Unknown or invalid DCS: %s" % spec[11])
if spec[13]:
mem.offset = int(spec[13])
mem.offset = 0
mem.mode = MODES[int(spec[14])]
mem.skip = int(spec[15]) and "S" or ""
return mem
def get_settings(self):
main = RadioSettingGroup("main", "Main")
aux = RadioSettingGroup("aux", "Aux")
tnc = RadioSettingGroup("tnc", "TNC")
save = RadioSettingGroup("save", "Save")
display = RadioSettingGroup("display", "Display")
dtmf = RadioSettingGroup("dtmf", "DTMF")
radio = RadioSettingGroup("radio", "Radio",
aux, tnc, save, display, dtmf)
sky = RadioSettingGroup("sky", "SkyCommand")
aprs = RadioSettingGroup("aprs", "APRS")
top = RadioSettings(main, radio, aprs, sky)
bools = [("AMR", aprs, "APRS Message Auto-Reply"),
("AIP", aux, "Advanced Intercept Point"),
("ARO", aux, "Automatic Repeater Offset"),
("BCN", aprs, "Beacon"),
("CH", radio, "Channel Mode Display"),
# ("DIG", aprs, "APRS Digipeater"),
("DL", main, "Dual"),
("LK", main, "Lock"),
("LMP", main, "Lamp"),
("TSP", dtmf, "DTMF Fast Transmission"),
("TXH", dtmf, "TX Hold"),
for setting, group, name in bools:
value = self._kenwood_get_bool(setting)
rs = RadioSetting(setting, name,
lists = [("BAL", main, "Balance"),
("BEP", aux, "Beep"),
("BEPT", aprs, "APRS Beep"),
("DS", tnc, "Data Sense"),
("DTB", tnc, "Data Band"),
("DTBA", aprs, "APRS Data Band"),
("DTX", aprs, "APRS Data TX"),
# ("ICO", aprs, "APRS Icon"),
("MNF", main, "Memory Display Mode"),
("PKSA", aprs, "APRS Packet Speed"),
("POSC", aprs, "APRS Position Comment"),
("PT", dtmf, "DTMF Speed"),
("SV", save, "Battery Save"),
("TEMP", aprs, "APRS Temperature Units"),
("TXI", aprs, "APRS Transmit Interval"),
# ("UNIT", aprs, "APRS Display Units"),
("WAY", aprs, "Waypoint Mode"),
for setting, group, name in lists:
value = self._kenwood_get_int(setting)
options = self._SETTINGS_OPTIONS[setting]
rs = RadioSetting(setting, name,
ints = [("CNT", display, "Contrast", 1, 16),
for setting, group, name, minv, maxv in ints:
value = self._kenwood_get_int(setting)
rs = RadioSetting(setting, name,
RadioSettingValueInteger(minv, maxv, value))
strings = [("MES", display, "Power-on Message", 8),
("MYC", aprs, "APRS Callsign", 8),
("PP", aprs, "APRS Path", 32),
("SCC", sky, "SkyCommand Callsign", 8),
("SCT", sky, "SkyCommand To Callsign", 8),
# ("STAT", aprs, "APRS Status Text", 32),
for setting, group, name, length in strings:
_cmd, value = self._kenwood_get(setting)
rs = RadioSetting(setting, name,
RadioSettingValueString(0, length, value))
return top
class THD7GRadio(THD7Radio):
"""Kenwood TH-D7G"""
def get_features(self):
rf = super(THD7GRadio, self).get_features()
rf.valid_name_length = 8
return rf
class TMD700Radio(KenwoodOldLiveRadio):
"""Kenwood TH-D700"""
MODEL = "TM-D700"
_kenwood_split = True
def get_features(self):
rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
rf.has_dtcs = True
rf.has_dtcs_polarity = False
rf.has_bank = False
rf.has_mode = False
rf.has_tuning_step = False
rf.can_odd_split = True
rf.valid_duplexes = ["", "-", "+", "split"]
rf.valid_modes = ["FM"]
rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "DTCS"]
rf.valid_characters = chirp_common.CHARSET_ALPHANUMERIC
rf.valid_name_length = 8
rf.memory_bounds = (1, self._upper)
return rf
def _make_mem_spec(self, mem):
if mem.duplex in " -+":
duplex = util.get_dict_rev(DUPLEX, mem.duplex)
duplex = 0
spec = (
"%011i" % mem.freq,
"%X" % STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step),
"%i" % duplex,
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "Tone"),
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "TSQL"),
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "DTCS"),
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.rtone) + 1),
"%03i0" % (chirp_common.DTCS_CODES.index(mem.dtcs) + 1),
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.ctone) + 1),
"%09i" % mem.offset,
"%i" % util.get_dict_rev(MODES, mem.mode),
"%i" % ((mem.skip == "S") and 1 or 0))
return spec
def _parse_mem_spec(self, spec):
mem = chirp_common.Memory()
mem.number = int(spec[2])
mem.freq = int(spec[3])
mem.tuning_step = STEPS[int(spec[4], 16)]
mem.duplex = DUPLEX[int(spec[5])]
mem.tmode = get_tmode(spec[7], spec[8], spec[9])
mem.rtone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[10]) - 1]
mem.ctone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[12]) - 1]
if spec[11] and spec[11].isdigit():
mem.dtcs = chirp_common.DTCS_CODES[int(spec[11][:-1]) - 1]
LOG.warn("Unknown or invalid DCS: %s" % spec[11])
if spec[13]:
mem.offset = int(spec[13])
mem.offset = 0
mem.mode = MODES[int(spec[14])]
mem.skip = int(spec[15]) and "S" or ""
return mem
class TMV7Radio(KenwoodOldLiveRadio):
"""Kenwood TM-V7"""
mem_upper_limit = 200 # Will be updated
def get_features(self):
rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
rf.has_dtcs = False
rf.has_dtcs_polarity = False
rf.has_bank = False
rf.has_mode = False
rf.has_tuning_step = False
rf.valid_modes = ["FM"]
rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL"]
rf.valid_characters = chirp_common.CHARSET_ALPHANUMERIC
rf.valid_name_length = 7
rf.has_sub_devices = True
rf.memory_bounds = (1, self._upper)
return rf
def _make_mem_spec(self, mem):
spec = (
"%011i" % mem.freq,
"%X" % STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step),
"%i" % util.get_dict_rev(DUPLEX, mem.duplex),
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "Tone"),
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "TSQL"),
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.rtone) + 1),
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.ctone) + 1),
return spec
def _parse_mem_spec(self, spec):
mem = chirp_common.Memory()
mem.number = int(spec[2])
mem.freq = int(spec[3])
mem.tuning_step = STEPS[int(spec[4], 16)]
mem.duplex = DUPLEX[int(spec[5])]
if int(spec[7]):
mem.tmode = "Tone"
elif int(spec[8]):
mem.tmode = "TSQL"
mem.rtone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[10]) - 1]
mem.ctone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[12]) - 1]
return mem
def get_sub_devices(self):
return [TMV7RadioVHF(self.pipe), TMV7RadioUHF(self.pipe)]
def __test_location(self, loc):
mem = self.get_memory(loc)
if not mem.empty:
# Memory was not empty, must be valid
return True
# Mem was empty (or invalid), try to set it
if self._vfo == 0:
mem.freq = 144000000
mem.freq = 440000000
mem.empty = False
except Exception:
# Failed, so we're past the limit
return False
# Erase what we did
except Exception:
pass # V7A Can't delete just yet
return True
def _detect_split(self):
return 50
class TMV7RadioSub(TMV7Radio):
"""Base class for the TM-V7 sub devices"""
def __init__(self, pipe):
TMV7Radio.__init__(self, pipe)
class TMV7RadioVHF(TMV7RadioSub):
"""TM-V7 VHF subdevice"""
_vfo = 0
class TMV7RadioUHF(TMV7RadioSub):
"""TM-V7 UHF subdevice"""
_vfo = 1
class TMG707Radio(TMV7Radio):
"""Kenwood TM-G707"""
MODEL = "TM-G707"
def get_features(self):
rf = TMV7Radio.get_features(self)
rf.has_sub_devices = False
rf.memory_bounds = (1, 180)
rf.valid_bands = [(118000000, 174000000),
(300000000, 520000000),
(800000000, 999000000)]
return rf
THG71_STEPS = [5, 6.25, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100]
class THG71Radio(TMV7Radio):
"""Kenwood TH-G71"""
MODEL = "TH-G71"
def get_features(self):
rf = TMV7Radio.get_features(self)
rf.has_tuning_step = True
rf.valid_tuning_steps = list(THG71_STEPS)
rf.valid_name_length = 6
rf.has_sub_devices = False
rf.valid_bands = [(118000000, 174000000),
(320000000, 470000000),
(800000000, 945000000)]
return rf
def _make_mem_spec(self, mem):
spec = (
"%011i" % mem.freq,
"%X" % THG71_STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step),
"%i" % util.get_dict_rev(DUPLEX, mem.duplex),
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "Tone"),
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "TSQL"),
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.rtone) + 1),
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.ctone) + 1),
"%09i" % mem.offset,
"%i" % ((mem.skip == "S") and 1 or 0))
return spec
def _parse_mem_spec(self, spec):
mem = chirp_common.Memory()
mem.number = int(spec[2])
mem.freq = int(spec[3])
mem.tuning_step = THG71_STEPS[int(spec[4], 16)]
mem.duplex = DUPLEX[int(spec[5])]
if int(spec[7]):
mem.tmode = "Tone"
elif int(spec[8]):
mem.tmode = "TSQL"
mem.rtone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[10]) - 1]
mem.ctone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[12]) - 1]
if spec[13]:
mem.offset = int(spec[13])
mem.offset = 0
return mem
THF6A_STEPS = [5.0, 6.25, 8.33, 9.0, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 50.0,
THF6A_DUPLEX[3] = "split"
class THF6ARadio(KenwoodLiveRadio):
"""Kenwood TH-F6"""
_upper = 399
_kenwood_split = True
def get_features(self):
rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
rf.has_dtcs_polarity = False
rf.has_bank = False
rf.can_odd_split = True
rf.valid_modes = list(THF6_MODES)
rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "DTCS"]
rf.valid_tuning_steps = list(THF6A_STEPS)
rf.valid_bands = [(1000, 1300000000)]
rf.valid_skips = ["", "S"]
rf.valid_duplexes = THF6A_DUPLEX.values()
rf.valid_characters = chirp_common.CHARSET_ASCII
rf.valid_name_length = 8
rf.memory_bounds = (0, self._upper)
rf.has_settings = True
return rf
def _cmd_set_memory(self, number, spec):
if spec:
spec = "," + spec
return "MW", "0,%03i%s" % (number, spec)
def _cmd_get_memory(self, number):
return "MR", "0,%03i" % number
def _cmd_get_memory_name(self, number):
return "MNA", "%03i" % number
def _cmd_set_memory_name(self, number, name):
return "MNA", "%03i,%s" % (number, name)
def _cmd_get_split(self, number):
return "MR", "1,%03i" % number
def _cmd_set_split(self, number, spec):
return "MW", "1,%03i,%s" % (number, spec)
def _parse_mem_spec(self, spec):
mem = chirp_common.Memory()
mem.number = int(spec[1])
mem.freq = int(spec[2])
mem.tuning_step = THF6A_STEPS[int(spec[3], 16)]
mem.duplex = THF6A_DUPLEX[int(spec[4])]
mem.tmode = get_tmode(spec[6], spec[7], spec[8])
mem.rtone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[9])]
mem.ctone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[10])]
if spec[11] and spec[11].isdigit():
mem.dtcs = chirp_common.DTCS_CODES[int(spec[11])]
LOG.warn("Unknown or invalid DCS: %s" % spec[11])
if spec[12]:
mem.offset = int(spec[12])
mem.offset = 0
mem.mode = THF6_MODES[int(spec[13])]
if spec[14] == "1":
mem.skip = "S"
return mem
def _make_mem_spec(self, mem):
if mem.duplex in " +-":
duplex = util.get_dict_rev(THF6A_DUPLEX, mem.duplex)
offset = mem.offset
elif mem.duplex == "split":
duplex = 0
offset = 0
LOG.warn("Bug: unsupported duplex `%s'" % mem.duplex)
spec = (
"%011i" % mem.freq,
"%X" % THF6A_STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step),
"%i" % duplex,
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "Tone"),
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "TSQL"),
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "DTCS"),
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.rtone)),
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.ctone)),
"%03i" % (chirp_common.DTCS_CODES.index(mem.dtcs)),
"%09i" % offset,
"%i" % (THF6_MODES.index(mem.mode)),
"%i" % (mem.skip == "S"))
return spec
"APO": ["Off", "30min", "60min"],
"BAL": ["100%:0%", "75%:25%", "50%:50%", "25%:75%", "%0:100%"],
"BAT": ["Lithium", "Alkaline"],
"CKEY": ["Call", "1750Hz"],
"DATP": ["1200bps", "9600bps"],
"LAN": ["English", "Japanese"],
"MNF": ["Name", "Frequency"],
"MRM": ["All Band", "Current Band"],
"PT": ["100ms", "250ms", "500ms", "750ms",
"1000ms", "1500ms", "2000ms"],
"SCR": ["Time", "Carrier", "Seek"],
"SV": ["Off", "0.2s", "0.4s", "0.6s", "0.8s", "1.0s",
"2s", "3s", "4s", "5s"],
"VXD": ["250ms", "500ms", "750ms", "1s", "1.5s", "2s", "3s"],
def get_settings(self):
main = RadioSettingGroup("main", "Main")
aux = RadioSettingGroup("aux", "Aux")
save = RadioSettingGroup("save", "Save")
display = RadioSettingGroup("display", "Display")
dtmf = RadioSettingGroup("dtmf", "DTMF")
top = RadioSettings(main, aux, save, display, dtmf)
lists = [("APO", save, "Automatic Power Off"),
("BAL", main, "Balance"),
("BAT", save, "Battery Type"),
("CKEY", aux, "CALL Key Set Up"),
("DATP", aux, "Data Packet Speed"),
("LAN", display, "Language"),
("MNF", main, "Memory Display Mode"),
("MRM", main, "Memory Recall Method"),
("PT", dtmf, "DTMF Speed"),
("SCR", main, "Scan Resume"),
("SV", save, "Battery Save"),
("VXD", aux, "VOX Drop Delay"),
bools = [("ANT", aux, "Bar Antenna"),
("ATT", main, "Attenuator Enabled"),
("ARO", main, "Automatic Repeater Offset"),
("BEP", aux, "Beep for keypad"),
("DL", main, "Dual"),
("DLK", dtmf, "DTMF Lockout On Transmit"),
("ELK", aux, "Enable Locked Tuning"),
("LK", main, "Lock"),
("LMP", display, "Lamp"),
("NSFT", aux, "Noise Shift"),
("TH", aux, "Tx Hold for 1750"),
("TSP", dtmf, "DTMF Fast Transmission"),
("TXH", dtmf, "TX Hold DTMF"),
("TXS", main, "Transmit Inhibit"),
("VOX", aux, "VOX Enable"),
("VXB", aux, "VOX On Busy"),
ints = [("CNT", display, "Contrast", 1, 16),
("VXG", aux, "VOX Gain", 0, 9),
strings = [("MES", display, "Power-on Message", 8),
for setting, group, name in bools:
value = self._kenwood_get_bool(setting)
rs = RadioSetting(setting, name,
for setting, group, name in lists:
value = self._kenwood_get_int(setting)
options = self._SETTINGS_OPTIONS[setting]
rs = RadioSetting(setting, name,
for setting, group, name, minv, maxv in ints:
value = self._kenwood_get_int(setting)
rs = RadioSetting(setting, name,
RadioSettingValueInteger(minv, maxv, value))
for setting, group, name, length in strings:
_cmd, value = self._kenwood_get(setting)
rs = RadioSetting(setting, name,
RadioSettingValueString(0, length, value))
return top
class THF7ERadio(THF6ARadio):
"""Kenwood TH-F7"""
D710_DUPLEX = ["", "+", "-", "split"]
D710_MODES = ["FM", "NFM", "AM"]
D710_SKIP = ["", "S"]
D710_STEPS = [5.0, 6.25, 8.33, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 50.0, 100.0]
D710_TONES = list(chirp_common.TONES)
class TMD710Radio(KenwoodLiveRadio):
"""Kenwood TM-D710"""
MODEL = "TM-D710"
_upper = 999
_kenwood_valid_tones = list(D710_TONES)
def get_features(self):
rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
rf.can_odd_split = True
rf.has_dtcs_polarity = False
rf.has_bank = False
rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "DTCS"]
rf.valid_modes = D710_MODES
rf.valid_duplexes = D710_DUPLEX
rf.valid_tuning_steps = D710_STEPS
rf.valid_characters = chirp_common.CHARSET_ASCII.replace(',', '')
rf.valid_name_length = 8
rf.valid_skips = D710_SKIP
rf.memory_bounds = (0, 999)
return rf
def _cmd_get_memory(self, number):
return "ME", "%03i" % number
def _cmd_get_memory_name(self, number):
return "MN", "%03i" % number
def _cmd_set_memory(self, number, spec):
return "ME", "%03i,%s" % (number, spec)
def _cmd_set_memory_name(self, number, name):
return "MN", "%03i,%s" % (number, name)
def _parse_mem_spec(self, spec):
mem = chirp_common.Memory()
mem.number = int(spec[0])
mem.freq = int(spec[1])
mem.tuning_step = D710_STEPS[int(spec[2], 16)]
mem.duplex = D710_DUPLEX[int(spec[3])]
# Reverse
if int(spec[5]):
mem.tmode = "Tone"
elif int(spec[6]):
mem.tmode = "TSQL"
elif int(spec[7]):
mem.tmode = "DTCS"
mem.rtone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[8])]
mem.ctone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[9])]
mem.dtcs = chirp_common.DTCS_CODES[int(spec[10])]
mem.offset = int(spec[11])
mem.mode = D710_MODES[int(spec[12])]
# TX Frequency
if int(spec[13]):
mem.duplex = "split"
mem.offset = int(spec[13])
# Unknown
mem.skip = D710_SKIP[int(spec[15])] # Memory Lockout
return mem
def _make_mem_spec(self, mem):
spec = (
"%010i" % mem.freq,
"%X" % D710_STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step),
"%i" % (0 if mem.duplex == "split"
else D710_DUPLEX.index(mem.duplex)),
"0", # Reverse
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "Tone" and 1 or 0),
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "TSQL" and 1 or 0),
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "DTCS" and 1 or 0),
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.rtone)),
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.ctone)),
"%03i" % (chirp_common.DTCS_CODES.index(mem.dtcs)),
"%08i" % (0 if mem.duplex == "split" else mem.offset), # Offset
"%i" % D710_MODES.index(mem.mode),
"%010i" % (mem.offset if mem.duplex == "split" else 0), # TX Freq
"0", # Unknown
"%i" % D710_SKIP.index(mem.skip), # Memory Lockout
return spec
class THD72Radio(TMD710Radio):
"""Kenwood TH-D72"""
MODEL = "TH-D72 (live mode)"
HARDWARE_FLOW = sys.platform == "darwin" # only OS X driver needs hw flow
def _parse_mem_spec(self, spec):
mem = chirp_common.Memory()
mem.number = int(spec[0])
mem.freq = int(spec[1])
mem.tuning_step = D710_STEPS[int(spec[2], 16)]
mem.duplex = D710_DUPLEX[int(spec[3])]
# Reverse
if int(spec[5]):
mem.tmode = "Tone"
elif int(spec[6]):
mem.tmode = "TSQL"
elif int(spec[7]):
mem.tmode = "DTCS"
mem.rtone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[9])]
mem.ctone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[10])]
mem.dtcs = chirp_common.DTCS_CODES[int(spec[11])]
mem.offset = int(spec[13])
mem.mode = D710_MODES[int(spec[14])]
# TX Frequency
if int(spec[15]):
mem.duplex = "split"
mem.offset = int(spec[15])
# Lockout
mem.skip = D710_SKIP[int(spec[17])] # Memory Lockout
return mem
def _make_mem_spec(self, mem):
spec = (
"%010i" % mem.freq,
"%X" % D710_STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step),
"%i" % (0 if mem.duplex == "split"
else D710_DUPLEX.index(mem.duplex)),
"0", # Reverse
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "Tone" and 1 or 0),
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "TSQL" and 1 or 0),
"%i" % (mem.tmode == "DTCS" and 1 or 0),
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.rtone)),
"%02i" % (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.ctone)),
"%03i" % (chirp_common.DTCS_CODES.index(mem.dtcs)),
"%08i" % (0 if mem.duplex == "split" else mem.offset), # Offset
"%i" % D710_MODES.index(mem.mode),
"%010i" % (mem.offset if mem.duplex == "split" else 0), # TX Freq
"0", # Unknown
"%i" % D710_SKIP.index(mem.skip), # Memory Lockout
return spec
class TMV71Radio(TMD710Radio):
"""Kenwood TM-V71"""
MODEL = "TM-V71"
class TMD710GRadio(TMD710Radio):
"""Kenwood TM-D710G"""
MODEL = "TM-D710G"
def get_prompts(cls):
rp = chirp_common.RadioPrompts()
rp.experimental = ("This radio driver is currently under development, "
"and supports the same features as the TM-D710A/E. "
"There are no known issues with it, but you should "
"proceed with caution.")
return rp
THK2_DUPLEX = ["", "+", "-"]
THK2_MODES = ["FM", "NFM"]
THK2_TONES = list(chirp_common.TONES)
THK2_TONES.remove(159.8) # ??
THK2_TONES.remove(165.5) # ??
THK2_TONES.remove(171.3) # ??
THK2_TONES.remove(177.3) # ??
THK2_TONES.remove(183.5) # ??
THK2_TONES.remove(189.9) # ??
THK2_TONES.remove(196.6) # ??
THK2_TONES.remove(199.5) # ??
THK2_CHARS = chirp_common.CHARSET_UPPER_NUMERIC + "-/"
class THK2Radio(KenwoodLiveRadio):
"""Kenwood TH-K2"""
_kenwood_valid_tones = list(THK2_TONES)
def get_features(self):
rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
rf.can_odd_split = False
rf.has_dtcs_polarity = False
rf.has_bank = False
rf.has_tuning_step = False
rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "DTCS"]
rf.valid_modes = THK2_MODES
rf.valid_duplexes = THK2_DUPLEX
rf.valid_characters = THK2_CHARS
rf.valid_name_length = 6
rf.valid_bands = [(136000000, 173990000)]
rf.valid_skips = ["", "S"]
rf.valid_tuning_steps = [5.0]
rf.memory_bounds = (1, 50)
return rf
def _cmd_get_memory(self, number):
return "ME", "%02i" % number
def _cmd_get_memory_name(self, number):
return "MN", "%02i" % number
def _cmd_set_memory(self, number, spec):
return "ME", "%02i,%s" % (number, spec)
def _cmd_set_memory_name(self, number, name):
return "MN", "%02i,%s" % (number, name)
def _parse_mem_spec(self, spec):
mem = chirp_common.Memory()
mem.number = int(spec[0])
mem.freq = int(spec[1])
# mem.tuning_step =
mem.duplex = THK2_DUPLEX[int(spec[3])]
if int(spec[5]):
mem.tmode = "Tone"
elif int(spec[6]):
mem.tmode = "TSQL"
elif int(spec[7]):
mem.tmode = "DTCS"
mem.rtone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[8])]
mem.ctone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(spec[9])]
mem.dtcs = chirp_common.DTCS_CODES[int(spec[10])]
mem.offset = int(spec[11])
mem.mode = THK2_MODES[int(spec[12])]
mem.skip = int(spec[16]) and "S" or ""
return mem
def _make_mem_spec(self, mem):
rti = self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.rtone)
cti = self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.ctone)
except ValueError:
raise errors.UnsupportedToneError()
spec = (
"%010i" % mem.freq,
"%i" % THK2_DUPLEX.index(mem.duplex),
"%i" % int(mem.tmode == "Tone"),
"%i" % int(mem.tmode == "TSQL"),
"%i" % int(mem.tmode == "DTCS"),
"%02i" % rti,
"%02i" % cti,
"%03i" % chirp_common.DTCS_CODES.index(mem.dtcs),
"%08i" % mem.offset,
"%i" % THK2_MODES.index(mem.mode),
"%010i" % 0,
"%i" % int(mem.skip == "S")
return spec
class TM271Radio(THK2Radio):
"""Kenwood TM-271"""
MODEL = "TM-271"
def get_features(self):
rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
rf.can_odd_split = False
rf.has_dtcs_polarity = False
rf.has_bank = False
rf.has_tuning_step = False
rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "DTCS"]
rf.valid_modes = THK2_MODES
rf.valid_duplexes = THK2_DUPLEX
rf.valid_characters = THK2_CHARS
rf.valid_name_length = 6
rf.valid_bands = [(137000000, 173990000)]
rf.valid_skips = ["", "S"]
rf.valid_tuning_steps = [5.0]
rf.memory_bounds = (0, 99)
return rf
def _cmd_get_memory(self, number):
return "ME", "%03i" % number
def _cmd_get_memory_name(self, number):
return "MN", "%03i" % number
def _cmd_set_memory(self, number, spec):
return "ME", "%03i,%s" % (number, spec)
def _cmd_set_memory_name(self, number, name):
return "MN", "%03i,%s" % (number, name)
class TM281Radio(TM271Radio):
"""Kenwood TM-281"""
MODEL = "TM-281"
# seems that this is a perfect clone of TM271 with just a different model
class TM471Radio(THK2Radio):
"""Kenwood TM-471"""
MODEL = "TM-471"
def get_features(self):
rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
rf.can_odd_split = False
rf.has_dtcs_polarity = False
rf.has_bank = False
rf.has_tuning_step = False
rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "DTCS"]
rf.valid_modes = THK2_MODES
rf.valid_duplexes = THK2_DUPLEX
rf.valid_characters = THK2_CHARS
rf.valid_name_length = 6
rf.valid_bands = [(444000000, 479990000)]
rf.valid_skips = ["", "S"]
rf.valid_tuning_steps = [5.0]
rf.memory_bounds = (0, 99)
return rf
def _cmd_get_memory(self, number):
return "ME", "%03i" % number
def _cmd_get_memory_name(self, number):
return "MN", "%03i" % number
def _cmd_set_memory(self, number, spec):
return "ME", "%03i,%s" % (number, spec)
def _cmd_set_memory_name(self, number, name):
return "MN", "%03i,%s" % (number, name)