Bug #5759
closedtuning steps general UI response
This might be an issue, or just me beeing stupid ...
In the CHIRP UI I can't freely enter frequencies. They are limited to a default set of steps.
This is the UI since in the browser I an enter any frequency I want.
The shortcut is to define
rf.has_nostep_tuning = True
This is honoured and input is free.
But than I want to limit the input to 1 kHz steps.
so I get this:
rf.has_tuning_step = True rf.valid_tuning_steps = [1,5,6.25,10,12.5,25] """ or whatever list """ """ rf.has_nostep_tuning = False """
This does not allow me to enter 1 kHz steps. I've looked into several drivers and they use either the above method
or first define STEPS = [5,6.25, .. ] and later rf.valid_tuning_steps = list(STEPS).
So this appears to be the correct method. I tested with ub-B5 and BF-T1, but adding 1 to the list does not give 1 kHz steps in the UI.
I also tried appending the 1 kHz step to chirp_common.TUNING_STEPS, but that does not help either.
So has_nostep_tuning is honoured in the UI, has_tuning_step isn't. I would expect the UI to round the input
to the nearest fitting step.
I did find a small remark in chirp_common that seems to refer to this, so might be an issue allready tackled.
There is another confusing thing here: if has_tuning_step = false, why should I add has_nostep_tuning?
They seem to be mutual exclusive.
Any thoughts on this are appreciated
Henk , PA3CQN