Bug #10668
closedRadio > Download from radio Fails Silently
Version snap-20230615+7becca5b running on Ubuntu. When I go to the Radio menu and select "Download from radio" nothing happens. I assume that this is because the ports can't be read properly as in Bug #763. The expected behaviour is that Chirp gives some kind of error message.
Updated by Tony Fuller over 1 year ago
I was able to reproduce this in a new Ubuntu 22.04 installation after installing the CHIRP snap. There are 2 issues that need addressing and the fix is to ensure that both your user and the snap have permission to read/write to usb devices.
I recommend running the following commands in a terminal to ensure you can correctly access ports needed for CHIRP:
sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER
sudo snap connect chirp-snap:raw-usb
Restart the computer and log back in. CHIRP should download/upload correctly after this.