Bug #10087
openCan't save / export data to file (read from Icom IC-7100)
I was trying to use CHIRP to read in the memories on my IC-7100 so I could then save those to a CSV/TSV/etc file and then write that list other radios. I have a few radios I would like to be able to put the same basic list of memory channels into, the IC-7100, Kenwood TS-2000, TH-D72A, TH-D74A, Yaesu FT-530 and FT5D.
I plugged in the USB on my IC-7100 and was able to read in all the memories just fine. However save/export to a file doesn't work. When I try to save the 7100 memories to a file it gives an 'unterminated string' error and will not save. I tried several times with various combinations of memories and nothing works, CHIRP seems to be unable to import/export/save/open any kind of CSV type of file. Please let me know if there is any way you know of to make this work?
Ideally I could have one CSV type of file that I could update when needed and then just download one simple file to the various radios I have. I know CHIRP doesn't support all the radios I listed, which is fine, the RT Sys SW came with the 7100 and D74 so I was able to set those up with the same memory channels pretty easily. But I'd rather not spend $100's on more RT Sys SW and cables for every other radio, particularly since they seem to want to force you to buy a USB COM cable for the TS-2000 even though I already have a perfectly good PC COM port and serial cable.
Is CHIRP intended to support this? ie. saving a basic list of memories to different radios? I know that different radios have different memory layouts and attributes so I don't expect perfection but the list I have is only about 80 memories and just needs to have the frequencies/offset, Tone/CTCSS settings, and memory name, nothing else.