


New Model #11168 » uv17Pro-add-uv18Max.patch

patch file modifying UV17Pro driver - Pavel Moravec, 02/28/2024 10:17 AM

View differences:

chirp/drivers/ 2024-02-28 15:30:22.977713484 +0100
d = bfc._rawrecv(radio, radio.BLOCK_SIZE + 4)
LOG.debug("Response Data= " + util.hexprint(d))
d = _crypt(1, d[4:])
d = _crypt(radio._enc_key_idx, d[4:])
# Aggregate the data
data += d
for addr in range(MEM_START, MEM_START + MEM_SIZE,
data = radio_mem[data_addr:data_addr + radio.BLOCK_SIZE]
data = _crypt(1, data)
data = _crypt(radio._enc_key_idx, data)
data_addr += radio.BLOCK_SIZE
frame = radio._make_frame(b"W", addr, radio.BLOCK_SIZE, data)
_has_when_to_send_aniid = True
_vfoscan = False
_has_gps = False
_enc_key_idx = 1
_has_voxsw = False
_has_pilot_tone = False
_has_send_id_delay = False
VALID_BANDS = [UV17Pro._airband, UV17Pro._vhf_range, UV17Pro._vhf2_range,
UV17Pro._uhf_range, UV17Pro._uhf2_range]
def check_set_memory_immutable_policy(self, existing, new):
if (self._airband[0] <= new.freq <= self._airband[1] and
new.mode == 'AM'):
# This is valid, so mark mode as immutable so it doesn't get
# blocked, and let the radio override it during set.
existing.immutable = []
elif existing.mode == 'AM' and new.mode in self.MODES:
# If we're going from a forced-AM channel to some valid one,
# clear immutable so we allow the change.
except ValueError:
super().check_set_memory_immutable_policy(existing, new)
class UV18ProMaxGPS(UV17Pro):
VENDOR = "Baofeng"
_enc_key_idx = 6 # "RVB " key used
_has_support_for_banknames = True # Yes
_has_workmode_support = True # No idea
_magic = MSTRING_UV17PROGPS # ANS: 0x06 (ACK)
_magics = [(b"\x46", 16),
# ANS: "\x016\x01t\x04\x00\x05 \x02\x00\x02`\x01\x03P\x03"
# (\x01\x03 may be SW version 1.03)
(b"\x4d", 7), # A: UV18PRO
(b"SEND\x23\x06\x04\x11\x03\x0f\x09\x09\x06" +
b"\x0e\x0f\x03\x09\x08\x02\x01\x06\x11\x12\x0e\x00", 1)]
# 21 Bytes after SEND seem to be random, ANS: 0x06
_has_when_to_send_aniid = False
_vfoscan = True # No idea
_has_gps = True # Yes
_has_voxsw = True # No idea
_has_pilot_tone = True # No idea
_has_send_id_delay = True # No idea
_has_skey2_short = True # No idea
VALID_BANDS = [UV17Pro._airband, UV17Pro._vhf_range, UV17Pro._vhf2_range,
UV17Pro._uhf_range, UV17Pro._uhf2_range]
def check_set_memory_immutable_policy(self, existing, new):
if (self._airband[0] <= new.freq <= self._airband[1] and
new.mode == 'AM'):