

Paul Landry

  • Registered on: 05/06/2022
  • Last connection: 05/07/2022


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Reported issues 0 1 1



06:41 PM CHIRP Bug #9853: Not saving correct information to radio or image file
Ah, ok, understood. It's not my radio, it belongs to a friend who is a MURS enthusiast. I'll let him know. Thank you.
Paul Landry
05:51 PM CHIRP Bug #9853: Not saving correct information to radio or image file
So if I understand you correctly, if I had programmed my channels in the 1through 11 spots, it would do the same thin... Paul Landry
03:21 PM CHIRP Bug #9853 (Closed): Not saving correct information to radio or image file
I have a Baofeng UV-9G, read the radio, edited the file, wrote the file, saved the image file. Read the radio again a... Paul Landry

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