Bug #303
closedCHIRP will not export channels with TX Inhibited (Duplex set to 'off')
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I read the instructions above:
When exporting to a .csv or .chirp file, the 'Export To File' dialog that pops up to allow you to choose which channels to export, has all the TX inhibited channels (Duplex set to 'off') unticked and greyed out so that they can't be ticked. Therefor no channels that have TX inhibited can be exported.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 12 years ago
Never mind. I see my hovering my mouse over the channels that this behavior is probably by design.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 12 years ago
Well wait a minute... It says "cannot be imported because duplex off not supported". I understand that for importing. But I'm trying to export to a .csv. Why wouldn't it be OK for export channels with duplex off?
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
- Assignee set to Dan Smith
- Target version set to 0.3.0
It's because the CSV driver hasn't been taught about off duplex. That's a bug.