


New Model #6129 » config.txt

Kenneth Burton, 10/22/2024 11:29 AM

seat = 048bb1f9-73ac-4c48-be38-ed6dced78cdd
last_dir = \\ken\Documents\Radio\Baofeng
recent0 = \\ken\Documents\Radio\Baofeng\Baofeng_UV-5R Master.img
window_w = 1120
window_h = 913
window_x = -1328
window_y = 9
last_open = \\ken\Documents\Radio\Baofeng\Baofeng_UV-5R Master.img
last_update_check = 1729613172
last_vendor = Quansheng
last_model = UV-R50
last_port = COM2
recent1 = D:\Radio\Baofeng\Baofeng_UV-5R Master.img
recent2 = D:\Radio\I-5 N-S chirp 2406111037.csv
expand_extra = True
recent3 = D:\Radio\Yaesu\Yaesu FT-2800M VHF local & western interstates.img
recent4 = D:\Radio\Yaesu\Yaesu_FT-60_Local and to Dallas.img
recent5 = D:\Radio\Yaesu\Yaesu_FT-2800M_20240608.img
recent6 = D:\Radio\Yaesu\Yaesu_FT-60_Local and to Dallas.csv
recent7 = D:\Radio\Yaesu\Yaesu VHF local & western interstates.img
agreed_to_license = True
recent_models = Quansheng:UV-R50

north_america = True

pre_download_yaesu_ft-2800m = True
pre_upload_yaesu_ft-2800m = True
pre_download_yaesu_ft-60 = True
pre_upload_yaesu_ft-60 = True
pre_download_quansheng_tg-uv2+ = True
pre_download_quansheng_uv-k5 = True

chirp_user = kb7who
chirp_password_encoded = ***REDACTED***