

Ortan Roland

  • Registered on: 12/08/2020
  • Last sign in: 12/08/2020


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 0 1



06:23 PM CHIRP Bug #8527: Kenwood TK760G-1 Cannot read and program
Hello sir ,the driver that you modified i confim indeed that it works, good job !!! , now i can connect to the radio ... Ortan Roland
03:55 PM CHIRP Bug #8527: Kenwood TK760G-1 Cannot read and program
Hello and thankyou for the reply , i have uploaded now the 2 debug files you asked one without custom drive and one w... Ortan Roland


06:08 PM CHIRP Bug #8527 (Feedback): Kenwood TK760G-1 Cannot read and program
Hello , i have a Kenwood TK760G-1 got a KPG-46 cable for it , the drivers are fine , so when im trying to read it in ... Ortan Roland

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