

Stephen Cavilia

  • Registered on: 10/07/2012
  • Last sign in: 11/27/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 4 5



12:34 PM CHIRP Bug #11702: Yaesu FT-70D Memory Bank issues
`_channels.img` has only channels but on banks; `_channels_banks.img` has channels in banks. Both were edited only in... Stephen Cavilia


07:19 PM CHIRP Bug #11702: Yaesu FT-70D Memory Bank issues
And here's the image with banks fixed by assigning channel 1 to bank 5. Stephen Cavilia
07:18 PM CHIRP Bug #11702: Yaesu FT-70D Memory Bank issues
Auto-update tool isn't working now for some reason. Here's the image from comment 3 above (downloaded after adding ch... Stephen Cavilia
07:12 PM CHIRP Bug #11702: Yaesu FT-70D Memory Bank issues
Dan Smith wrote in #note-2:
> Using another FT-70 image I have, I found one inconsistency with the OEM behavior whic...
Stephen Cavilia
07:05 PM CHIRP Bug #11702: Yaesu FT-70D Memory Bank issues
[Uploaded from CHIRP next-20241122]
I stored several memory channels using the radio (this image was not edited with...
Stephen Cavilia
06:53 PM CHIRP Bug #11702: Yaesu FT-70D Memory Bank issues
[Uploaded from CHIRP next-20241122]
Image with saved channels/banks (banks were set with chirp first then one arbitr...
Stephen Cavilia


06:51 AM CHIRP Bug #11702 (New): Yaesu FT-70D Memory Bank issues
Editing memory banks for the FT-70D does not work 100% correctly. I'll have to do some more investigation (comparing ... Stephen Cavilia


12:38 PM CHIRP Bug #11681: Yaesu FT-70D Wrong tuning steps
Dan Smith wrote in #note-1:
> Excellent prep work, thanks. Please try the attached module with [[LoadingTestModules]...
Stephen Cavilia


07:46 AM CHIRP Bug #11681 (Closed): Yaesu FT-70D Wrong tuning steps
Some tuning step values for the FT-70D are incorrect, namely 5KHz and 6.25KHz. Creating channels in chirp with the de... Stephen Cavilia


07:29 PM CHIRP Bug #4585: Tone Mode = DTCS Bug in Several Radio Drivers
Fix for this caused a regression breaking CTCSS for KG-UV8D: the 0x8000 bit must be set on txtone and rxtone to enabl... Stephen Cavilia

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