

Michael Chiu

  • Registered on: 03/28/2022
  • Last sign in: 03/28/2022


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01:05 AM CHIRP New Model #9806: Chirp support for Radioddity GS-5B?
Thanks for sharing this helpful insight from your experience. The tireless volunteer efforts are much appreciated by ... Michael Chiu


10:16 PM CHIRP New Model #9806: Chirp support for Radioddity GS-5B?
OK, thanks for the reply. Jim, can you confirm then that Radioddity GS-5B has not moved to adoption is lack of patch... Michael Chiu
08:36 PM CHIRP New Model #9806: Chirp support for Radioddity GS-5B?
Also, the 'Chirp-daily' build itself seems to be lacking more recent or regular updates for both WindowsOS and MacOS.... Michael Chiu
08:11 PM CHIRP New Model #9806: Chirp support for Radioddity GS-5B?
I posted an incorrect thread link. Here's the correct one: Updates or help a... Michael Chiu
08:03 PM CHIRP New Model #9806 (Closed): Chirp support for Radioddity GS-5B?
I recently acquired a Radioddity GS-5B unit. I would like to use Chirp to program it, as Radioddity is an all-Windows... Michael Chiu

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