

David Hagood

  • Registered on: 01/28/2012
  • Last connection: 02/02/2016


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 2 3



04:58 PM CHIRP Feature #3275 (New): Icom - allow setting the CIV address used for the radio
The current Icom drivers seem to use a hard-coded CIV address of 0x70 for the radio. Ideally, the CIV address should ... David Hagood


11:03 AM CHIRP Bug #49: Kenwood TM-V7 - cannot upload channel
Yes, the problem is in the class for the Kenwood V7 Radio:
class TMV7Radio(KenwoodLiveRadio):
MODEL = "TM-V...
David Hagood


02:58 PM CHIRP Feature #50 (Rejected): Interface to hamlib, esp. rigctld
Usually, I have my radio tied into an instance of Hamlib's rigctld, to allow software such as PSK-31 software to work... David Hagood
02:39 PM CHIRP Bug #49: Kenwood TM-V7 - cannot upload channel
It looks like the memory write command is not correct:
PC->D7: MW 0,0,012,012,00146000000,0,0,0,0,0,0,09,000,09,,0...
David Hagood
02:37 PM CHIRP Bug #49: Kenwood TM-V7 - cannot upload channel
Whoops, didn't actually demonstrate the issue. uploading new file. David Hagood
02:33 PM CHIRP Bug #49 (Closed): Kenwood TM-V7 - cannot upload channel
I can download the radio's data, but when I attempt to change a channel (or create a new channel), the radio refuses ... David Hagood

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