Bug #10748
openKenwood_TH-D7 Settings tab won't open "0, is not valid for this setting"
Hello, I noticed that the Kenwood_TH-D7 driver was marked as "Probably works" so I thought I would report a test of it. However, although manipulating memories appears to work, the Settings tab does not load for me. An error dialog box appears immediately containing "0, is not valid for this setting". Clicking OK on that dialog leaves me with an empty Settings screen, with the status "Retrieved settings" showing at the bottom of the CHIRP window. (Debug file for the TH-D7 is "chirp_debug-btmgrl4c.txt" and I'm not sure what it is complaining about exactly, it might not be liking whatever "BEL 0,0,' is...)
I thought I would try CHIRP legacy-20221217 on the same radio, and the Settings tab is also empty but no error dialog appears and the status at the bottom of the CHIRP window remains unchanged as "[0] Completed Getting memory 200 (idle)".
I also have a TH-D7G and tried it - results are slightly different. CHIRP next displays "Getting settings" for about a full second, then gives the error dialog "invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1,0'" when opening Settings and then presents a blank Settings window. However, in CHIRP legacy this radio does load a valid Settings window. (Debug file indicates it's complaining about the content of the APO setting, which is "30 minutes" in the radio menu - the debug file for the TH-D7G in CHIRP next is "chirp_debug-fe74t0td.txt")