

Kirk Beasley

  • Registered on: 02/06/2023
  • Last connection: 03/08/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 2 2



05:11 AM CHIRP Bug #10406: UV-5R FM freq
Your fix is working just fine - Thanks!
Kirk (retired SW engineer)
Kirk Beasley


10:42 PM CHIRP Bug #10406: UV-5R FM freq
Attached Kirk Beasley
07:17 PM CHIRP Bug #10406: UV-5R FM freq
Disregard my prior reporting of a Python error. I closed duplicate apps, downloaded latest CHIRP, and your experimen... Kirk Beasley
04:09 PM CHIRP Bug #10406: UV-5R FM freq
I get the following error when attempting to load the driver:
<red x> can only concatenate list (not "tuple") to lis...
Kirk Beasley
02:58 AM CHIRP Bug #10406 (Resolved): UV-5R FM freq
On my new UV-5R, the CHIRP-entered frequency for the FM radio gets uploaded to the radio, but upon using the radio af... Kirk Beasley


07:05 AM CHIRP Bug #10351 (Closed): UV6R Memories->Name Field Width
The Baofeng UV6R supports a 7 character display field for the Memories->Name field, but your structure size is char(6... Kirk Beasley

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