


Bug #11644 »

Dan Smith, 10/29/2024 06:03 PM

# Copyright 2016 Pavel Milanes CO7WT, <> <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import time
import struct
import logging

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from chirp import chirp_common, directory, memmap
from chirp import bitwise, errors, util
from chirp.settings import RadioSettingGroup, RadioSetting, \
RadioSettingValueBoolean, RadioSettingValueList, \
RadioSettingValueString, RadioSettings

#seekto 0x0010;
struct {
lbcd rxfreq[4];
lbcd txfreq[4];
lbcd rx_tone[2];
lbcd tx_tone[2];
u8 unknown41:1,
power:1, // high power set (1=off)
shift:1, // Shift (1=off)
busy:1, // Busy lock (1=off)
u8 rxen; // xff if off, x00 if enabled (if chan sel = 00)
u8 txen; // xff if off, x00 if enabled
u8 unknown7;
} memory[32];

#seekto 0x0338;
u8 scan[4]; // 4 bytes / bit LSBF for the channel

#seekto 0x033C;
u8 active[4]; // 4 bytes / bit LSBF for the active cha
// active = 0

#seekto 0x0340;
struct {
u8 kMoni; // monitor key function
u8 kScan; // scan key function
u8 kDial; // dial key function
u8 kTa; // ta key function
u8 kLo; // low key function
u8 unknown40[7];
// 0x034c
u8 tot; // TOT val * 30 steps (x00-0xa)
u8 tot_alert; // TOT pre-alert val * 10 steps, (x00-x19)
u8 tot_rekey; // TOT rekey val, 0-60, (x00-x3c)
u8 tot_reset; // TOT reset val, 0-15, (x00-x0f)
// 0x0350
u8 sql; // SQL level val, 0-9 (default 6)
u8 unknown50[12];
u8 unknown30:1,
dealer:1, // dealer & test mode (1=on)
add:1, // add/del from the scan (1=on)
batt_save:1, // Battery save (1=on)
beep:1; // beep on tone (1=on)
u8 unknown51[2];
} settings;

#seekto 0x03f0;
struct {
u8 batt_level; // inverted (ff-val)
u8 sq_tight; // sq tight (ff-val)
u8 sq_open; // sq open (ff-val)
u8 high_power; // High power
u8 qt_dev; // QT deviation
u8 dqt_dev; // DQT deviation
u8 low_power; // low power
} tune;


MEM_SIZE = 0x400
MEM_BLOCKS = list(range(0, (MEM_SIZE // BLOCK_SIZE)))
ACK_CMD = b"\x06"
TIMEOUT = 0.05 # from 0.03 up it' s safe, we set in 0.05 for a margin

POWER_LEVELS = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("Low", watts=1),
chirp_common.PowerLevel("High", watts=5)]
SKIP_VALUES = ["", "S"]
TONES = chirp_common.TONES
# TONES.remove(254.1)
DTCS_CODES = chirp_common.DTCS_CODES

# some vars for the UI
off = ["off"]
TOT = off + ["%s" % x for x in range(30, 330, 30)]
TOT_A = off + ["%s" % x for x in range(10, 260, 10)]
TOT_RK = off + ["%s" % x for x in range(1, 61)]
TOT_RS = off + ["%s" % x for x in range(1, 16)]
SQL = off + ["%s" % x for x in range(1, 10)]

# keys
MONI = off + ["Monitor momentary", "Monitor lock", "SQ off momentary"]
SCAN = off + ["Carrier operated (COS)", "Time operated (TOS)"]
YESNO = ["Enabled", "Disabled"]
TA = off + ["Turn around", "Reverse"]

def rawrecv(radio, amount):
"""Raw read from the radio device"""
data = ""
data =
# print("<= %02i: %s" % (len(data), util.hexprint(data)))
except Exception as e:
LOG.exception('Failed read: %s', e)
raise errors.RadioError("Error reading data from radio")

return data

def rawsend(radio, data):
"""Raw send to the radio device"""
# print("=> %02i: %s" % (len(data), util.hexprint(data)))
except Exception as e:
LOG.exception('Failed write: %s', e)
raise errors.RadioError("Error sending data from radio")

def send(radio, frame):
"""Generic send data to the radio"""
rawsend(radio, frame)

def make_frame(cmd, addr, data=b""):
"""Pack the info in the format it likes"""
ts = struct.pack(">BHB", ord(cmd), addr, 8)
if data == b"":
return ts
if len(data) == 8:
return ts + data
raise errors.InvalidValueError("Data of unexpected length to send")

def handshake(radio, msg="", full=False):
"""Make a full handshake, if not full just hals"""
# send ACK if commandes
if full is True:
rawsend(radio, ACK_CMD)
# receive ACK
ack = rawrecv(radio, 1)
# check ACK
if ack != ACK_CMD:
# close_radio(radio)
mesg = "Handshake failed: " + msg
raise Exception(mesg)

def recv(radio):
"""Receive data from the radio, 12 bytes, 4 in the header, 8 as data"""
rxdata = rawrecv(radio, 12)

if len(rxdata) != 12:
raise errors.RadioError(
"Received a length of data that is not possible")

cmd, addr, length = struct.unpack(">BHB", rxdata[0:4])
data = b""
if length == 8:
data = rxdata[4:]

return data

def open_radio(radio):
"""Open the radio into program mode and check if it's the correct model"""
# Set serial discipline
radio.pipe.parity = "N"
radio.pipe.timeout = TIMEOUT
msg = "Serial error: Can't set serial line discipline"
raise errors.RadioError(msg)

# we will try to open the radio 5 times, this is an improved mechanism
magic = b"PROGRAM"
exito = False
for i in range(0, 5):
for i in range(0, len(magic)):
ack = rawrecv(radio, 1)
send(radio, magic[i])

handshake(radio, "Radio not entering Program mode")
exito = True
LOG.debug("Attempt #%s, failed, trying again" % i)

# check if we had EXITO
if exito is False:
msg = "The radio did not accept program mode after five tries.\n"
msg += "Check you interface cable and power cycle your radio."
raise errors.RadioError(msg)

rawsend(radio, b"\x02")
ident = rawrecv(radio, 8)
handshake(radio, "Comm error after ident", True)

if radio.TYPE not in ident:
LOG.debug("Incorrect model ID, got %s" % util.hexprint(ident))
msg = "Incorrect model ID, got %s, it not contains %s" % \
(ident[0:5], radio.TYPE)
raise errors.RadioError(msg)

def do_download(radio):
"""This is your download function"""

# UI progress
status = chirp_common.Status()
status.cur = 0
status.max = MEM_SIZE / BLOCK_SIZE
status.msg = "Cloning from radio..."

data = b""
for addr in MEM_BLOCKS:
send(radio, make_frame("R", addr * BLOCK_SIZE))
data += recv(radio)
handshake(radio, "Rx error in block %03i" % addr, True)
# print("Block: %04x, Pos: %06x" % (addr, addr * BLOCK_SIZE))

# UI Update
status.cur = addr
status.msg = "Cloning from radio..."

return memmap.MemoryMapBytes(data)

def do_upload(radio):
"""Upload info to radio"""

# UI progress
status = chirp_common.Status()
status.cur = 0
status.max = MEM_SIZE / BLOCK_SIZE
status.msg = "Cloning to radio..."
count = 0

for addr in MEM_BLOCKS:
# UI Update
status.cur = addr
status.msg = "Cloning to radio..."

block = addr * BLOCK_SIZE
# Beyond 0x03d0 the data is not writable
if block > 0x3d0:

data = radio.get_mmap()[block:block + BLOCK_SIZE]
send(radio, make_frame("W", block, data))

handshake(radio, "Rx error in block %03i" % addr)

def get_radio_id(data):
"""Extract the radio identification from the firmware"""
# Reverse the radio id string. MemoryMap does not support the step/stride
# slice argument, so it is first sliced to a str then reversed.
return data[0x03d0:0x03d8][::-1]

def model_match(cls, data):
"""Match the opened/downloaded image to the correct version"""
rid = get_radio_id(data)

# print("Full ident string is %s" % util.hexprint(rid))

if (rid in cls.VARIANTS):
# correct model
return True
return False

class Kenwood_P60_Radio(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio, chirp_common.ExperimentalRadio):
"""Kenwood Mobile Family 60 Radios"""
VENDOR = "Kenwood"
_range = [350000000, 512000000] # don't mind, it will be overited
_upper = 32
MODEL = ""
_kind = ""

def get_prompts(cls):
rp = chirp_common.RadioPrompts()
rp.experimental = \
('This driver is experimental; not all features have been '
'implemented, but it has those features most used by hams.\n'
'This radios are able to work slightly outside the OEM '
'frequency limits. After testing, the limit in Chirp has '
'been set 4% outside the OEM limit. This allows you to use '
'some models on the ham bands.\n'
'Nevertheless, each radio has its own hardware limits and '
'your mileage may vary.\n'
rp.pre_download = _(
"Follow this instructions to read your radio:\n"
"1 - Turn off your radio\n"
"2 - Connect your interface cable\n"
"3 - Turn on your radio\n"
"4 - Do the download of your radio data\n")
rp.pre_upload = _(
"Follow this instructions to write your radio:\n"
"1 - Turn off your radio\n"
"2 - Connect your interface cable\n"
"3 - Turn on your radio\n"
"4 - Do the upload of your radio data\n")
return rp

def get_features(self):
rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
rf.has_settings = True
rf.has_bank = False
rf.has_tuning_step = False
rf.has_name = False
rf.has_offset = True
rf.has_mode = False
rf.has_dtcs = True
rf.has_rx_dtcs = True
rf.has_dtcs_polarity = True
rf.has_ctone = True
rf.has_cross = True
rf.valid_modes = ["FM"]
rf.valid_duplexes = ["", "-", "+", "off"]
rf.valid_tmodes = ['', 'Tone', 'TSQL', 'DTCS', 'Cross']
rf.valid_cross_modes = [
rf.valid_power_levels = POWER_LEVELS
rf.valid_skips = SKIP_VALUES
rf.valid_dtcs_codes = DTCS_CODES
rf.valid_bands = [self._range]
rf.memory_bounds = (1, self._upper)
rf.valid_tuning_steps = [2.5, 5.0, 6.25, 10.0, 12.5, 25.0]
return rf

def sync_in(self):
"""Download from radio"""
self._mmap = do_download(self)

def sync_out(self):
"""Upload to radio"""
# Get the data ready for upload
raise errors.RadioError("Error processing the radio data")

# do the upload
raise errors.RadioError("Error uploading data to radio")

def set_variant(self):
"""Select and set the correct variables for the class according
to the correct variant of the radio"""
rid = get_radio_id(self._mmap)

# identify the radio variant and set the environment to its values
self._upper, low, high, self._kind = self.VARIANTS[rid]

# Frequency ranges: some model/variants are able to work the near
# ham bands, even if they are outside the OEM ranges.
# By experimentation we found that a +/- 4% at the edges is in most
# cases safe and will cover the near ham band in full
self._range = [low * 1000000 * 0.96, high * 1000000 * 1.04]

# put the VARIANT in the class, clean the model / CHs / Type
# in the same layout as the KPG program
self._VARIANT = self.MODEL + " [" + str(self._upper) + "CH]: "
# In the OEM string we show the real OEM ranges
self._VARIANT += self._kind + ", %d - %d MHz" % (low, high)

# print self._VARIANT

except KeyError:
LOG.debug("Wrong Kenwood radio, ID or unknown variant")
raise errors.RadioError(
"Wrong Kenwood radio, ID or unknown variant, see LOG output.")

def _prep_data(self):
"""Prepare the areas in the memmap to do a consistent write
it has to make an update on the x280 flag data"""
achs = 0

for i in range(0, self._upper):
if self.get_active(i) is True:
achs += 1

# The x0280 area has the settings for the DTMF/2-Tone per channel,
# as we don't support this feature yet,
# we disabled by cleaning the data
# fldata = "\x00\xf0\xff\xff\xff" * achs + \
# "\xff" * (5 * (self._upper - achs))

fldata = "\xFF" * 5 * self._upper
self._fill(0x0280, fldata)

def _fill(self, offset, data):
"""Fill an specified area of the memmap with the passed data"""
for addr in range(0, len(data)):
self._mmap[offset + addr] = data[addr]

def process_mmap(self):
"""Process the mem map into the mem object"""
self._memobj = bitwise.parse(MEM_FORMAT, self._mmap)
# to set the vars on the class to the correct ones

def get_raw_memory(self, number):
return repr(self._memobj.memory[number])

def get_active(self, chan):
"""Get the channel active status from the 4 bytes array on the eeprom"""
byte = int(chan/8)
bit = chan % 8
res =[byte] & (pow(2, bit))
res = not bool(res)

return res

def set_active(self, chan, value=True):
"""Set the channel active status from UI to the mem_map"""
byte = int(chan/8)
bit = chan % 8

# print("SET Chan %s, Byte %s, Bit % s" % (chan, byte, bit))

# get the actual value to see if I need to change anything
actual = self.get_active(chan)
if actual != bool(value):
# print "VALUE %s flipping" % int(not value)

# I have to flip the value
rbyte =[byte]
rbyte = rbyte ^ pow(2, bit)[byte] = rbyte

def decode_tone(self, val):
"""Parse the tone data to decode from mem, it returns:
Mode (''|DTCS|Tone), Value (None|###), Polarity (None,N,R)"""
if val.get_raw(asbytes=False) == "\xFF\xFF":
return '', None, None

val = int(val)
if val >= 12000:
a = val - 12000
return 'DTCS', a, 'R'
elif val >= 8000:
a = val - 8000
return 'DTCS', a, 'N'
a = val / 10.0
return 'Tone', a, None

def encode_tone(self, memval, mode, value, pol):
"""Parse the tone data to encode from UI to mem"""
if mode == '':
elif mode == 'Tone':
memval.set_value(int(value * 10))
elif mode == 'DTCS':
flag = 0x80 if pol == 'N' else 0xC0
raise Exception("Internal error: invalid mode `%s'" % mode)

def get_scan(self, chan):
"""Get the channel scan status from the 4 bytes array on the eeprom
then from the bits on the byte, return '' or 'S' as needed"""
result = "S"
byte = int(chan/8)
bit = chan % 8
res = self._memobj.scan[byte] & (pow(2, bit))
if res > 0:
result = ""

return result

def set_scan(self, chan, value):
"""Set the channel scan status from UI to the mem_map"""
byte = int(chan/8)
bit = chan % 8

# get the actual value to see if I need to change anything
actual = self.get_scan(chan)
if actual != value:
# I have to flip the value
rbyte = self._memobj.scan[byte]
rbyte = rbyte ^ pow(2, bit)
self._memobj.scan[byte] = rbyte

def get_memory(self, number):
"""Get the mem representation from the radio image"""
_mem = self._memobj.memory[number - 1]

# Create a high-level memory object to return to the UI
mem = chirp_common.Memory()

# Memory number
mem.number = number

if _mem.get_raw(asbytes=False)[0] == "\xFF":
mem.empty = True
# but is not enough, you have to clear the memory in the mmap
# to get it ready for the sync_out process, just in case
_mem.set_raw("\xFF" * 16)
# set the channel to inactive state
self.set_active(number - 1, False)
return mem

# Freq and offset
mem.freq = int(_mem.rxfreq) * 10
# tx freq can be blank
if _mem.get_raw(asbytes=False)[4] == "\xFF" or int(_mem.txen) == 255:
# TX freq not set
mem.offset = 0
mem.duplex = "off"
# TX feq set
offset = (int(_mem.txfreq) * 10) - mem.freq
if offset < 0:
mem.offset = abs(offset)
mem.duplex = "-"
elif offset > 0:
mem.offset = offset
mem.duplex = "+"
mem.offset = 0

# power
mem.power = POWER_LEVELS[int(_mem.power)]

# skip
mem.skip = self.get_scan(number - 1)

# tone data
rxtone = txtone = None
txtone = self.decode_tone(_mem.tx_tone)
rxtone = self.decode_tone(_mem.rx_tone)
chirp_common.split_tone_decode(mem, txtone, rxtone)

# Extra
# bank and number in the channel
mem.extra = RadioSettingGroup("extra", "Extra")

bl = RadioSetting("busy", "Busy Channel lock",
not bool(_mem.busy)))

sf = RadioSetting("shift", "Beat Shift",
not bool(_mem.shift)))

return mem

def set_memory(self, mem):
"""Set the memory data in the eeprom img from the UI
not ready yet, so it will return as is"""

# Get a low-level memory object mapped to the image
_mem = self._memobj.memory[mem.number - 1]

# Empty memory
if mem.empty:
_mem.set_raw("\xFF" * 16)
self.set_active(mem.number - 1, False)

# freq rx
_mem.rxfreq = mem.freq / 10

# rx enabled if valid channel,
# set tx to on, we decide if off after duplex = off
_mem.rxen = 0
_mem.txen = 0

# freq tx
if mem.duplex == "+":
_mem.txfreq = (mem.freq + mem.offset) / 10
elif mem.duplex == "-":
_mem.txfreq = (mem.freq - mem.offset) / 10
elif mem.duplex == "off":
# set tx freq on the memap to xff
for i in range(0, 4):
# erase the txen flag
_mem.txen = 255
_mem.txfreq = mem.freq / 10

# tone data
((txmode, txtone, txpol), (rxmode, rxtone, rxpol)) = \
self.encode_tone(_mem.tx_tone, txmode, txtone, txpol)
self.encode_tone(_mem.rx_tone, rxmode, rxtone, rxpol)

# power, default power is high, as the low is configurable via a key
if mem.power is None:
mem.power = POWER_LEVELS[1]

_mem.power = POWER_LEVELS.index(mem.power)

# skip
self.set_scan(mem.number - 1, mem.skip)

# set as active
self.set_active(mem.number - 1, True)

# extra settings
for setting in mem.extra:
setattr(_mem, setting.get_name(), setting.value)

return mem

def match_model(cls, filedata, filename):
match_size = False
match_model = False

# testing the file data size
if len(filedata) == MEM_SIZE:
match_size = True

# testing the firmware model fingerprint
match_model = model_match(cls, filedata)

if match_size and match_model:
return True
return False

def get_settings(self):
"""Translate the bit in the mem_struct into settings in the UI"""
sett = self._memobj.settings

# basic features of the radio
basic = RadioSettingGroup("basic", "Basic Settings")
# keys
fkeys = RadioSettingGroup("keys", "Function keys")

top = RadioSettings(basic, fkeys)

# Basic
val = RadioSettingValueString(0, 35, self._VARIANT)
mod = RadioSetting("not.mod", "Radio version", val)

beep = RadioSetting("settings.beep", "Beep tone",

bsave = RadioSetting("settings.batt_save", "Battery save",

deal = RadioSetting("", "Dealer & Test",

add = RadioSetting("settings.add", "Del / Add feature",

# In some cases the values that follows can be 0xFF (HARD RESET)
# so we need to take and validate that
if int(sett.tot) == 0xff:
# 120 sec
sett.tot = 4
if int(sett.tot_alert) == 0xff:
# 10 secs
sett.tot_alert = 1
if int(sett.tot_rekey) == 0xff:
# off
sett.tot_rekey = 0
if int(sett.tot_reset) == 0xff:
# off
sett.tot_reset = 0
if int(sett.sql) == 0xff:
# a comfortable level ~6
sett.sql = 6

tot = RadioSetting("settings.tot", "Time Out Timer (TOT)",
RadioSettingValueList(TOT, current_index=int(sett.tot)))

tota = RadioSetting("settings.tot_alert", "TOT pre-plert",
RadioSettingValueList(TOT_A, current_index=int(sett.tot_alert)))

totrk = RadioSetting("settings.tot_rekey", "TOT rekey time",
RadioSettingValueList(TOT_RK, current_index=int(sett.tot_rekey)))

totrs = RadioSetting("settings.tot_reset", "TOT reset time",
RadioSettingValueList(TOT_RS, current_index=int(sett.tot_reset)))

sql = RadioSetting("settings.sql", "Squelch level",
RadioSettingValueList(SQL, current_index=int(sett.sql)))

# front keys
m = int(sett.kMoni)
if m > 3:
m = 1
mon = RadioSetting("settings.kMoni", "Monitor",
RadioSettingValueList(MONI, current_index=m))

s = int(sett.kScan)
if s > 3:
s = 1
scn = RadioSetting("settings.kScan", "Scan",
RadioSettingValueList(SCAN, current_index=s))

d = int(sett.kDial)
if d > 1:
d = 0
dial = RadioSetting("settings.kDial", "Dial",
RadioSettingValueList(YESNO, current_index=d))

t = int(sett.kTa)
if t > 2:
t = 2
ta = RadioSetting("settings.kTa", "Ta",
RadioSettingValueList(TA, current_index=t))

l = int(sett.kLo)
if l > 1:
l = 0
low = RadioSetting("settings.kLo", "Low",
RadioSettingValueList(YESNO, current_index=l))

return top

def set_settings(self, settings):
"""Translate the settings in the UI into bit in the mem_struct
I don't understand well the method used in many drivers
so, I used mine, ugly but works ok"""

mobj = self._memobj

for element in settings:
if not isinstance(element, RadioSetting):

# Let's roll the ball
if "." in element.get_name():
inter, setting = element.get_name().split(".")
# you must ignore the settings with "not"
# this are READ ONLY attributes
if inter == "not":

obj = getattr(mobj, inter)
value = element.value

# integers case + special case
if setting in ["tot", "tot_alert", "tot_rekey",
"tot_reset", "sql", "kMoni", "kScan",
"kDial", "kTa", "kLo"]:
# catching the "off" values as zero
value = int(value)
value = 0

# Bool types + inverted
if setting in ["beep", "batt_save", "dealer", "add"]:
value = bool(value)

# Apply al configs done
# print("%s: %s" % (setting, value))
setattr(obj, setting, value)

# This are the oldest family 60 models just portables support here
# Info striped from a hexdump inside the preogram and hack over a
# tk-270

class TK260_Radio(Kenwood_P60_Radio):
"""Kenwood TK-260 Radios"""
MODEL = "TK-260"
TYPE = b"P0260"
b"P0260\x20\x00\x00": (4, 136, 150, "F2"),
b"P0260\x21\x00\x00": (4, 150, 174, "F1"),

class TK270_Radio(Kenwood_P60_Radio):
"""Kenwood TK-270 Radios"""
MODEL = "TK-270"
TYPE = b"P0270"
b"P0270\x10\x00\x00": (32, 136, 150, "F2"),
b"P0270\x11\x00\x00": (32, 150, 174, "F1"),

class TK272_Radio(Kenwood_P60_Radio):
"""Kenwood TK-272 Radios"""
MODEL = "TK-272"
TYPE = b"P0272"
b"P0272\x10\x00\x00": (10, 136, 150, "F2"),
b"P0272\x11\x00\x00": (10, 150, 174, "F1"),

class TK278_Radio(Kenwood_P60_Radio):
"""Kenwood TK-278 Radios"""
MODEL = "TK-278"
TYPE = b"P0278"
b"P0278\x00\x00\x00": (32, 136, 150, "F2"),
b"P0278\x01\x00\x00": (32, 150, 174, "F1"),

class TK360_Radio(Kenwood_P60_Radio):
"""Kenwood TK-360 Radios"""
MODEL = "TK-360"
TYPE = b"P0360"
b"P0360\x24\x00\x00": (4, 450, 470, "F1"),
b"P0360\x25\x00\x00": (4, 470, 490, "F2"),
b"P0360\x26\x00\x00": (4, 490, 512, "F3"),
b"P0360\x23\x00\x00": (4, 406, 430, "F4"),

class TK370_Radio(Kenwood_P60_Radio):
"""Kenwood TK-370 Radios"""
MODEL = "TK-370"
TYPE = b"P0370"
b"P0370\x14\x00\x00": (32, 450, 470, "F1"),
b"P0370\x15\x00\x00": (32, 470, 490, "F2"),
b"P0370\x16\x00\x00": (32, 490, 512, "F3"),
b"P0370\x13\x00\x00": (32, 406, 430, "F4"),

class TK372_Radio(Kenwood_P60_Radio):
"""Kenwood TK-372 Radios"""
MODEL = "TK-372"
TYPE = b"P0372"
b"P0372\x14\x00\x00": (10, 450, 470, "F1"),
b"P0372\x15\x00\x00": (10, 470, 490, "F2"),

class TK378_Radio(Kenwood_P60_Radio):
"""Kenwood TK-378 Radios"""
MODEL = "TK-378"
TYPE = b"P0378"
b"P0378\x04\x00\x00": (32, 370, 470, "SP1"),
b"P0378\x02\x00\x00": (32, 350, 427, "SP2"),