# Test script to play with the Wouxung KG-UV950P
# Based on the notes and work from the the Wouxun KG-UV8D Plus
# Pavel Milanes, CO7WT, pavelmc@gmail.com
# some notes from the chirp's driver
# Figured out how the data is encrypted and implement
# serial data encryption and decryption functions.
# The algorithm of decryption works like this:
# - the first byte of data stream is XOR by const 57h
# - each next byte is encoded by previous byte using the XOR
# including the checksum (e.g data[i - 1] xor data[i])
# Support for the Wouxun KG-UV8D Plus radio
# Serial coms are at 19200 baud
# The data is passed in variable length records
# Record structure:
# Offset Usage
# 0 start of record (\x7a)
# 1 Command (\x80 Identify \x81 End/Reboot \x82 Read \x83 Write)
# 2 direction (\xff PC-> Radio, \x00 Radio -> PC)
# 3 length of payload (excluding header/checksum) (n)
# 4 payload (n bytes)
# 4+n+1 checksum - byte sum (% 256) of bytes 1 -> 4+n
# Memory Read Records:
# the payload is 3 bytes, first 2 are offset (big endian),
# 3rd is number of bytes to read
# Memory Write Records:
# the maximum payload size (from the Wouxun software) seems to be 66 bytes
# (2 bytes location + 64 bytes data).
def hexprint(data, addrfmt=None):
"""Return a hexdump-like encoding of @data"""
if addrfmt is None:
addrfmt = '%(addr)03i'
block_size = 16
lines = (len(data) / block_size)
if (len(data) % block_size) != 0:
lines += 1
data += "\x00" * ((lines * block_size) - len(data))
out = ""
for block in range(0, (len(data)/block_size)):
addr = block * block_size
out += addrfmt % locals()
except (OverflowError, ValueError, TypeError, KeyError):
out += "%03i" % addr
out += ': '
left = len(data) - (block * block_size)
if left < block_size:
limit = left
limit = block_size
for j in range(0, limit):
out += "%02x " % ord(data[(block * block_size) + j])
out += " "
for j in range(0, limit):
char = data[(block * block_size) + j]
if ord(char) > 0x20 and ord(char) < 0x7E:
out += "%s" % char
out += "."
out += "\n"
return out
def bcd_encode(val, bigendian=True, width=None):
"""This is really old and shouldn't be used anymore"""
digits = []
while val != 0:
digits.append(val % 10)
val /= 10
result = ""
if len(digits) % 2 != 0:
while width and width > len(digits):
for i in range(0, len(digits), 2):
newval = struct.pack("B", (digits[i + 1] << 4) | digits[i])
if bigendian:
result = newval + result
result = result + newval
return result
def _checksum(data):
cs = 0
for byte in data:
cs += ord(byte)
return chr(cs % 256)
def decrypt(data):
result = ''
for i in range(len(data)-1, 0, -1):
result += strxor(data[i], data[i - 1])
result += strxor(data[0], '\x57')
return result[::-1]
def encrypt(data):
result = strxor('\x57', data[0])
for i in range(1, len(data), 1):
result += strxor(result[i - 1], data[i])
return result
def strxor (xora, xorb):
return chr(ord(xora) ^ ord(xorb))
def _read_record(data):
"""Return valid, cmd, direction, size, payload """
# read 4 chars for the header
_header = data[0:4]
# get the data len
_length = ord(_header[-1])
# check for data len
if (_length == 0 and _header[1] == "\x80"):
print("Ident record")
return (True, "\x80", 0, 0, 0)
if ((len(data) - 4) < (_length + 1)):
print("Wrong data len in packet")
print("Read data is %d, real data is %d" % (len(data) - 4,_length + 1))
# get the data payload
_payload = data[4:4 + _length]
# get the packet checksum char
_rcs = data[-1]
# decrypt packet
_packet = decrypt(_payload)
print("Decrypted payload [%i][%i]\n%s" % (_length, len(_packet), hexprint(_packet)))
# calc the expected checksum
_ccs = ord(_checksum(_payload))
# read the checksum and decrypt it
#~ _ccs = ord(strxor(data[-2], _rcs_xor))
#~ _rcs = data[-1]
updown = "=>"
# direction
if (_header[2] == '\x00'):
updown = "<="
if (_ccs == _rcs):
# valid record
return (True, _header[1], updown, _length, _packet)
return (False, 0, 0, 0, 0)
def l2b(data):
"""Line lo bytes string"""
# convert the data in string format to byte format
hexd = data[2:].split(" ")
data = ""
for h in hexd:
if (len(h) != 0):
data += chr(int(h, 16))
#~ print("Raw data [%i]\n%s" % (len(data), hexprint(data)))
return data
def dump(data):
(valid, cmd, direction, size, payload) = _read_record(l2b(data))
# packet validation
if (valid == False):
# invalid packet, finish
print("Invalid packet")
# print relevant info
if (size != 0):
print("%s [%i]:\n%s" % (direction, size, hexprint(payload)))
# run it on the same folder as the data_down_clean.txt file
with open("./data_down_clean.txt") as f:
for line in f:
if (line[0] in 'WR'):