


Bug #10248 »

Dan Smith, 01/09/2023 10:34 PM

# Copyright 2012 Tom Hayward <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import re
from chirp import chirp_common, directory, util, errors
from chirp.drivers import kenwood_live
from chirp.drivers.kenwood_live import KenwoodLiveRadio, \
command, iserr, NOCACHE

TS2000_SSB_STEPS = [1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0]
TS2000_FM_STEPS = [5.0, 6.25, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 50.0, 100.0]
TS2000_DUPLEX = dict(kenwood_live.DUPLEX)
TS2000_DUPLEX[3] = "="
TS2000_DUPLEX[4] = "split"
TS2000_MODES = ["?", "LSB", "USB", "CW", "FM", "AM",
"FSK", "CWR", "?", "FSKR"]
TS2000_TMODES = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "DTCS"]
TS2000_TONES = list(chirp_common.OLD_TONES)

class TS2000Radio(KenwoodLiveRadio):
"""Kenwood TS-2000"""
MODEL = "TS-2000"

_upper = 289
_kenwood_split = True
_kenwood_valid_tones = list(TS2000_TONES)

def get_features(self):
rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
rf.has_dtcs_polarity = False
rf.has_bank = False
rf.can_odd_split = True
rf.valid_modes = ["LSB", "USB", "CW", "FM", "AM"]
rf.valid_tmodes = list(TS2000_TMODES)
rf.valid_tuning_steps = list(TS2000_SSB_STEPS + TS2000_FM_STEPS)
rf.valid_bands = [(1000, 1300000000)]
rf.valid_skips = ["", "S"]
rf.valid_duplexes = list(TS2000_DUPLEX.values())

# TS-2000 uses ";" as a message separator even though it seems to
# allow you to to use all printable ASCII characters at the manual
# controls. The radio doesn't send the name after the ";" if you
# input one from the manual controls.
rf.valid_characters = chirp_common.CHARSET_ASCII.replace(';', '')
rf.valid_name_length = 7 # 7 character channel names
rf.memory_bounds = (0, self._upper)
return rf

def _cmd_set_memory(self, number, spec):
return "MW0%03i%s" % (number, spec)

def _cmd_set_split(self, number, spec):
return "MW1%03i%s" % (number, spec)

def _cmd_get_memory(self, number):
return "MR0%03i" % number

def _cmd_get_split(self, number):
return "MR1%03i" % number

def _cmd_recall_memory(self, number):
return "MC%03i" % (number)

def _cmd_cur_memory(self, number):
return "MC"

def _cmd_erase_memory(self, number):
# write a memory channel that's effectively zeroed except
# for the channel number
return "MW%04i%035i" % (number, 0)

def erase_memory(self, number):
if number not in self._memcache:

resp = command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_erase_memory(number))
if iserr(resp):
raise errors.RadioError("Radio refused delete of %i" % number)
del self._memcache[number]

def get_memory(self, number):
if number < 0 or number > self._upper:
raise errors.InvalidMemoryLocation(
"Number must be between 0 and %i" % self._upper)
if number in self._memcache and not NOCACHE:
return self._memcache[number]

result = command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_get_memory(number))
if result == "N":
mem = chirp_common.Memory()
mem.number = number
mem.empty = True
self._memcache[mem.number] = mem
return mem

mem = self._parse_mem_spec(result)
self._memcache[mem.number] = mem

# check for split frequency operation
if mem.duplex == "" and self._kenwood_split:
result = command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_get_split(number))
self._parse_split_spec(mem, result)

return mem

def _parse_mem_spec(self, spec):
mem = chirp_common.Memory()

# pad string so indexes match Kenwood docs
spec = " " + spec

# use the same variable names as the Kenwood docs
# _p1 = spec[3]
_p2 = spec[4]
_p3 = spec[5:7]
_p4 = spec[7:18]
_p5 = spec[18]
_p6 = spec[19]
_p7 = spec[20]
_p8 = spec[21:23]
_p9 = spec[23:25]
_p10 = spec[25:28]
# _p11 = spec[28]
_p12 = spec[29]
_p13 = spec[30:39]
_p14 = spec[39:41]
# _p15 = spec[41]
_p16 = spec[42:49]

mem.number = int(_p2 + _p3) # concat bank num and chan num

if _p5 == '0':
# NOTE(danms): Apparently some TS2000s will return unset
# memory records with all zeroes for the fields instead of
# NAKing the command with an N response. If that happens here,
# return an empty memory.
mem.empty = True
return mem

mem.freq = int(_p4)
mem.mode = TS2000_MODES[int(_p5)]
mem.skip = ["", "S"][int(_p6)]
mem.tmode = TS2000_TMODES[int(_p7)]
# PL and T-SQL are 1 indexed, DTCS is 0 indexed
mem.rtone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(_p8) - 1]
mem.ctone = self._kenwood_valid_tones[int(_p9) - 1]
mem.dtcs = chirp_common.DTCS_CODES[int(_p10)]
mem.duplex = TS2000_DUPLEX[int(_p12)]
mem.offset = int(_p13) # 9-digit
if mem.mode in ["AM", "FM"]:
mem.tuning_step = TS2000_FM_STEPS[int(_p14)]
mem.tuning_step = TS2000_SSB_STEPS[int(_p14)] = _p16

return mem

def _parse_split_spec(self, mem, spec):

# pad string so indexes match Kenwood docs
spec = " " + spec

# use the same variable names as the Kenwood docs
split_freq = int(spec[7:18])
if mem.freq != split_freq:
mem.duplex = "split"
mem.offset = split_freq

return mem

def set_memory(self, memory):
if memory.number < 0 or memory.number > self._upper:
raise errors.InvalidMemoryLocation(
"Number must be between 0 and %i" % self._upper)

spec = self._make_mem_spec(memory)
spec = "".join(spec)
r1 = command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_set_memory(memory.number, spec))
if not iserr(r1): =
self._memcache[memory.number] = memory

# if we're tuned to the channel, reload it
r1 = command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_cur_memory(memory.number))
if not iserr(r1):
pattern = re.compile("MC([0-9]{3})")
match =
if match is not None:
cur_mem = int(
if cur_mem == memory.number:
cur_mem = \
raise errors.InvalidDataError("Radio refused %i" % memory.number)

if memory.duplex == "split" and self._kenwood_split:
spec = "".join(self._make_split_spec(memory))
result = command(self.pipe, *self._cmd_set_split(memory.number,
if iserr(result):
raise errors.InvalidDataError("Radio refused %i" %

def _make_mem_spec(self, mem):
if mem.duplex in " +-":
duplex = util.get_dict_rev(TS2000_DUPLEX, mem.duplex)
offset = mem.offset
elif mem.duplex == "split":
duplex = 0
offset = 0
print("Bug: unsupported duplex `%s'" % mem.duplex)
if mem.mode in ["AM", "FM"]:
step = TS2000_FM_STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step)
step = TS2000_SSB_STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step)

# TS-2000 won't accept channels with tone mode off if they have
# tone values
if mem.tmode == "":
rtone = 0
ctone = 0
dtcs = 0
# PL and T-SQL are 1 indexed, DTCS is 0 indexed
rtone = (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.rtone) + 1)
ctone = (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.ctone) + 1)
dtcs = (chirp_common.DTCS_CODES.index(mem.dtcs))

spec = (
"%011i" % mem.freq,
"%i" % (TS2000_MODES.index(mem.mode)),
"%i" % (mem.skip == "S"),
"%i" % TS2000_TMODES.index(mem.tmode),
"%02i" % (rtone),
"%02i" % (ctone),
"%03i" % (dtcs),
"0", # REVERSE status
"%i" % duplex,
"%09i" % offset,
"%02i" % step,
"0", # Memory Group number (0-9)
"%s" %,

return spec

def _make_split_spec(self, mem):
if mem.duplex in " +-":
duplex = util.get_dict_rev(TS2000_DUPLEX, mem.duplex)
elif mem.duplex == "split":
duplex = 0
print("Bug: unsupported duplex `%s'" % mem.duplex)
if mem.mode in ["AM", "FM"]:
step = TS2000_FM_STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step)
step = TS2000_SSB_STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step)

# TS-2000 won't accept channels with tone mode off if they have
# tone values
if mem.tmode == "":
rtone = 0
ctone = 0
dtcs = 0
# PL and T-SQL are 1 indexed, DTCS is 0 indexed
rtone = (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.rtone) + 1)
ctone = (self._kenwood_valid_tones.index(mem.ctone) + 1)
dtcs = (chirp_common.DTCS_CODES.index(mem.dtcs))

spec = (
"%011i" % mem.offset,
"%i" % (TS2000_MODES.index(mem.mode)),
"%i" % (mem.skip == "S"),
"%i" % TS2000_TMODES.index(mem.tmode),
"%02i" % (rtone),
"%02i" % (ctone),
"%03i" % (dtcs),
"0", # REVERSE status
"%i" % duplex,
"%09i" % 0,
"%02i" % step,
"0", # Memory Group number (0-9)
"%s" %,

return spec