

gerry trouse

  • Registered on: 11/17/2013
  • Last sign in: 01/27/2014


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 4 5



03:06 PM CHIRP New Model #1393 (Closed): Yaesu FT-2600M
looking on the net it looks like YAESU
ADMS-2E FT-90/FT-2600 PROGRAM SOFTWARE is the same could you please tell me i...
gerry trouse


11:51 AM CHIRP New Model #1257 (Closed): ft2600m
hi i would like to clone my ft2600m ihave the lead and was hoping that i could find it in the list of ft radio but no... gerry trouse
11:50 AM CHIRP New Model #1255 (Closed): ft 2600m old but works great
hi i would like to clone my ft2600m ihave the lead and was hoping that i could find it in the list of ft radio but no... gerry trouse
11:15 AM CHIRP New Model #1253 (Blocked): Yaesu FT-2600m
hi i would like to clone my ft2600m ihave the lead and was hoping that i could find it in the list of ft radio but no... gerry trouse


01:38 PM CHIRP Bug #1249: will not start with new version
gerry trouse wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am having a real bear of a problem with chirps latest release.
> Just got ...
gerry trouse
01:31 PM CHIRP Bug #1249 (Closed): will not start with new version
Hi everybody,
I am having a real bear of a problem with chirps latest release.
Just got a uv5xra and I used my uv5r...
gerry trouse

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