

Jeff Stahl

  • Registered on: 07/21/2013
  • Last sign in: 12/14/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 4 4



07:03 PM CHIRP New Model #2771 (Closed): Anytone 3318-UV-A
Jeff Stahl


02:50 PM CHIRP Bug #1115: Wouxun FM presets
I shouldn't type when I'm tired! :-o
The "Team 2" bank of FM presets is at 0x1F82, the "Team 1" bank is at 0x0F82....
Jeff Stahl
01:31 AM CHIRP Bug #1115: Wouxun FM presets
I did some analysis on my image file. Apparently the PDF file I have with the memory map is wrong about the location... Jeff Stahl


06:36 PM CHIRP Bug #1115: Wouxun FM presets
The memory map for the KG-UV6* radios has the bank 0 FM presets starting at 0xF80. They actually start at 0xF82. Th... Jeff Stahl
10:56 AM CHIRP Bug #1115 (Closed): Wouxun FM presets
The Wouxun handhelds only have 18 FM broadcast presets. There is no "0." I wanted to attach the user manual for ref... Jeff Stahl


07:09 AM CHIRP Feature #1109: Broadcast FM presets for Wouxun handhelds
Sorry forgot to add that the frequency range is 76-108 MHz (inclusive).
Jeff, K4BH
Jeff Stahl
06:49 AM CHIRP Feature #1109: Broadcast FM presets for Wouxun handhelds
I believe the attached PDF file will answer all of your questions.
Jeff, K4BH
Jeff Stahl


10:23 PM CHIRP Feature #1109 (Closed): Broadcast FM presets for Wouxun handhelds
The Wouxun handhelds have the ability to receive broadcast FM, with two banks of nine preset stations available. The... Jeff Stahl
02:50 PM CHIRP Bug #1041: Doesn't work with Wouxun KG-UV6D V2
I uploaded from CHIRP to my KG-UV6D V2 and it appears to be working properly. I think you can close this i...
Jeff Stahl


07:35 AM CHIRP Bug #1041: Doesn't work with Wouxun KG-UV6D V2
Hi Marco,
Yup, the link scrolls with the file, so it was of the screen when I was looking for it. I think this so...
Jeff Stahl

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