

立平 谢

  • Registered on: 03/05/2024
  • Last sign in: 03/06/2024


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06:05 PM CHIRP New Model #11220: Radtel RT-730 and RT-630
Jim Unroe wrote in #note-1:
> I've developed all of the current Radtel support except for the RT-490. But I did part...
立平 谢
06:04 PM CHIRP New Model #11222: Radtel RT - 730
Francesco Masi wrote:
> Good morning, I have been using your beautiful software to program my radios for some time, ...
立平 谢


06:59 PM CHIRP New Model #11220 (Closed): Radtel RT-730 and RT-630
Everyone Can i help me develop RT-730 and RT-630 chirp software.I will give you a free walkie talkie already with rel... 立平 谢

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