

Colin Pryke

  • Registered on: 06/13/2022
  • Last sign in: 07/06/2022


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



08:21 AM CHIRP Bug #9908: Unable to populate offset values on ICOM IC-E92D
FIXED! I found a few issues in these forums that all seemed to have the same root cause, which is missing duplex valu... Colin Pryke
08:13 AM CHIRP Bug #9715: Repeater Book Proximity Query, wrong Duplex and Offset information
FIXED! I've been speaking with the repeaterbook admin (Garrett) and they have identified an issue with the repeaterbo... Colin Pryke


08:49 PM CHIRP Bug #9715: Repeater Book Proximity Query, wrong Duplex and Offset information
Interesting. If I run Wireshark on my local instance of CHiRP and capture the transaction I can see the RepeaterBook ... Colin Pryke
12:00 PM CHIRP Bug #9715: Repeater Book Proximity Query, wrong Duplex and Offset information
I'm observing this behavior too. I think you'll find that the offset data is there (if you export to a .csv then the ... Colin Pryke


04:28 PM CHIRP Bug #9908: Unable to populate offset values on ICOM IC-E92D
I've manually configured a repeater with an offset into memory location 3 and downloaded from the radio which has hel... Colin Pryke
12:36 PM CHIRP Bug #9908 (Closed): Unable to populate offset values on ICOM IC-E92D
I have an Icom IC-E92D and am seeing some strange behavior with CHiRP. Auto detect for download fails, but manually s... Colin Pryke

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