# This log corresponds to the performance of the following activities:
# 1. Started CHIRP
# 2. Loaded uv5r_test4.py module
# 3. Downloaded from radio using UV-5XP model selection (of a large set of channels previously configured for
# test purposes, with all populated channels set at low power)
# NOTE: The CHIRP application appears to have captured all of the channels and their settings correctly EXCEPT that all
# power settings for the configured (but not empty) channels are shown as being set at high power.
# 4. Saved image
# 5. Uploaded image back to radio using UV-5XP model selection
# NOTE: The UV-5XP appears to have been correctly configured with all populated channels at the low power setting.
# 6. Exited CHIRP application.
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,382] chirp.logger - DEBUG: CHIRP daily-20200622 on Linux - Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia (Python 2.7.17)
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,500] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR03T = DR03Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,500] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR06T = DR06Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,500] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR135T = DR135Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,500] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR235T = DR235Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,500] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR435T = DR435Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,501] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DJ596 = DJ596Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,501] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Jetstream_JT220M = JT220MRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,501] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DJ175 = DJ175Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,501] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DJ-G7EG = AlincoDJG7EG
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,504] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_5888UV = AnyTone5888UVRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,504] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Intek_HR-2040 = IntekHR2040Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,504] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Polmar_DB-50M = PolmarDB50MRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,504] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Powerwerx_DB-750X = PowerwerxDB750XRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,509] chirp.drivers.anytone778uv - WARNING: python-future package is not available; chirp.drivers.anytone778uv requires it
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,514] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_TERMN-8R = AnyToneTERMN8RRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,514] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_OBLTR-8R = AnyToneOBLTR8RRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,526] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-3R = UV3RRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,531] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-A58 = BFA58
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,531] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82WP = UV82WP
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,531] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_GT-3WP = GT3WP
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,531] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT6 = RT6
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,531] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-A58S = BFA58S
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,531] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-9R = UV9R
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,535] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-T1 = BFT1
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,537] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baojie_BJ-9900 = BJ9900Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,549] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-5R = BaofengUV5RGeneric
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,550] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_F-11 = BaofengF11Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,550] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82 = BaofengUV82Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,550] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_UV-82X3 = Radioddity82X3Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,550] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-6 = BaofengUV6Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,550] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Intek_KT-980HP = IntekKT980Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,550] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-F8HP = BaofengBFF8HPRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,550] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82HP = BaofengUV82HPRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,550] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_UV-5RX3 = RadioddityUV5RX3Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,550] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baojie_BJ-UV55 = BaojieBJUV55Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,553] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Boblov_X3Plus = BoblovX3Plus
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,571] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-2501 = UV2501
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,571] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-2501+220 = UV2501_220
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,571] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-5001 = UV5001
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,571] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered WACCOM_MINI-8900 = MINI8900
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,571] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT-UV980 = KTUV980
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,572] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT8900 = KT9800
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,572] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT8900R = KT9800R
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,572] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered LUITON_LT-588UV = LT588UV
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,572] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-25X2 = UV25X2
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,572] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-25X4 = UV25X4
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,572] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-50X2 = UV50X2
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,572] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT7900D = KT7900D
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,572] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT8900D = KT8900D
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,572] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_GMRS-50X1 = GMRS50X1
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,576] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-268A = FD268ARadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,576] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-268B = FD268BRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,576] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-288A = FD288ARadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,576] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-288B = FD288BRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,576] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-150A = FD150ARadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,576] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-160A = FD160ARadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,576] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-450A = FD450ARadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,576] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-460A = FD460ARadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,576] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-460UH = FD460UHRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,579] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-1500M = FT1500Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,581] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-1802M = FT1802Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,592] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-1D_R = FT1Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,594] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-2800M = FT2800Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,601] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-2900R_1900R = FT2900Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,602] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT2D_R = FT2D
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,602] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT2D_Rv2 = FT2Dv2
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,602] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT3D_R = FT3D
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,609] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-4XR = YaesuFT4XRRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,609] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-4XE = YaesuFT4XERadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,610] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-4VR = YaesuFT4VRRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,610] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-65R = YaesuFT65RRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,610] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-65E = YaesuFT65ERadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,610] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-25R = YaesuFT25RRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,617] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-450D = FT450DRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,620] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-50 = FT50Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,624] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-60 = FT60Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,629] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-70D = FT70Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,634] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-7100M = FT7100Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,640] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-7800_7900 = FT7800Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,640] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-8800 = FT8800Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,640] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-8900 = FT8900Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,642] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-8100 = FT8100Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,648] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-817 = FT817Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,648] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-817ND = FT817NDRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,648] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-817ND_US = FT817NDUSRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,649] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-818 = FT818Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,649] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-818ND_US = FT818NDUSRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,655] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-857_897 = FT857Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,655] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-857_897_US = FT857USRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,658] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-90 = FT90Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,659] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FTM-3200D_R = FTM3200Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,661] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FTM-350 = FTM350Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,664] chirp.drivers.ga510 - WARNING: python-future package is not available; chirp.drivers.ga510 requires it
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,664] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_GA-510 = RadioddityGA510Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Generic_CSV = CSVRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Commander_KG-UV = CommanderCSVRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered RT_Systems_CSV = RTCSVRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,667] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered ARRL_Travel_Plus = TpeRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,676] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Generic_XML = XMLRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,681] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_GMRS-V1 = GMRSV1
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,686] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-888 = H777Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,686] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_GA-2S = ROGA2SRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,688] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered HobbyPCB_RS-UV3 = HobbyPCBRSUV3Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,690] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-208H = IC208Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,691] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2100H = IC2100Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,692] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2200H = IC2200Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,694] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2300H = IC2300Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,694] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2720H = IC2720Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,709] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2730A = IC2730Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,713] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2820H = IC2820Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,719] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-91_92AD = IC9xRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,723] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_7200 = Icom7200Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,723] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-7000 = Icom7000Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,723] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-7100 = Icom7100Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,723] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_746 = Icom746Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,724] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-P7 = ICP7Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,726] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-Q7A = ICQ7Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,727] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-T70 = ICT70Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,728] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-T7H = ICT7HRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,729] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-T8A = ICT8ARadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,730] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-W32A = ICW32ARadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,730] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-W32E = ICW32ERadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,734] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-V82_U82 = ICx8xRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,739] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-E90 = ICx90Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,741] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-31A = ID31Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,741] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-51 = ID51Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,742] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-51_Plus = ID51PLUSRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,744] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-800H_v2 = ID800v2Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,745] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-880H = ID880Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,746] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-80H = ID80Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,747] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_HMK = HMKRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,748] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_ITM = ITMRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,759] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D7 = THD7Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,759] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D7G = THD7GRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,759] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D700 = TMD700Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,759] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-V7 = TMV7Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,759] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-G707 = TMG707Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,759] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-G71 = THG71Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,759] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-F6 = THF6ARadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,759] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-F7 = THF7ERadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,759] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D710 = TMD710Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,760] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D72_live_mode = THD72Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,760] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-V71 = TMV71Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,760] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D710G = TMD710GRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,760] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-K2 = THK2Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,760] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-271 = TM271Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,760] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-281 = TM281Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,760] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-471 = TM471Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,760] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-590S_SG_LiveMode = TS590Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,760] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-480_LiveMode = TS480Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,765] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV8D = KGUV8DRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,770] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV8D_Plus = KGUV8DPlusRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,776] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV8E = KGUV8ERadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,784] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV9D_Plus = KGUV9DPlusRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,787] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered KYD_NC-630A = NC630aRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,790] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered KYD_IP-620 = IP620Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,795] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Leixen_VV-898 = LeixenVV898Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,795] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Jetstream_JT270M = JetstreamJT270MRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,795] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Jetstream_JT270MH = JetstreamJT270MHRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,795] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Leixen_VV-898S = LeixenVV898SRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,802] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered LUITON_LT-725UV = LT725UV
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,803] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baojie_BJ-218 = Baojie218
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,806] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_MURS-V1 = MURSV1
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,815] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UVD1P = KGUVD1PRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,815] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV6 = KGUV6DRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,815] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-816 = KG816Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,815] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-818 = KG818Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,816] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Puxing_PX-777 = Puxing777Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,816] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Puxing_PX-2R = Puxing2RRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,823] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Puxing_PX-888K = Puxing_PX888K_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,826] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_R2 = RadioddityR2Generic
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,828] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radtel_T18 = T18Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,831] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT1 = RT1Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,834] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT21 = RT21Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,837] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT22 = RT22Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,837] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered WLN_KD-C1 = KDC1
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,837] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Zastone_ZT-X6 = ZTX6
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,838] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered LUITON_LT-316 = LT316
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,838] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TID_TD-M8 = TDM8
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,841] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT23 = RT23Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,845] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT26 = RT26Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,847] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Rugged_RH5R-V2 = RH5RV2
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,851] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TDXone_TD-Q8A = TDXoneTDQ8A
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,856] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-B5 = BaofengUVB5
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,856] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-350 = Th350Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,859] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-7800_File = TYTTH7800File
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,860] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-7800 = TYTTH7800Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,863] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH9000_220 = Th9000220Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,863] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH9000_144 = Th9000144Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,863] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH9000_440 = Th9000440Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,867] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-9800_File = TYTTH9800File
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,867] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-9800 = TYTTH9800Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,869] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UV3R = TYTUV3RRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,870] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UV3R-25 = TYTUV3R25Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,877] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UV8000 = THUV8000Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,880] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UVF8D = TYTUVF8DRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,883] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D72_clone_mode = THD72Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,885] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UVF1 = TYTTHUVF1Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,889] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-260 = TK260_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,889] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-270 = TK270_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,889] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-272 = TK272_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,889] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-278 = TK278_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,890] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-360 = TK360_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,890] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-370 = TK370_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,891] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-372 = TK372_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,891] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-378 = TK378_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,894] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-760 = TK760_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,894] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-762 = TK762_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,894] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-768 = TK768_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,894] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-860 = TK860_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,894] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-862 = TK862_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,894] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-868 = TK868_Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,902] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-868G = TK868G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,902] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-862G = TK862G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,902] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-860G = TK860G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,902] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-768G = TK768G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,902] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-762G = TK762G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,902] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-760G = TK760G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,902] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-388G = TK388G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,902] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-378G = TK378G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,902] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-372G = TK372G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,902] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-370G = TK370G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,902] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-360G = TK360G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,903] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-278G = TK278G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,903] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-272G = TK272G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,903] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-270G = TK270G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,903] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-260G = TK260G_Radios
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,905] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-7102 = KenwoodTK7102Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,905] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-8102 = KenwoodTK8102Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,905] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-7108 = KenwoodTK7108Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,905] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-8108 = KenwoodTK8108Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,911] chirp.drivers.tk8180 - WARNING: python-future package is not available; chirp.drivers.tk8180 requires it
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,922] chirp.drivers.tmd710 - WARNING: python-future package is not available; chirp.drivers.tmd710 requires it
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,925] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-2000 = TS2000Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,934] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-480_CloneMode = TS480Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,943] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-590SG_CloneMode = TS590Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,943] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-590S_CloneMode = TS590SRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,944] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-850 = TS850Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,949] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-5X3 = UV5X3
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,949] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered MTC_UV-5R-3 = MTCUV5R3Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,953] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-6R = UV6R
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,959] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-50X3 = UV50X3
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,960] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-170 = VX170Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,963] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-2 = VX2Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,967] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-3 = VX3Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,968] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-5 = VX5Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,973] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-6 = VX6Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,975] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-7 = VX7Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,983] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-8R = VX8Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,983] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-8DR = VX8DRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,983] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-8GE = VX8GERadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:02,985] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Vertex_Standard_VXA-700 = VXA700Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,182] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,182] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,182] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,182] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,182] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,182] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,182] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,182] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,182] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,182] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,182] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,182] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,182] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,183] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Checking for updates
[2020-07-03 11:42:03,394] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Server reports version daily-20200622 is latest
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,020] chirp.directory - INFO: driver re-registration enabled
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,031] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Baofeng_UV-5R'
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,031] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-5R = BaofengUV5RGeneric
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,031] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Baofeng_F-11'
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_F-11 = BaofengF11Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Baofeng_UV-82'
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82 = BaofengUV82Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Radioddity_UV-82X3'
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_UV-82X3 = Radioddity82X3Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Baofeng_UV-6'
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-6 = BaofengUV6Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Intek_KT-980HP'
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Intek_KT-980HP = IntekKT980Radio
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Baofeng_BF-F8HP'
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-F8HP = BaofengBFF8HPRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-5XP = BaofengUV5XPRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Baofeng_UV-82HP'
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,032] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82HP = BaofengUV82HPRadio
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,033] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Radioddity_UV-5RX3'
[2020-07-03 11:42:46,033] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_UV-5RX3 = RadioddityUV5RX3Radio
[2020-07-03 11:43:44,540] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: User selected Baofeng UV-5XP on port /dev/ttyUSB0
[2020-07-03 11:43:44,545] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread started
[2020-07-03 11:43:44,546] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Sending Magic: 000: 50 bb ff 20 12 07 25 00 P.....%.
[2020-07-03 11:43:44,631] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Valid response, got this:
[2020-07-03 11:43:44,632] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: 000: aa 30 76 04 00 05 20 dd .0v.....
[2020-07-03 11:43:44,920] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Radio Version is 'HN5RV011\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
[2020-07-03 11:43:44,920] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: downloading main block...
[2020-07-03 11:43:58,585] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: done.
[2020-07-03 11:43:58,586] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: downloading aux block...
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,298] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: done.
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,362] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread ended
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,363] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting model usage: Baofeng_UV-5XP,download,False
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,365] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1800000-2000000 160 Meter Band simplex , 1800000-2000000 160 Meter Band simplex mode: CW ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,365] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1800000-1810000 Digimodes simplex , 1800000-1810000 Digital Modes simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,366] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1999000-2000000 Beacons simplex mode: CW , 1999000-2000000 Beacons simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,366] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [3500000-4000000 80 Meter Band simplex , 3500000-4000000 80 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,367] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [7000000-7300000 40 Meter Band simplex , 7000000-7300000 40 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,368] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10100000-10150000 30 Meter Band simplex , 10100000-10150000 30 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,368] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10130000-10140000 All narrow band digimodes simplex , 10130000-10140000 RTTY simplex mode: RTTY ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,368] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10140000-10150000 All modes, digimodes, no phone simplex , 10140000-10150000 Packet simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,368] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [14000000-14350000 20 Meter Band simplex , 14000000-14350000 20 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,369] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [18068000-18168000 17 Meter Band simplex , 18068000-18168000 17 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,370] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [21000000-21450000 15 Meter Band simplex , 21000000-21450000 15 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,371] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [24890000-24990000 12 Meter Band simplex , 24890000-24990000 12 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,371] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [28000000-28070000 CW simplex mode: CW , 28000000-28070000 CW simplex mode: CW ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,372] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [28150000-28190000 All narrow band modes, digimodes simplex , 28150000-28190000 CW simplex mode: CW ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,373] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [29000000-29200000 All modes, AM preferred simplex mode: AM , 29000000-29200000 AM simplex mode: AM ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,374] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [29300000-29510000 Satellite downlink simplex , 29300000-29510000 Satellite Downlinks simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,375] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1800000-2000000 160 Meter Band simplex , 1800000-2000000 160 Meter Band simplex mode: CW ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,375] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1800000-1810000 Digimodes simplex , 1800000-1810000 Digital Modes simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,375] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1999000-2000000 Beacons simplex mode: CW , 1999000-2000000 Beacons simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,376] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [3500000-4000000 80 Meter Band simplex , 3500000-4000000 80 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,376] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [7000000-7300000 40 Meter Band simplex , 7000000-7300000 40 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,377] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10100000-10150000 30 Meter Band simplex , 10100000-10150000 30 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,377] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10130000-10140000 All narrow band digimodes simplex , 10130000-10140000 RTTY simplex mode: RTTY ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,377] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10140000-10150000 All modes, digimodes, no phone simplex , 10140000-10150000 Packet simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,377] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [14000000-14350000 20 Meter Band simplex , 14000000-14350000 20 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,378] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [18068000-18168000 17 Meter Band simplex , 18068000-18168000 17 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,378] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [21000000-21450000 15 Meter Band simplex , 21000000-21450000 15 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,379] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [24890000-24990000 12 Meter Band simplex , 24890000-24990000 12 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,380] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [28000000-28070000 CW simplex mode: CW , 28000000-28070000 CW simplex mode: CW ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,382] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [28150000-28190000 All narrow band modes, digimodes simplex , 28150000-28190000 CW simplex mode: CW ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,383] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [29000000-29200000 All modes, AM preferred simplex mode: AM , 29000000-29200000 AM simplex mode: AM ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,384] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [29300000-29510000 Satellite downlink simplex , 29300000-29510000 Satellite Downlinks simplex ]
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,418] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Code supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,419] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Rx Code supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,419] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Pol supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,420] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Mode supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,420] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Offset supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,420] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Name supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,420] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Tune Step supported: False
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,420] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Name supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,420] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: ToneSql supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,420] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Cross Mode supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,420] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Comment supported: False
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,420] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Code supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,421] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Rx Code supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,421] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Pol supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,421] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Mode supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,421] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Offset supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,421] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Name supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,421] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Tune Step supported: False
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,421] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Name supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,421] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: ToneSql supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,421] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Cross Mode supported: True
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,421] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Comment supported: False
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,430] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,430] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,431] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,432] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,433] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,434] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,435] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,436] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,437] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,438] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,439] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,440] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,444] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,447] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,450] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,452] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,456] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,457] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,457] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,458] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,459] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,459] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,460] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,460] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,461] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,462] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,462] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,463] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,466] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,468] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,469] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,469] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,470] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,471] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,474] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,478] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,481] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,483] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,487] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,488] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,489] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,490] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,491] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,491] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,492] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,493] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,494] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,495] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,496] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,497] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,497] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,498] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,499] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,500] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,501] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,501] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,502] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,503] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,503] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,506] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,511] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,515] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,517] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,520] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,521] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,522] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,523] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,524] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,525] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,526] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,526] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,527] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,528] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,529] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,530] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,531] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,532] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,533] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,533] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,534] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,535] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,535] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,536] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,537] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,538] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,538] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,539] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,540] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,541] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,541] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,542] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,542] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,543] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,544] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,544] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,545] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,546] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,547] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,547] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,548] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,549] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,549] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,550] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,550] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,554] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,554] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,555] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,555] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,556] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,556] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,557] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,557] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,558] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,558] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:43:59,560] chirp.ui.mainapp - ERROR: Radio reported invalid power level 0x02 (......10b) (in [High (36 dBm), Low (30 dBm)])
[2020-07-03 11:51:40,306] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Opening port after pre_upload prompt.
[2020-07-03 11:51:43,085] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread started
[2020-07-03 11:51:43,085] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Sending Magic: 000: 50 bb ff 20 12 07 25 00 P.....%.
[2020-07-03 11:51:43,171] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Valid response, got this:
[2020-07-03 11:51:43,172] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: 000: aa 30 76 04 00 05 20 dd .0v.....
[2020-07-03 11:51:43,177] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: _firmware_version_from_image: 000: 48 4e 35 52 56 30 31 31 HN5RV011
008: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 ........
[2020-07-03 11:51:43,462] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Image Version is 'HN5RV011\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
[2020-07-03 11:51:43,462] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Radio Version is 'HN5RV011\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
[2020-07-03 11:52:03,082] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread ended
[2020-07-03 11:52:03,083] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting model usage: Baofeng_UV-5XP,upload,True
[2020-07-03 11:52:33,035] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Closing 0
[2020-07-03 11:52:33,035] chirp.ui.common - DEBUG: RadioThread exiting