



Bug #10911


Quansheng UV-K6 Scanlist Issue

Added by Ken Hansen about 1 year ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

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Quansheng UV-K6
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I read the instructions above:


Manually programmed 3 channels into my UV-K6, read radio into CHIRP_Next, then added over 3 dozen channels from Repeaterbook, saved to UV-6R, all worked as expected. When I long press "*(scan)" button to activate scanning of programmed channels, I can only scan the three channels I manually programmed - the imported channels programmed thru CHIRP_Next were not included in the scan.

After investigating the issue I selected "Show Extra Fields" I noticed that the manually programmed channels had the value "1+2" in the Scanlists column, the imported channels had that field empty.

I request that the "Scanlists" field default to "1+2", so that the radio acts as a user would reasonably expect. Manually programmed channels have this setting, so I feel this can be made the default.

The "Skip" column displayed in the default view for this radio serves no purpose - it can not be set to anything, and it does not seem to be part of the way memory channel scanning works, perhaps it should be removed from the default display, perhaps replaced by the "scanlists" field?


Quansheng UV-K5 UV-K6 Scan Note.odt (5.23 KB) Quansheng UV-K5 UV-K6 Scan Note.odt Overview of radio scan function Ken Hansen, 10/26/2023 09:19 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Ken Hansen about 1 year ago

I mis-identified the radio in the description it is the UV-K6 from Quansheng as noted in the subject and keyword fields, sorry for any confusion.

Actions #2

Updated by Ken Hansen about 1 year ago

I've taken a deep look into the memory channel scan function of the Quansheng radios (the UV-K5, UV-K5 (8) and UV-K6) and drafted a note explaining how it operates (see attached file).

As far as CHIRP goes, it would be helpful if the appropriate menu settings could be accomodated. The only way to set the S-LIST (per channel) setting is thru the radio keypad, meaning the user cannot set which scan list is associated with the channel the user is on when activating Scan.

Chirp offers the user the ability to include each channel in either scanlist 1, scanlist 2, both, or neither - that's fine (it sets both S-ADD1 and S-ADD2 appropriately).


Ken, N2VIP

(File Attach wouldn't let me add a PDF file, let me know if it is a problem to read this file)

Actions #3

Updated by Dan Smith about 1 year ago

  • Assignee set to Jacek Lipkowski SQ5BPF
Actions #4

Updated by Jacek Lipkowski SQ5BPF about 1 year ago

So i if i understand correctly: the chirp driver works fine for you, but you don't like the defaults, and the GUI layout (want to have different columns).

The chirp driver defaults to what the Quansheng software sets. And this doesn't add channels to both scanlists by default.

What the GUI looks like is separate from the UV-K5 driver. It might not be the best for a particular radio, but it's supposed to present an uniform interface that looks the same for all radios and is "good enough". If you have an idea how it could be improved and still be "good enough" for all radios, please post this issue, but don't mark it as UV-K5 (or any other particular radio, since this is a change for all radios).

In your particular case:

  • download the channels from repeater book
  • add anything else you would like
  • enable "Show Extra Fields"
  • select the channels you want and bulk-set them to whatever scanlist setting you want (so it you want all in scanlists 1+2, then select all and set 1+2)

Let me know if this solves your issue.

VY 73

Jacek / SQ5BPF

Actions #5

Updated by Ken Hansen about 1 year ago


I see your point, but there's an issue I think needs to be addressed - the S-LIST (per channel) setting.

I understand your desire to make the scanlist fields (S-ADD1 and S-ADD2) up to the user when programming the radio, it is not what I was thinking of, but it is reasonable.

But each channel has a field called S-LIST that is set to either "1" or "2" (setting # 31 in the radio menu), which indicates which scan list is used when a user activates the Scan function while on the current channel. I think CHIRP needs to have an "S-LIST" column added to the "show extra fields" display to allow the user to set the "S-LIST" setting in the "show extra fields" screen. Without such a column, the user is unable to make proper use of the Scan function.

I hope that makes sense.


Ken, N2VIP


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