



Feature #5731


QYT KT-8900, How to change frequency range?

Added by Mike Kross over 6 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

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QYT KT-8900
I read the instructions above:


Can I change the frequency range?
They are gay outed. See attached image.
In our country, only 144-146 / 430-440 is accepted.


KT-8900_Freq_range_00.png (22.1 KB) KT-8900_Freq_range_00.png Mike Kross, 04/16/2018 09:54 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Joe Warren about 6 years ago

I am having the same issue as well. I found a link in another feature directing everyone to portmon. I am running a 64 bit system so I am unable to do that. It took some time but I was able to get everything to work on windows 7 and linux except changing the frequency range. I used the settings QYT KT8900 and I think it may be a password issue with the radio itself. My manual states I can change the range without software. I have to press and hold the F button while I power up the radio. When I do that it brings up a prompt "passwd" It requires a 6 digit password and I have yet to figure it our or find anyone that know what that is.

I downloaded software from the link on where i bought the radio from amazon. This software allows for a password to be entered, but I cannot get it to connect to the radio. I can only assume it is also an issue with the password right now.

Actions #2

Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Target version set to chirp-legacy
  • Model affected changed from (All models) to QYT KT-8900

These ranges are what the radio supports for reception, not what the local band plan prescribes for transmit.
Many radios will limit the transmit frequency ranges to local laws; i.e. the radio will allow you to receive, but not to transmit outside preset limits. However, that's not true for some Chinese brands: here the operator must ensure that the radio is not doing anything outside allowed ranges.

Actions #3

Updated by MELERIX . over 2 years ago

what about this? to expand frequency.

Actions #4

Updated by Joaquín Juan about 2 years ago

Buenos días!!!. Para modificar el rango de frecuencias de la QYT KT-8900, jay que hacer lo siguiente....
Con la emisora apagada, mantenemos presionado tecla F mientras la encendemos. Saldrá un mensaje password, y con el teclado del micro, introducimos el valor 100120.
Luego, nos salen para poner 6 números, que sería el rango primero en VHF, por ejemplo, si queremos rango de 154MHz a 165MHz, pues introducimos 154165. Después, nos salen de nuevo 6 dígitos para introducir, que es el rango UHF, y lo mismo, primero frecuencia mínima, y luego máxima, por ejemplo de 430MHz a 470MHz, ponemos 430470. Y una vez puesto, la emisora arranca en ese nuevo rango de frecuencias. Arriba, hay un vídeo por si queda alguna duda.


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