Feature #8649
openYaesu FT-897: download instructions need to be improved
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Yaesu FT-897
I read the instructions above:
I'm opening this ticket on behalf of David N1EA, who had this original problem:
I can download from my Yaesu FT-897D successfully using CHIRP daily-20201221 on Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Python 2.7.16) but I cannot upload. I get the following error message. raise errors.RadioError("Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % e) RadioError: Failed to communicate with radio: Radio did not ack block 0 ERROR: ---------------- ERROR: Clone failed: Failed to communicate with radio: Radio did not ack block 0 ERROR: --- Exception Dialog: Failed to communicate with radio: Radio did not ack block 0 --- ERROR: None
Actually, David found out what went wrong himself:
I found the problem. Advice on the screen when uploading says click "OK" then click "send" on the FT-897D screen, then a sending progress bar appears. However when downloading from CHIRP it doesn't have that instruction. It just says click "receive" on the FT-897D screen. I just repeated the first sequence I had done moments ago. That's where it failed. What I had to do was: Click "receive" on the FT-897D screen. Then click the dialog box "OK" on the computer screen. Then screen changes to a "receiving" progress bar. It will fail if you click the computer dialogue box "OK" before you click "receive" on the FT-897D screen. Maybe improved language would help here.
This feature request is about adding better instructions for this specific radio when preparing for Chirp download.
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