0x8000-0x8007: VFO A frequency in BCD (446.00625MHz = 0x04 0x04 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x06 0x02 0x05)
0x8008-0x8009: VFO A R-CTCSS/DCS
0x800A-0x800B: VFO A T-CTCSS/DCS
0x800E[bits 3-0]: VFO A S-Code (0 to 14, so S-CODE 1 is stored as 0, S-CODE 2 as 1, and so on)
0x800E[bits 5-4]: VFO A SFT (0 = off, 1 = +, 2 = -)
0x8010[bits 1-0]: VFO A transmit power (0 = high, 1 = low, 2 = mid)
0x8010[bits 3-2]: VFO A scramble (0 = off, 1 = scramble 1, 2 = scramble 2)
0x8011[bits 5-4]: VFO A voice privacy (0 = off, 1 = ENCRY1, 2 = ENCRY2, 3 = ENCRY3)
0x8011[bit 6]: VFO A bandwidth (0 = 25KHz, 1 = 12.5KHz)
0x8013: VFO A step
0x8020-0x803F: VFO B settings (same layout as VFO A)
0x9000: squelch
0x9001: battery save mode
0x9002: VOX level (off + 1 to 9)
0x9003: ABR
0x9004: TDR
0x9005: transmit time out
0x9006: keyboard beep (0 = off, 1 = on)
0x9007: voice prompt (0 = off, 1 = on)
0x9008: language (0 = en, 1 = cn)
0x9009: DTMF-ST (0 = off, 1 = dt-st, 2 = ani-st, 3 = dt+ani)
0x900A: SC-REV
0x900B: DTMF CODE (0 = off, 1 = beggining of transmission, 2 = end of transmission, 3 = both)
0x900C: PTT-LT
0x900D: MDF-A
0x900E: MDF-B
0x900F: BCL (0 = off, 1 = on)
0x9010: auto lock
0x9011: alarm mode
0x9013: dual tx
0x9014: STE
0x9015: RP-STE
0x9016: RPT-RL
0x9017: roger beep
0x9018: current main (0 = A, 1 = B)
0x901A: workmode A + B
0x901C: power on message (0 = logo, 1 = voltage)
0x901E: pilot tone
0x9020: VOX delay
0x9021: menu auto exit
0x9022: tail code (0 = 55hz, 1 = 62.5hz)
0x9029: CTCSS/DCS save mode (0 = both, 1 = rx, 2 = tx)
0x902A: ANI
0x902B: PF2 short (off/radio/tx power/scan/search/light/noaa/moni/ptt b, same values as current one)
0x902C: PF2 long (off/radio/tx power/scan/search/light/noaa/moni)
0x902D: PF3 short (off/radio/tx power/scan/search/light/noaa/moni)
0x902E: top button (off/radio/tx power/scan/search/light/noaa/moni)
0x902F: rx end tail
0x9030: PF3 long (off/radio/tx power/scan/search/light/noaa/moni)
CTCSS/DCS encoding
CTCSS/DCS is a two-byte value encoded in little endian. DCS and CTCSS cannot be both enabled.
- 0x0000 is CTCSS off
- CTCSS is stored as the frequency in Hz * 10, so 69.3Hz is stored as 693 in decimal, or
0xB5 0x02 in hex.
- DCS is stored as an index between 1 (D023N) to 210 (D754I).