I have a question regarding Chirp in conjunction with Kenwood TK760G (-1 sound on the radio sticker)
Look at the photos ..
The Kenwood TK760G (-1) have been produced for the European market, so they are also programmed with the RSS KPG67d and not as the American with the RSS KPG56d!
My question is I can persuade these European 760er radios to co-work with CHip ??
If I am in the Chirp program "download of radio" make with the parameters comport, radio, model .. then arrives instead of an error message (Rather than cloning) to Error has ocurred - radio refuse to enter into program mode after a few tries.
And with the parameters com1, kenwood, tk760G - an error has ocurred.
So what can I continue to do?
Knows anybody how he can help me?
Furthermore, I have a Kenwood TK7160 (-E) but this is not listed there, yes it is also a European model ...
greetings mark