

Hamish MacArthur

  • Registered on: 02/13/2012
  • Last sign in: 02/13/2012


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01:12 AM CHIRP Bug #61: CHIRP Won't download from VX-8R
Oh and yeah it was passed through a virtual windows 7 machine running through Parallels Hamish MacArthur
01:12 AM CHIRP Bug #61: CHIRP Won't download from VX-8R
I did get it directly from Prolific site however thats interesting about Baud rate etc. what should the settings be f... Hamish MacArthur


08:48 PM CHIRP Bug #61: CHIRP Won't download from VX-8R
oh and CHIRP does recognise when the cable is present and when it is not... Hamish MacArthur
08:47 PM CHIRP Bug #61: CHIRP Won't download from VX-8R
Ok I redid it with the original version of software as thats what currently works best so I can give you a log file..... Hamish MacArthur
08:27 PM CHIRP Bug #61: CHIRP Won't download from VX-8R
Now getting an error saying unable to fetch CHIRP when I open the program for first use...
Thanks for your help it...
Hamish MacArthur
07:30 PM CHIRP Bug #61: CHIRP Won't download from VX-8R
Yeah I have, the latest version won't even open on my Mac, it says 'str' object has no attribute 'format'` Hamish MacArthur
07:06 PM CHIRP Bug #61 (Closed): CHIRP Won't download from VX-8R
Sorry can't provide much info however CHIRP wont download anything from my radio even after following instruct...
Hamish MacArthur

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