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Dan Smith, 12/24/2012 09:04 AM

h1. CHIRP Development Process

h2. Mercurial Configuration

Make sure that your mercurial tool is configured properly for CHIRP. This means having the correct username and email address specified, as well as the MQ extension enabled (for most cases). You can do this in your global mercurial configuration file, or in the one in the repository you're working on, which is @.hg/config@. You may also want to ensure that it has the patchbomb configuration enabled, which allows easy emailing out of mercurial itself. You probably want the following lines in your config file:

username = Joe Bob 
from = Joe Bob 
method = smtp

host =

h2. Submitting a patch

Changes to CHIRP are welcome, but they should be in the correct format, and sent as a patch to the mailing list. The correct way to do this is to clone the upstream repository, make your changes there, and then soft-commit them as MQ patches to the tree. The following assumes you have cloned the repository and are in the resulting directory.

h3. Making a change

Edit one of the files to make a change. For this example, I'll use //rob Hill/ Assuming I have made a change, the following commands help me see what has been done:

% hg status -mar
M chirp/
% hg diff
diff -r a132c837fd25 chirp/
--- a/chirp/   Mon Dec 24 08:17:19 2012 -0800
+++ b/chirp/   Mon Dec 24 08:56:29 2012 -0800
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 from chirp import chirp_common, icf, util, directory
 from chirp import bitwise
+# Just added a comment
 struct {
   u32  freq;

The first command shows me that @chirp/ has been modified, and the second shows me the actual changes that have been made.

h3. Soft-committing a Change

You can commit a change directly to your tree, but it becomes a little more complicated to make changes to it if necessary, and it creates a fork when the change is actually accepted upstream. An easy way to manage all of this is to soft-commit your changes as MQ patches. Assuming you have made the change above, the following example shows the process for committing that into a patch:

% hg qnew -ef add_comment # Here I will be prompted to enter a commit message
% hg qapplied             # This shows that the patch is now applied

This example takes the changes I made above, and commits them into a new patch called @add_comment@. I can now look at the patch in its entirety, as well as add or remove it from my local tree:

% hg export tip           # This will show me the whole patch, with the commit message
% hg qpop                 # Remove it from the tree
% hg qapplied             # This shows that no patches are applied
% hg qunapplied           # This shows that our patch is not applied
% hg qpush                # This adds the patch back to the tree
% hg qapplied             # This shows that our patch is applied
% hg qpop                 # This removes it again
% hg qdel add_comment     # This deletes it permanently

h3. Sending a change

There are two ways to do this. First, you can export the patch to a text file and email it to the list with your normal mailer. This is how:

% hg export tip > add_comment.patch

You can also configure the tool to email it directly, in which case you need only do:

% hg email tip

You will be prompted for the destination address.

Updated by Dan Smith over 11 years ago · 2 revisions