Bug #3351
HELLO. My name is George Harris, (Amateur Callsign: W1QUI). I recently purchased a Baofeng UV-5R2+ and a standard UV-5R HT. CHIRP is wonderful EXCEPT for the following:
--> When programming DTMF tones for EITHER ANI or PTT ID, CHIRP does not program the following DTMF characters correctly: *, #, A, B, C, or D. The numbers, 0 through 9 are programmed in CHIRP and encode in the radio just fine. However, in order to get the the remaining characters, you must use the following:
-To encode a DTMF "", you must tell CHIRP to encode the character: "B"
-To encode a DTMF "A", you must tell CHIRP to encode the character: "D"
-To encode a DTMF "B", you must tell CHIRP to encode the character: ""
-To encode a DTMF "#", you must tell CHIRP to encode the character: "C"
(Encoding Characters # and A generate a blank and a single row or column tone.)
Any chance of fixing this issue?
I am a new user of CHIRP and so far, these are the only issues I've discovered.
Thanks for a GREAT job!
73! George, W1QUI
Programming CHIRP to encode the character A, generates no tone, and
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Chirp Version changed from 0.4.0 to daily
- Model affected changed from (All models) to Baofeng
- Platform changed from Windows to All
Discussed in detail in #8321. A workaround for the problem (which is caused by a firmware bug) has been applied in newer builds.