


Bug #334 » debug.log

Steve Jackson, 03/19/2013 09:23 PM

CHIRP 0.3.0 on WinVista/7 (Python 2.7.2)
Registered Alinco_DR03T = DR03Radio
Registered Alinco_DR06T = DR06Radio
Registered Alinco_DR135T = DR135Radio
Registered Alinco_DR235T = DR235Radio
Registered Alinco_DR435T = DR435Radio
Registered Alinco_DJ596 = DJ596Radio
Registered Jetstream_JT220M = JT220MRadio
Registered Alinco_DJ175 = DJ175Radio
Registered Baofeng_UV-3R = UV3RRadio
Registered Kenwood_TH-D7 = THD7Radio
Registered Kenwood_TH-D7G = THD7GRadio
Registered Kenwood_TM-D700 = TMD700Radio
Registered Kenwood_TM-V7 = TMV7Radio
Registered Kenwood_TM-G707 = TMG707Radio
Registered Kenwood_TH-F6 = THF6ARadio
Registered Kenwood_TH-F7 = THF7ERadio
Registered Kenwood_TM-D710 = TMD710Radio
Registered Kenwood_TH-D72_live_mode = THD72Radio
Registered Kenwood_TM-V71 = TMV71Radio
Registered Kenwood_TH-K2 = THK2Radio
Registered Kenwood_TM-271 = TM271Radio
Registered Icom_7200 = Icom7200Radio
Registered Icom_7000 = Icom7000Radio
Registered Icom_746 = Icom746Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-1802M = FT1802Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-2800M = FT2800Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-60 = FT60Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-7800 = FT7800Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-8800 = FT8800Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-8900 = FT8900Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-817 = FT817Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-817ND = FT817NDRadio
Registered Yaesu_FT-817ND_US = FT817NDUSRadio
Registered Yaesu_FT-857_897 = FT857Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-857_897_US = FT857USRadio
Registered Generic_CSV = CSVRadio
Registered ARRL_Travel_Plus = TpeRadio
Registered Generic_XML = XMLRadio
Registered Icom_IC-208H = IC208Radio
Registered Icom_IC-2100H = IC2100Radio
Registered Icom_IC-2200H = IC2200Radio
Registered Icom_IC-2720H = IC2720Radio
Registered Icom_IC-2820H = IC2820Radio
Registered Icom_IC-91_92AD = IC9xRadio
Registered Icom_IC-91_92AD_ICF_File = IC9xICFRadio
Registered Icom_IC-Q7A = ICQ7Radio
Registered Icom_IC-T70 = ICT70Radio
Registered Icom_IC-T7H = ICT7HRadio
Registered Icom_IC-T8A = ICT8ARadio
Registered Icom_IC-W32A = ICW32ARadio
Registered Icom_IC-V82_U82 = ICx8xRadio
Registered Icom_ID-31A = ID31Radio
Registered Icom_ID-800H_v2 = ID800v2Radio
Registered Icom_ID-880H = ID880Radio
Registered Icom_ID-80H = ID80Radio
Registered Kenwood_HMK = HMKRadio
Registered Puxing_PX-777 = Puxing777Radio
Registered Puxing_PX-2R = Puxing2RRadio
Registered Kenwood_TH-D72_clone_mode = THD72Radio
Registered TYT_TH-UVF1 = TYTTHUVF1Radio
Registered TYT_TH-UV3R = TYTUV3RRadio
Registered Baofeng_UV-5R = BaofengUV5R
Registered Yaesu_VX-3 = VX3Radio
Registered Yaesu_VX-5 = VX5Radio
Registered Yaesu_VX-6 = VX6Radio
Registered Yaesu_VX-7 = VX7Radio
Registered Yaesu_VX-8_R = VX8Radio
Registered Yaesu_VX-8_DR = VX8DRadio
Registered Vertex_Standard_VXA-700 = VXA700Radio
Registered Wouxun_KG-UVD1P = KGUVD1PRadio
Registered Wouxun_KG-UV6 = KGUV6DRadio
Registered Wouxun_KG816 = KG816Radio
autorpt not set et
Copying C:\Program Files (x86)\CHIRP\stock_configs\EU LPD and PMR Channels.csv -> C:\Users\KZ1X\AppData\Roaming\CHIRP\stock_configs
Copying C:\Program Files (x86)\CHIRP\stock_configs\Marine VHF Channels.csv -> C:\Users\KZ1X\AppData\Roaming\CHIRP\stock_configs
Copying C:\Program Files (x86)\CHIRP\stock_configs\NOAA Weather Alert.csv -> C:\Users\KZ1X\AppData\Roaming\CHIRP\stock_configs
Copying C:\Program Files (x86)\CHIRP\stock_configs\US 60 meter channels (Center).csv -> C:\Users\KZ1X\AppData\Roaming\CHIRP\stock_configs
Copying C:\Program Files (x86)\CHIRP\stock_configs\US 60 meter channels (Dial).csv -> C:\Users\KZ1X\AppData\Roaming\CHIRP\stock_configs
Copying C:\Program Files (x86)\CHIRP\stock_configs\US Calling Frequencies.csv -> C:\Users\KZ1X\AppData\Roaming\CHIRP\stock_configs
Copying C:\Program Files (x86)\CHIRP\stock_configs\US FRS and GMRS Channels.csv -> C:\Users\KZ1X\AppData\Roaming\CHIRP\stock_configs
Copying C:\Program Files (x86)\CHIRP\stock_configs\US MURS Channels.csv -> C:\Users\KZ1X\AppData\Roaming\CHIRP\stock_configs
User selected Icom IC-T7H on port COM11
Clone thread started
Sent clone frame
ICF Size change from 0 to 16 at 0000
End frame (9):
000: 49 63 6f 6d 20 49 6e 63 Icom.Inc
008: 2e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........

Last addr: 03b0
Clone thread ended
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
DTCS Code supported: False
DTCS Rx Code supported: False
DTCS Pol supported: False
Mode supported: True
Offset supported: True
Name supported: False
Tune Step supported: False
Name supported: False
ToneSql supported: True
Cross Mode supported: False
Comment supported: False
DTCS Code supported: False
DTCS Rx Code supported: False
DTCS Pol supported: False
Mode supported: True
Offset supported: True
Name supported: False
Tune Step supported: False
Name supported: False
ToneSql supported: True
Cross Mode supported: False
Comment supported: False
RadioThread exiting
User selected TYT TH-UV3R on port COM11
Clone thread started
Clone thread ended
DTCS Code supported: True
DTCS Rx Code supported: False
DTCS Pol supported: True
Mode supported: True
Offset supported: True
Name supported: True
Tune Step supported: False
Name supported: True
ToneSql supported: True
Cross Mode supported: True
Comment supported: False
DTCS Code supported: True
DTCS Rx Code supported: False
DTCS Pol supported: True
Mode supported: True
Offset supported: True
Name supported: True
Tune Step supported: False
Name supported: True
ToneSql supported: True
Cross Mode supported: True
Comment supported: False
Clone thread started
-- Exception: --
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirpui\clone.pyo", line 223, in run
File "chirp\th_uv3r.pyo", line 105, in sync_out
File "chirp\th_uv3r.pyo", line 42, in tyt_uv3r_upload
File "chirp\wouxun_common.pyo", line 63, in do_upload
File "serial\serialwin32.pyo", line 254, in write
ValueError: Attempting to use a port that is not open
Clone failed: Attempting to use a port that is not open
Clone thread ended
Doing 1
Doing 2
Importing 1 -> 1
Importing 2 -> 2
Importing 3 -> 3
Importing 4 -> 4
Importing 5 -> 5
Importing 6 -> 6
Imported 6
struct {

duplex: 0x01 (......01b)

bit: 0x01 (.......1b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x02 (......10b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x1596E (10101100101101110b)

offset: 0x03E8

rx_tone: 0xFFFF

tx_tone: 0x1318

unknown: 0xFF

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0010)

struct {

duplex: 0x01 (......01b)

bit: 0x00 (.......0b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x02 (......10b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x15A77 (10101101001110111b)

offset: 0x03E8

rx_tone: 0x1318

tx_tone: 0x1318

unknown: 0x92

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0020)

struct {

duplex: 0x01 (......01b)

bit: 0x00 (.......0b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x02 (......10b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x15A77 (10101101001110111b)

offset: 0x03E8

rx_tone: 0xFFFF

tx_tone: 0x1318

unknown: 0xA9

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0030)

struct {

duplex: 0x01 (......01b)

bit: 0x01 (.......1b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x03 (......11b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x72F3 (00111001011110011b)

offset: 0x0078

rx_tone: 0x0825

tx_tone: 0x0825

unknown: 0x0A

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0040)

struct {

duplex: 0x02 (......10b)

bit: 0x01 (.......1b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x00 (......00b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x7176 (00111000101110110b)

offset: 0x0078

rx_tone: 0x1072

tx_tone: 0x1072

unknown: 0x0A

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0050)

struct {

duplex: 0x02 (......10b)

bit: 0x01 (.......1b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x00 (......00b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x7176 (00111000101110110b)

offset: 0x0078

rx_tone: 0xFFFF

tx_tone: 0x1072

unknown: 0xFF

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0060)

Doing 1
Doing 2
Importing 1 -> 1
Importing 2 -> 2
Importing 3 -> 3
Importing 4 -> 4
Importing 5 -> 5
Importing 6 -> 6
Imported 6
struct {

duplex: 0x01 (......01b)

bit: 0x01 (.......1b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x02 (......10b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x1596E (10101100101101110b)

offset: 0x03E8

rx_tone: 0xFFFF

tx_tone: 0x1318

unknown: 0xFF

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0010)

struct {

duplex: 0x01 (......01b)

bit: 0x00 (.......0b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x02 (......10b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x15A77 (10101101001110111b)

offset: 0x03E8

rx_tone: 0x1318

tx_tone: 0x1318

unknown: 0x92

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0020)

struct {

duplex: 0x01 (......01b)

bit: 0x00 (.......0b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x02 (......10b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x15A77 (10101101001110111b)

offset: 0x03E8

rx_tone: 0xFFFF

tx_tone: 0x1318

unknown: 0xA9

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0030)

struct {

duplex: 0x01 (......01b)

bit: 0x01 (.......1b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x03 (......11b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x72F3 (00111001011110011b)

offset: 0x0078

rx_tone: 0x0825

tx_tone: 0x0825

unknown: 0x0A

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0040)

struct {

duplex: 0x02 (......10b)

bit: 0x01 (.......1b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x00 (......00b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x7176 (00111000101110110b)

offset: 0x0078

rx_tone: 0x1072

tx_tone: 0x1072

unknown: 0x0A

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0050)

struct {

duplex: 0x02 (......10b)

bit: 0x01 (.......1b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x00 (......00b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x7176 (00111000101110110b)

offset: 0x0078

rx_tone: 0xFFFF

tx_tone: 0x1072

unknown: 0xFF

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0060)

Doing 1
Doing 2
Importing 1 -> 51
Importing 2 -> 52
Importing 3 -> 53
Importing 4 -> 54
Importing 5 -> 55
Importing 6 -> 56
Imported 6
struct {

duplex: 0x01 (......01b)

bit: 0x00 (.......0b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x02 (......10b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x1596E (10101100101101110b)

offset: 0x03E8

rx_tone: 0xFFFF

tx_tone: 0x1318

unknown: 0xFF

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0330)

struct {

duplex: 0x01 (......01b)

bit: 0x00 (.......0b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x02 (......10b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x15A77 (10101101001110111b)

offset: 0x03E8

rx_tone: 0x1318

tx_tone: 0x1318

unknown: 0x98

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0340)

struct {

duplex: 0x01 (......01b)

bit: 0x00 (.......0b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x03 (......11b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x15A77 (10101101001110111b)

offset: 0x03E8

rx_tone: 0xFFFF

tx_tone: 0x1318

unknown: 0xA2

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0350)

struct {

duplex: 0x01 (......01b)

bit: 0x01 (.......1b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x03 (......11b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x72F3 (00111001011110011b)

offset: 0x0078

rx_tone: 0x0825

tx_tone: 0x0825

unknown: 0x03

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0360)

struct {

duplex: 0x02 (......10b)

bit: 0x00 (.......0b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x02 (......10b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x7176 (00111000101110110b)

offset: 0x0078

rx_tone: 0x1072

tx_tone: 0x1072

unknown: 0x13

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0370)

struct {

duplex: 0x02 (......10b)

bit: 0x01 (.......1b)

iswide: 0x01 (.......1b)

bits: 0x03 (......11b)

is625: 0x00 (.......0b)

freq: 0x7176 (00111000101110110b)

offset: 0x0078

rx_tone: 0xFFFF

tx_tone: 0x1072

unknown: 0xFF

name: 6:[0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A]

} memory (16 bytes at 0x0380)

Clone thread started
Clone thread ended
DTCS Code supported: True
DTCS Rx Code supported: False
DTCS Pol supported: True
Mode supported: True
Offset supported: True
Name supported: True
Tune Step supported: False
Name supported: True
ToneSql supported: True
Cross Mode supported: True
Comment supported: False