Feature #7615
closed[Yaesu FT-4, FT-65, FT-25] proposal for some reorg
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I read the instructions above:
While implementing yet another radio of the Yaesu FT-4 family (the FT-4V, see #7387), I found that with some moderate reorganization, implementation of new radios will become even easier. The proposed reorganization will implement an intermediate layer of inheritance to support the sub families of FT-4 (containing the FT-4X and FT-4V) and FT-65 (containing FT-65 and FT-25). Also, some variable assignments would be moved from the individual radio classes to the SCU35 base class and to the intermediary classes named above. In my tests, this works well and improves maintainability.
I'm pretty much ready to submit a patch and will do so within the next couple of days.