


New Model #1035 »

Draft version of the TYT TH9000 memory map - David Fannin, 08/25/2013 10:24 AM

Description: Chirp Data Structure of the Memory Map for TYT TH-9000/VHF
Version: 0.1
Date: 8/25/2013
Status: Imcomplete
- This is the initial, incomplete version of the channel data structure.
- The memory map looks a lot like the Anytone 5888 model, however, these does appear to be significant differences.
- Decode channel DCS settings
- Decode General Options and Settings
- Decode Skip and Channel Set

Memory Map:

Field Start End Size
hex) (hex) (dec)
Channel Set Flag 0100 011F 32
Channel Skip Flag 0120 013F 32
Blank/Unknown 0140 01EF 176
Global Options 01F0 191F 5036
Channel 000 2000 201F 32
Channel 001 2000 201F 32
Channel 100 2DC0 2DDF 32
Channel 199 38E0 38FF 32
Blank/Unknown 3900 3FFF 1792
Total 16128 (2^8 = 16384)

Protocol for Upload Sequence, Only Writes shown:

1) Start
"Program" 50 52 4F 47 52 41 4D
0x02 02
"R\0x01\0x40\x10" 52 01 40 10 (?means "Read" address 1040, 16 bytes, but doesn't match write data field)

2) Write Records, Loop from address 0100 to 3900, step 0x10
"W"<address><length><data><checksum>"\0x06" 57 .. .. 10 ..(*16) .. 06 (write record of 16 bytes)
header[4 bytes]:
command[1] = Write ("W")
address[2] = 0100 to 3900
length[1] = 0x10 (16 bytes length)
data[16 bytes]:
data[16] = 16 byte payload
end[2 bytes]:
checksum[1] = 1 byte, uses digit check checksum ( sum of header and data bytes, modulo 256)
end of record[1] = 0x06 (ascii ACK char)

3) END
"END" 45 4E 44


draft memory map , per channel record
- does not include DCS or various tone, cross settings

mem_format = """
struct memory {
bbcd freq[4];
bbcd offset[4];
u8 unknownA:4,
u8 unknownB:4,
u8 talkaround:1,
u8 unknownD:4,
u8 unknown5:2,
u8 unknown6:2,
u8 txcode;
u8 rxcode;
u8 unknownE[3];
char name[7];
u8 unknownF:6,
u8 unknownG[4];
u8 unknownH:7,
#seekto 0x2000;
struct memory memory[200];

description of channel record
bytes:bit type description
4 bbcd freq[4] receive frequency in packed binary coded decimal
4 bbcd offset[4] transmit offset in packed binary coded decimal (note: plus/minus direction set by 'duplex' field)
1 u8
:4 unknownA:4
:4 tune_step:4 tuning step, menu index value from 0-9
1 u8
:4 unknownB:4 not yet decoded, used for DCS coding?
:2 channel_width:2 channel spacing, menu index value from 0-3
:1 reverse:1 reverse flag, 0=off, 1=on (reverses tx and rx freqs)
:1 txoff:1 transmitt off flag, 0=transmit , 1=do not transmit
1 u8
:1 talkaround:1 talkaround flag, 0=off, 1=on (bypasses repeater)
:1 compander:1 compander flag, 0=off, 1=on (turns on/off voice compander option)
:2 unknownC:2
:2 power:2 tx power setting, value range 0-2, 0=hi,1=med,2=lo
:2 duplex:2 duplex settings, 0=simplex,1= minus(-) offset, 2= plus (+) offset (see offset field)
1 u8
:4 unknownD:4
:2 rxtmode:2 rx tone mode, value range 0-2, 0=none, 1=CTCSS, 2=DCS (ctcss tone in field rxtone)
:2 txtmode:2 tx tone mode, value range 0-2, 0=none, 1=CTCSS, 3=DCS (ctcss tone in field txtone)
1 u8
:2 unknownE:2
:6 txtone:6 tx ctcss tone, menu index
1 u8
:2 unknownF:2
:6 rxtone:6 rx ctcss tone, menu index
1 u8 txcode ?, not used for ctcss
1 u8 rxcode ?, not used for ctcss
3 u8 unknownG[3]
7 char name[7] 7 byte char string for channel name
1 u8
:6 unknownH:6,
:2 busychannellockout:2 busy channel lockout option , 0=off, 1=repeater, 2=busy (lock out tx if channel busy)
4 u8 unknownI[4];
1 u8
:7 unknownJ:7
:1 scrambler:1 scrambler flag, 0=off, 1=on (turns on tyt scrambler option)