


New Model #6129 » Quansheng UV-R50

Driver written by Uriel Corfa, 6 Oct 2020 - Gary P, 08/28/2023 08:52 PM

# Copyright 2020 Uriel Corfa <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import struct
import time
import os
import logging

from chirp import chirp_common, errors, util, directory, memmap
from chirp.settings import RadioSetting, RadioSettingGroup, \
RadioSettingValueInteger, RadioSettingValueList, \
RadioSettingValueBoolean, RadioSettingValueString, \
from chirp import bitwise
from textwrap import dedent

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

struct channel {
lbcd rxfreq[4];
lbcd txfreq[4];
ul16 rxtone;
ul16 txtone;
u8 unknown1:3,
u8 unknown3:2,
u8 signalcode;
u8 unknown5;

#seekto 0x0000;
struct channel memory[128];

#seekto 0x0f60;
struct channel vfo1;
#seekto 0x0f70;
struct channel vfo2;

#seekto 0x1000;
struct {
u8 name[8];
u8 unknown[8];
} names[128];

#seekto 0x0E20;
struct {
u8 mdfa; // 0x0E20
u8 step; // 0x0E21
u8 squelch; // 0x0E22
u8 powersave; // 0x0E23
u8 vox; // 0x0E24
u8 unknownE25; // 0x0E25
u8 tot; // 0x0E26
u8 unknownE27; // 0x0E27
u8 dualwatch; // 0x0E28
u8 unknownE29[4]; // 0x0E29 .. 2C
u8 beep; // 0x0E2D
u8 lang; // 0x0E2E
u8 unknownE2F; // 0x0E2F

u8 dtmfst; // 0x0E30
u8 unknownE31; // 0x0E31
u8 chan1; // 0x0E32
u8 chan2; // 0x0E33
u8 pttlt; // 0x0E34
u8 pttid; // 0x0E35
u8 unknownE36; // 0x0E36
u8 mdfb; // 0x0E37
u8 scanresmode; // 0x0E38
u8 autolk; // 0x0E39
u8 unknnownE3A[3]; // 0x0E3A .. 3C
u8 stbycolor; // 0x0E3D
u8 rxcolor; // 0x0E3E
u8 txcolor; // 0x0E3F

u8 alarm; // 0x0E40
u8 unknownE41; // 0x0E41
u8 tdrab; // 0x0E42
u8 ste; // 0x0E43
u8 rpste; // 0x0E44
u8 rptrl; // 0x0E45
u8 ponmsg; // 0x0E46
u8 roger; // 0x0E47
u8 unknownE48[4]; // 0x0E48 .. 4B
u8 vfomr; // 0x0E4C
u8 locked; // 0x0E4D
u8 abr; // 0x0E4E
u8 unknownE4F; // 0x0E4F

u8 unknownE50[10]; // 0x0E50 .. 59
u8 aniid[5]; // 0x0E5A .. 5E
u8 unknownE5F; // 0x0E5F // This is probably supposed to remain
// at 0xff, as a string terminator for
// the ANI ID
} settings;

#seekto 0x0B00;
struct {
u8 dtmf[5];
u8 unused[11];
} dtmf[16];

MAGIC = b"\x4b\x6b\x4e\x48\x53\x47\x30\x4e\x02"
VERSION = b"\x06\x4a\x35\x36\x30\x32\x43\xf8"

"VFO1": ("vfo1", -2),
"VFO2": ("vfo2", -1),

POWER_LEVELS = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("Low", watts=1.00),
chirp_common.PowerLevel("High", watts=4.00)]
MODES = ["NFM", "FM"]
STEPS = [2.5, 5.0, 6.25, 10.0, 12.5, 25.0]
LANGUAGES = ["Off", "Chinese", "English"]
SCANRES_MODES = ["Skip after 5s",
"Skip when carrier-wave drops",
"Stop when found"]
COLORS = ["Off", "Green", "Purple", "Sky blue"]
DTMFST_MODES = ["Off", "DT-ST", "ANI", "DT-ST + ANI"]
PTTID_MODES = ["Off", "BOT", "EOT", "Both"]
DISPLAY_MODES = ["Frequency", "Channel no", "Name"]
ALARM_MODES = ["Tone", "Code", "Site"]
TDRAB_MODES = ["Off", "A only (upper row)", "B only (lower row)"]
VFOMR_MODES = ["VFO", "Channels"]
TOT_TIMES = [str(x) for x in range(15, 601, 15)]

DTMF_CHARS = "1234567890*#ABCD"

def _send(radio, msg):
LOG.debug("Sending msg:\n%s" % util.hexprint(msg))
except Exception, e:
raise errors.RadioError("Serial write error: %s", e)

def _read(radio, size):
answer =
except Exception, e:
raise errors.RadioError("Serial read error: %s", e)
LOG.debug("Recv:\n%s" % util.hexprint(answer))
return answer

def ident(radio):
radio.pipe.timeout = 1

_send(radio, MAGIC)
ack = _read(radio, 1)
if ack != b"\x06":
raise errors.RadioError("Radio did not respond to ident")
_send(radio, b"\x02")
version = _read(radio, 8)
if version != VERSION:
raise errors.RadioError("Unknown version: %s", version)

def _read_block(radio, start, size):
_send(radio, b"\x06")
ack = _read(radio, 1)
if ack != b"\x06":
raise errors.RadioError("Radio not ready to read")

msg = struct.pack(">BHB", ord("R"), start, size)
_send(radio, msg)

header = _read(radio, 4)
op, rstart, rsize = struct.unpack(">BHB", header)
if op != ord('W'):
raise errors.RadioError(
"Wrong reply: expected 87 (W), got %s (%s)" % (op, chr(op)))
if rstart != start:
raise errors.RadioError(
"Radio read started at %s, expected %s" % (rstart, start))
data = _read(radio, rsize)
if len(data) != size:
raise errors.RadioError("Radio refused to send block 0x%04x" % start)
return data

def _write_block(radio, start, block):
size = len(block)
msg = struct.pack(">BHB", ord("W"), start, size)
_send(radio, msg)
_send(radio, block)
ack = _read(radio, 1)
if ack != b"\x06":
raise errors.RadioError("Radio failed to write")

def do_download(radio):
"""This is your download function"""
# Check we're talking to the real deal

status = chirp_common.Status()
status.msg = "Cloning from UV-R50"
status.max = 0x2000

mm = memmap.MemoryMap(b"\x00" * 0x2000)
for i in range(0x0000, 0x1fb0, 0x40):
status.cur = i
data = _read_block(radio, i, 0x40)
mm.set(i, data)

return mm

def do_upload(radio):
"""This is your upload function"""

status = chirp_common.Status()
status.msg = "Cloning to UV-R50"
status.max = 0x2000

# Unclear why, but the official client reads this before writing
# and the radio won't let us write before we read this block.
_read_block(radio, 0x0fd0, 0x40)

_send(radio, b"\x06")
ack = _read(radio, 1)
if ack != b"\x06":
raise errors.RadioError("Radio not ready to write")

mm = radio.get_mmap()
for i in range(0x0000, 0x1fe0, 0x10):
status.cur = i
block = mm[i:i+0x10]
_write_block(radio, i, block)

# Get the serial port connection
serial = radio.pipe

# Our fake radio is just a simple upload of 1000 bytes
# to the serial port. Do that one byte at a time, reading
# from our memory map
for i in range(0, 1000):

class QuanshengUVR50Radio(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio):
"""Quansheng UV-R50 radio.

This is probably V1 of this radio, and documentation about other
models is sparse on the internet. As far as I can tell, UV-R50-2
and UV-R50-CX are just different cases for the same internal
hardware, but I only have one model and I'm not sure which one.

VENDOR = "Quansheng"
MODEL = "UV-R50"
BAUD_RATE = 9600

_chars = dict(enumerate(range(ord('0'), ord('9') + 1) +
range(ord('A'), ord('Z') + 1)))

def _ascii2quansheng(self, asc, maxlen):
"""Converts ASCII to an encoding the R50 understands."""
revchars = {c: int(pos) for (pos, c) in self._chars.items()}
asc = asc.ljust(maxlen).upper()
qs = []
for i in range(maxlen):
qs.append(revchars.get(ord(asc[i]), 0xff))
return qs

def _quansheng2ascii(self, qs, maxlen):
"""Converts the R50's text encoding scheme to ASCII."""
asc = ''
for i in range(maxlen):
c = int(qs[i])
if c not in self._chars:
return asc
asc += chr(self._chars[c])
return asc

def _dtmf2ascii(self, dtmf):
asci = ""
for i in range(5):
c = dtmf[i]
if c - 1 > len(DTMF_CHARS):
return asci
asci += DTMF_CHARS[c - 1]
return asci

def _ascii2dtmf(self, asci):
dtmf = []
for x in asci.ljust(5, "?"):
dtmf.append(DTMF_CHARS.index(x) + 1)
except ValueError:
return dtmf

def get_settings(self):
_set = self._memobj.settings
_dtmf = self._memobj.dtmf
grp = RadioSettingGroup("uvr50", "UV-R50")
grp.append(RadioSetting("vfomr", "Operation mode", RadioSettingValueList(VFOMR_MODES, VFOMR_MODES[_set.vfomr])))
grp.append(RadioSetting("tot", "Time-out timer", RadioSettingValueList(TOT_TIMES, TOT_TIMES[_set.tot])))
grp.append(RadioSetting("squelch", "Squelch level", RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, _set.squelch)))
grp.append(RadioSetting("vox", "VOX", RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, _set.vox)))
grp.append(RadioSetting("lang", "Language", RadioSettingValueList(LANGUAGES, LANGUAGES[_set.lang])))
grp.append(RadioSetting("scanresmode", "Scan Resume Mode", RadioSettingValueList(SCANRES_MODES, SCANRES_MODES[_set.scanresmode])))
grp.append(RadioSetting("roger", "Roger sound", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_set.roger)))
grp.append(RadioSetting("stbycolor", "Standby back-light color", RadioSettingValueList(COLORS, COLORS[_set.stbycolor])))
grp.append(RadioSetting("rxcolor", "Receiving back-light color", RadioSettingValueList(COLORS, COLORS[_set.rxcolor])))
grp.append(RadioSetting("txcolor", "Transmitting back-light color", RadioSettingValueList(COLORS, COLORS[_set.txcolor])))
grp.append(RadioSetting("step", "Step", RadioSettingValueList([str(x) for x in STEPS], str(STEPS[_set.step]))))
grp.append(RadioSetting("powersave", "Power saving", RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 4, _set.powersave)))
grp.append(RadioSetting("abr", "Auto backlight duration (s)", RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 5, _set.abr)))
grp.append(RadioSetting("dualwatch", "Dual watch", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_set.dualwatch)))
grp.append(RadioSetting("tdrab", "Transmit row (TDR AB)", RadioSettingValueList(TDRAB_MODES, TDRAB_MODES[_set.tdrab])))
grp.append(RadioSetting("beep", "Key press beep", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_set.beep)))

def aniid_apply(setting, obj, encode):
value = str(setting.value)
obj.aniid = encode(value)
rs = RadioSetting("aniid", "ANI ID", RadioSettingValueString(1, 5, self._quansheng2ascii(_set.aniid, 5), charset="0123456789ABCDEF "))
rs.set_apply_callback(aniid_apply, _set, lambda x: self._ascii2quansheng(x, 5))

grp.append(RadioSetting("dtmfst", "DTMFST", RadioSettingValueList(DTMFST_MODES, DTMFST_MODES[_set.dtmfst])))
grp.append(RadioSetting("pttid", "Send PTT ID", RadioSettingValueList(PTTID_MODES, PTTID_MODES[_set.pttid])))
grp.append(RadioSetting("pttlt", "PTT ID prolong time (ms)", RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 30, _set.pttlt)))
grp.append(RadioSetting("mdfa", "Display mode channel A", RadioSettingValueList(DISPLAY_MODES, DISPLAY_MODES[_set.mdfa])))
grp.append(RadioSetting("mdfb", "Display mode channel B", RadioSettingValueList(DISPLAY_MODES, DISPLAY_MODES[_set.mdfb])))
grp.append(RadioSetting("autolk", "Auto-lock UI", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_set.autolk)))
grp.append(RadioSetting("locked", "Locked UI", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_set.locked)))
grp.append(RadioSetting("alarm", "Alarm mode", RadioSettingValueList(ALARM_MODES, ALARM_MODES[_set.alarm])))
grp.append(RadioSetting("ste", "Tail tone elimination", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_set.ste)))
grp.append(RadioSetting("rpste", "Repeater tail tone elimination (ms)", RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 10, _set.rpste)))
grp.append(RadioSetting("rptrl", "Repeater tail tone elimination time (ms)", RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 10, _set.rptrl)))
grp.append(RadioSetting("ponmsg", "Display logo at startup", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_set.ponmsg)))

dtmf = RadioSettingGroup("dtmf", "DTMF")

def dtmf_apply(setting, obj, encode):
value = str(setting.value)
obj.dtmf = encode(value)

for i in range(0, 15):
vs = RadioSettingValueString(0, 5,
rs = RadioSetting("dtmf/%d" % i, "DTMF %d" % (i + 1), vs)
rs.set_apply_callback(dtmf_apply, self._memobj.dtmf[i],

g = RadioSettings(grp, dtmf)
return g

def set_settings(self, settings):
"""Automatically apply the settings recursively."""
_settings = self._memobj.settings
for element in settings:
if not isinstance(element, RadioSetting):
name = element.get_name()
if "." in name:
bits = name.split(".")
obj = self._memobj
for bit in bits[:-1]:
if "/" in bit:
bit, index = bit.split("/", 1)
index = int(index)
obj = getattr(obj, bit)[index]
obj = getattr(obj, bit)
setting = bits[-1]
obj = _settings
setting = element.get_name()

if element.has_apply_callback():
elif element.value.get_mutable():
setattr(obj, setting, element.value)

def get_features(self):
rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
rf.has_bank = False
rf.has_dtcs = True
rf.has_ctone = True
rf.has_rx_dtcs = True
rf.has_offset = True
rf.has_name = True
rf.has_cross = True
rf.has_settings = True
rf.has_tuning_step = False
rf.can_odd_split = True
rf.can_delete = True

rf.memory_bounds = (0, NUM_CHANNELS - 1)

rf.valid_skips = [""] # UV-R50 has no support for scan skips
rf.valid_bands = [(136000000, 174000000),
(400000000, 520000000),
rf.valid_duplexes = ["", "-", "+", "off", "split"]
rf.valid_characters = "".join([chr(x) for x in self._chars.values()])
rf.valid_name_length = 7
rf.valid_modes = MODES
rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "DTCS", "Cross"]
rf.valid_cross_modes = ["Tone->Tone", "Tone->DTCS",
"DTCS->Tone", "DTCS->DTCS", "DTCS->",
"->Tone", "->DTCS"]
rf.valid_power_levels = POWER_LEVELS
rf.valid_tuning_steps = STEPS
rf.valid_special_chans = SPECIALS.keys()
return rf

def process_mmap(self):
self._memobj = bitwise.parse(MEM_FORMAT, self._mmap)

def sync_in(self):
self._mmap = do_download(self)

def sync_out(self):

def get_raw_memory(self, number):
return repr(self._memobj.memory[number])

def get_memory(self, number):
mem = chirp_common.Memory()

if number in SPECIALS:
name = number
_mem = self._memobj.__getattr__(SPECIALS[number][0])
mem.extd_number = number
number = SPECIALS[number][1]
_nam = self._memobj.names[number]
name = self._quansheng2ascii(, 8)
_mem = self._memobj.memory[number]

mem.number = number

if _mem.rxfreq.get_raw() in ["\xff\xff\xff\xff", "\xa5\xa5\xa5\xa5"]:
mem.empty = True
return mem = name
mem.power = POWER_LEVELS[_mem.power]
mem.mode = MODES[_mem.width]
mem.freq = int(_mem.rxfreq) * 10
offset = (int(_mem.txfreq) - int(_mem.rxfreq)) * 10

if offset == 0:
mem.duplex = "off"
mem.offset = 0
elif offset > 120000000: # 120MHz
mem.duplex = "split"
mem.offset = _mem.txfreq * 10
elif offset < 0:
mem.duplex = "-"
mem.offset = abs(offset)
mem.duplex = "+"
mem.offset = offset

class ToneWord(object):
def __init__(self, word):
"""Decodes the tx or rx "tone" word of a channel or freq.

The encoding scheme varies depend on what is encoded:

- The most significant nibble encodes what kind of
tone/code squelch is used (CTCSS or DTCS);

- For CTCSS, the last 3 nibbles encode the tone as a
straight frequency;

- For DTCS, the last 2 nibbles (lower byte) encode the
DTCS code, and the polarity is encoded in the most
significant bit of the word.

If this channel is not set to tx/rx anything, the high
byte is 0xff.
self.is_set = (word & 0xff00 != 0xff00) and word != 0x0000
self.is_dtcs = word & 0x2000 and self.is_set
if self.is_dtcs:
self.dtcs_pol = "R" if word & 0x8000 else "N"
self.dtcs_index = (word & 0x01ff)
self.dtcs_pol = "N"
self.dtcs_index = None
self.is_ctcss = not self.is_dtcs and self.is_set
self.tone = (word & 0x0fff) if self.is_ctcss else None
if self.is_ctcss:
self.mode = "Tone"
elif self.is_dtcs:
self.mode = "DTCS"
self.mode = ""

def equals(self, o):
if self.is_set != o.is_set:
return False
if self.mode != o.mode:
return False
if self.mode == "Tone" and self.tone != o.tone:
return False
# For DTCS, we consider different polarities as
# "equal", i.e. that's not a "Cross" mode.
if self.mode == "DTCS" and self.dtcs_index != o.dtcs_index:
return False
return True

rx = ToneWord(_mem.rxtone)
tx = ToneWord(_mem.txtone)

# The logic here gets a bit complicated, because this radio
# lets you do any kind of crossing and just stores "what do I
# need to send" and "what do I expect to receive" for each
# channel. Chirp likes symmetry more, e.g. TSQL is
# "Tone->Tone" when the tones are equal. The wiki page at
# has an overview of Chirp's tone modes.
# The reverse logic in set_memory is maybe easier to follow.
if tx.equals(rx):
if tx.is_ctcss:
mem.rtone = float(int(tx.tone)) / 10.0
mem.ctone = float(int(tx.tone)) / 10.0
mem.tmode = "TSQL"
elif tx.is_dtcs:
mem.dtcs = chirp_common.ALL_DTCS_CODES[tx.dtcs_index]
mem.rx_dtcs = chirp_common.ALL_DTCS_CODES[tx.dtcs_index]
mem.tmode = "DTCS"
mem.tmode = ""
elif tx.is_ctcss and not rx.is_set:
mem.tmode = "Tone"
mem.rtone = float(int(tx.tone)) / 10.0
mem.tmode = "Cross"
mem.cross_mode = "%s->%s" % (tx.mode, rx.mode)
if rx.is_ctcss:
mem.ctone = float(int(rx.tone)) / 10.0
elif rx.is_dtcs:
mem.rx_dtcs = chirp_common.ALL_DTCS_CODES[rx.dtcs_index]
if tx.is_ctcss:
mem.rtone = float(int(tx.tone)) / 10.0
elif tx.is_dtcs:
mem.dtcs = chirp_common.ALL_DTCS_CODES[tx.dtcs_index]

mem.dtcs_polarity = "%s%s" % (tx.dtcs_pol, rx.dtcs_pol)

mem.extra = RadioSettingGroup("Extra", "extra")
mem.extra.append(RadioSetting("busylock", "Busy lock",
mem.extra.append(RadioSetting("scanadd", "Scan add",

if mem.freq == 0:
mem.empty = True

return mem

def set_memory(self, mem):
# Get a low-level memory object mapped to the image
if mem.number < 0:
_mem = self._memobj.__getattr__(SPECIALS[mem.extd_number][0])
_mem = self._memobj.memory[mem.number]
_nam = self._memobj.names[mem.number] = self._ascii2quansheng(, 8)

if mem.empty:
_mem.set_raw(b'\xa5' * 8 + b'\xff' * 8)

# Convert to low-level frequency representation
_mem.rxfreq = mem.freq / 10
if mem.duplex in [None, "", "off"]:
_mem.txfreq = _mem.rxfreq
elif mem.duplex == "+":
_mem.txfreq = (mem.freq + mem.offset) / 10
elif mem.duplex == "-":
_mem.txfreq = (mem.freq - mem.offset) / 10
else: # "split", aka odd split
_mem.txfreq = mem.offset / 10

_mem.power = (mem.power != POWER_LEVELS[0])
_mem.width = (mem.mode == "FM")

def encodetone(mode, tone, dtcs, polarity):
"""This is the reverse of decodetone in get_memory."""
if mode == "":
return 0xffff
elif mode == "Tone":
return 0x0fff & int(tone * 10)
elif mode == "DTCS":
return (
(0x8000 if polarity == "R" else 0x0000) |
(0x2000) |
(0x0fff & (chirp_common.ALL_DTCS_CODES.index(dtcs)))

if mem.tmode == "Cross":
txmode, rxmode = mem.cross_mode.split("->")
_mem.txtone = encodetone(txmode, mem.rtone,
mem.dtcs, mem.dtcs_polarity[0])
_mem.rxtone = encodetone(rxmode, mem.ctone,
mem.rx_dtcs, mem.dtcs_polarity[1])
elif mem.tmode == "Tone":
_mem.txtone = encodetone("Tone", mem.rtone,
mem.dtcs, mem.dtcs_polarity[0])
_mem.rxtone = 0xffff
elif mem.tmode == "TSQL":
_mem.txtone = encodetone("Tone", mem.ctone,
mem.dtcs, mem.dtcs_polarity[0])
_mem.rxtone = encodetone("Tone", mem.ctone,
mem.dtcs, mem.dtcs_polarity[1])
elif mem.tmode == "DTCS":
_mem.txtone = encodetone("DTCS", mem.rtone,
mem.dtcs, mem.dtcs_polarity[0])
_mem.rxtone = encodetone("DTCS", mem.ctone,
mem.dtcs, mem.dtcs_polarity[1])
_mem.txtone = 0xffff
_mem.rxtone = 0xffff

# TODO: we may want to work around issue 4121: settings is
# empty when editing in the "table" interface. See UV5R driver
# for a working approach.
for setting in mem.extra:
setattr(_mem, setting.get_name(), setting.value)
